《This War of Mine》—— War Child Charity DLC

  • 学长失格
    “War Child Charity DLC contains unique street art pieces made by artists from all over the world including: M-City, Gabriel "Specter" Reese, SeaCreative, ** Cerimovic, Fauxreel and Mateusz Waluś.”

    DLC有三种价格 无论购买哪种 所得款项的100%都会捐给War Child
    “100% of 11bit's proceeds from the DLC go to the charity War Child, who focus on helping children who suffer from conflicts and wars around the world. The DLC was made thanks to the aforementioned artists, graphic artists from 11 bit studios and War Child UK. There are three tiers (including the same DLC content) for those who are willing to donate more to the cause. Thank you and please don't give up on trying to make this world a better place.”

  • 亡灵的彼岸