Team Fortress2兵种台词(顶楼更新Scout自翻)

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    Soldier responses

    General Responses
    After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
    \"Time to inform your next of kin!\"
    \"If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created me!\"
    \"Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkletoes.\"
    \"You are all weak. You are all bleeders.\"
    \"This is my world. You are not welcome in my world.\"

    Kill Assist
    \"Thanks, soldier.\"

    Domination of a Single Opponent
    [Mirthful Laughter]

    Domination of Two Opponents
    \"I joined this team just to kill maggots like you.\"

    Domination of Three or More Opponents
    [Gleeful Laughter]

    Revenge Kill
    \"Today is a good day.\"

    \"Thanks for the teleporter.\"
    \"Thanks, Engie.\"

    Healed by Medic
    \"You deserve a medal, Doc.\"
    \"Thanks for the aid.\"
    \"Thanks, Doc.\"

    After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
    \"This is my Intelligence.\"
    \"I have rescued my Intelligence.\"
    \"And that is how you do it, men!\"
    \"This point is mine! Do you understand that?\"
    \"Now that is what I wanna see!\"
    \"We have commandeered my point!\"

    Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
    \"Stand... on... the... point, numbnuts!\"
    \"Stand... on... the... point, maggot!\"
    \"Stand... on... the... point, maggots!\"

    \"The worm has turned, gentlemen.\"

    Round Start
    \"Give \'em hell, boys!\"
    \"Last one alive, lock the door!\"

    Round Win
    \"Today is a good day!\"
    \"You\'ve done me proud, boys!\"
    \"Every one of you deserves a medal!\" [Emotionally]
    \"The worm has turned, gentlemen!\"

    Domination of a Scout
    \"Dominated, short pants!\"
    \"How\'s that domination feel, city boy?\"
    \"You kids today don\'t know how to dominate.\"
    \"Less talk, more fight.\"
    \"You cannot run from me, my gun is faster.\"
    \"You run fast, my bullets run faster.\"
    \"Never bring a bat to a battlefield, war is not a game.\"
    \"Your mouth wrote checks, my gun has cashed them.\"
    \"Got anything funny to say about that, funny man?\"
    \"Never send a boy to fight a man\'s war.\"
    \"You were in a big fat hurry to die, son.\"

    Domination of a Soldier
    \"Dominated, hippie! Get a job!\"
    \"You better hope there\'s hacky-sack in Hell, hippie!\"
    \"You are now a conscientious objector to being dead, hippie!\"
    \"What\'s the matter, hippie? Hair get in your eyes?\"
    \"Get a haircut, hippie.\"
    \"You\'re a disgrace to the uniform.\"

    Domination of a Pyro
    \"I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe.\"
    \"You cannot burn me, I\'m already on fire.\"
    \"You cannot burn me, I\'m already ablaze with passion FOR WAR.\"
    \"You cannot burn me, I do not have time to combust!\"
    \"Fire is for cooking s\'mores son, get a REAL GUN.\"
    \"Your fire-retardant ass just got dominated.\"
    \"Ha! You fight like a girl.\"
    \"How do you like that, All-Quiet-On-The-Western-Front?\"
    \"Get a haircut, hippie! (whispered) Just in case.\"

    Domination of a Demoman
    \"Dominated, you one eyed cross-dresser.\"
    \"Consider yourself dominated, you Scotch son of a bitch.\"
    \"Dominated, you skirt-twirling drunk.\"
    \"I love your death cyclops; your death is sweet to me like love is sweet.\"
    \"Scotland is not a real country, you are an Englishman with a dress.\"
    \"You\'re like the Cyclops of Greek myth, except you\'re Scottish, and I hate you.\"

    Domination of a Heavy
    \"You just got dominated, Sputnik.\"
    \"Stars and Stripes beats Hammer and Sickle, LOOK IT UP.\"
    \"You just got dominated, Comrade.\"
    \"Dominated, you red menace.\"
    \"Go play your pinko chess game with the devil, Commie.\"
    \"This American boot just kicked your ass back to Russia.\"
    \"Checkmate, Stalingrad.\"

    Domination of an Engineer
    \"Dominated, grease monkey.\"
    \"You just got dominated, toymaker.\"
    \"Stop hiding behind your little toys and FIGHT LIKE A MAN.\"
    \"I will eat your ribs, I will eat them up!\"
    \"That\'s where books get you, professor.\"
    \"Go back to Calgary, you cow-herdin\' Canadian.\"

    Domination of a Medic
    \"You just got dominated, Oktoberfest.\"
    \"You just got dominated, Fritz.\"
    \"America wins again!\"
    \"Ich bin I JUST KICKED YOUR ASS.\"
    \"Welcome to the United States of YOU JUST GOT DOMINATED.\"
    \"I\'m gonna mail my boot to the Kaiser with your ass around it!\"
    \"Gotcha, Herr Doktor.\"

    Domination of a Sniper
    \"This is not a camping trip Sheila, this is war, and I love it!\"
    \"You will not turn my battlefield into a campground.\"
    \"Now hear this camper, you are not wanted upon my beloved battlefield!\"
    \"I will send my condolences to your kangaroo wife.\"
    \"You are a coward, and you\'ve died like one.\"
    \"The next time you want to kill a man, look him in the eyes.\"
    \"You just got dominated, Bilbo Baggins!\"
    \"You just got dominated, Balbo Biggins!\"
    \"You just got dominated, Bablo Bravins!\"
    \"You just got dominated, Barble Bapkins!\"
    \"You just got dominated, Basbo Bibbins!\"
    \"Aww, am I too violent for you, cupcake?\"
    \"Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield!\"
    \"You just got dominated, Bulbo Buttons!\"

    Domination of a Spy
    \"Gotcha, crouton.\"
    \"You just got your Frenchie ass dominated.\"
    \"Ohh-honh-honh-honh-YOU\'RE DOMINATED.\"
    \"Dominated, you rifle dropping coward.\"
    \"Hit the showers, Frenchie.\"
    \"Your white flag does not stop American bullets.\"
    \"Words cannot express how much I hate France right now.\"
    \"Bon voyage, crouton!\"

    Round Loss/Sudden Death
    \"Each and every one of you has failed.\"
    \"Are you all trying for a Section Eight?\"
    \"Which of you numbnuts let us down?\"
    \"You have dishonored this entire unit!\"
    \"You are the sorriest excuses for soldiers I have ever seen!\"
    \"Pain is weakness leaving the body.\"
    \"Down and give me twenty!\"
    \"Get with the program!\"
    \"If I have to crack some skulls I will.\"
    \"That was an amazing killing spree... by the other team!\"
    \"You are all dishonorably discharged.\"

    Round Draw
    \"We\'ve failed, men.\"
    \"I will not tolerate failure on my team!\"
    Set on Fire
    \"Fire, fire, fire!\"
    \"I am on fire!\"
    \"The burning, the burning!\"

    \"Screamin\' Eagles!\"

    Class-Specific Responses
    Rocket Launcher Kill
    \"Oh Yeah!\"

    Critical Rocket Launcher Kill

    Shovel Kill

    Buff Banner Activated
    \"Give \'em hell, boys!\"
    \"Last one alive, lock the door!\"
    BLU Bugle Call
    RED Bugle Call

    Unused Responses
    Unknown Condition
    \"If you know what\'s good for ya, you will run!\"
    \"You are scum! You are nothin\' but a bunch of cowards!\"
    \"I am going to enjoy killing each and everyone of you sorry sacks of scum!\"
    \"You sissified maggot scum have just signed your death warrants!\"
    \"I am going to claw my way down your throat and tear out your very soul!\"
    \"Each and every one of you will be sent home to your momma in a box!\"
    \"We have you surrounded, at least from this side!\"
    \"Do not look at me, I did not ask you a question!\"
    \"Surrender now maggots and you will not be harmed!\"
    \"The last word out of your sorry mouth will be Sir, and it will be loud!\"
    \"You are a spineless worm! You are a mistake of nature! You are walking vomit!\"
    \"You are a maggot hatched from a mutant maggot egg!\"
    \"I am going to strangle you with your own frilly training bra!\"
    \"You are all maggots, you scum sucking fruit baskets!\"

    Unknown \"Hat over heart\" taunt
    \"You will not be missed.\"
    \"I never liked you.\"
    \"You were loud and ugly and now you\'re DEAD! Amen.\"
    \"You\'re dead, that\'s good, amen.\"
    \"Godspeed you magnificent bastard.\"
    \"You were good son, real good; maybe even the best.\"

    Equalizer Taunt
    \"C\'mere, sweetheart...\"
    \"C\'mere, sister.\"
    \"C\'mere Sally.\"
    \"C\'mere, cupcake.\"
    \"C\'mere, pumpkin.\"
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    Pyro responses

    General Responses
    After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
    \"Ow dow how dow.\" (mocking)

    Kill Assist
    \"Mmph mphna mprh.\" (Possible translation: \"Thanks for the help.\")

    [Maniacal Laughter]

    Revenge Kill
    [Satisfied Chuckle]
    \"Mmmmmmmrrrrrrrpppghhh!\" (Possible translation: \"Revenge!\")

    \"Mmphn nhya.\" (Thank you.)
    \"Mmphn frphha herrpha.\" (Thanks for the teleport.)

    Healed by Medic
    \"Mmphn nhya.\" (Thank you!)
    \"Mhnk nhya mgh mhph.\" (Thank you, doc.)

    After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
    \"Mmphpry!\" (Possible Translation: \"Victory!\", \"Excellent!\")
    \"Mmmphya harrgh mrgha hrghgph!\" (Possible translation: \"Why do I HAVE to do everything?\")

    Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
    \"Mrh! hrt hr nha phrnt yrh mrprph!\" (Possible translation: \"Get to the point, ya wusses!\")

    [Satisfied Chuckle]
    \"Mmphpry!\" (Possible translation: \"Victory!\")

    Round Start
    \"Hudda hudda huuh!\" (Possible translation: \"Everybody go!\")

    Round Win

    Round Loss/Sudden Death
    \"Mhhhhoooooo!\" (Possible translations: \"Booooooo!\" or \"Noooooo!\")
    \"Egh yrgh mghma!\"
    \"Yrghfrgh!\" (Possible translations: \"God dammit!\")
    \"Wrmphlrgrh, Mrpha!\"

    Round Draw
    \"Mmmrpgh crpyha drghya!\" (Possible translation: \"Not another cruddy draw!\")

    Set on Fire
    \"Mmmh, Mmmh!\"

    Class Specific Responses
    Axe Kill
    \"Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr.\" (Possible translation: \"I didn\'t really think you\'d get killed like that.\" )
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    Engineer responses

    General Responses
    After Killing More than 2 Enemies in 20 Seconds
    \"Take it like a man, shorty.\"
    \"Whoooowee, would ya look at that!\"
    \"That\'s what ya get!\"

    After Killing More than 5 Enemies in 20 Seconds
    \"Whoooowee! Makin\' bacon!\"
    \"You ladies shoulda\' oughta\' brought some menfolk with ya.\"

    Kill Assist
    \"Nice goin\', pardner!\"
    \"Thanks, mister!\"

    Domination of a Single Opponent
    *Short Laughter 1*
    *Short Laughter 2*
    *Short Laughter 3*
    *Short Laughter 4*
    \"I\'m done playin\' games with you, boy.\"

    Domination of Two Opponents
    *Happy Laughter 1*
    *Happy Laughter 2*
    *Happy Laughter 3*
    *Long Laughter 1*

    Domination of Three or More Opponents
    *Evil Laughter 1*
    *Evil Laughter 2*
    *Evil Laughter 3*
    *Evil Laughter 4*
    *Evil Laughter 5*
    *Evil Laughter 6*

    Dominating a Scout
    \"Ya\'ll gotta run a lot faster than that.\"
    \"Ya ain\'t too fast for me and my machines now, are ya? Heh. Are ya?\"
    \"Boy, this here is just gonna keep happenin\' and happenin\'.\"
    \"Dominated, string-bean.\"
    \"Ya\'ll just got dominated, city boy.\"
    \"What in Sam hill were you thinkin\', string-bean?\"
    \"Shoot son, you all slow as molasses.\"
    \"Dominated, little feller.\"
    \"Just a dead little jackrabbit.\"
    \"Quick as a hiccup, ain\'t\'cha? Huh. Not quick enough.\"
    \"Not fast enough; not by a damn sight.\"
    \"Gotcha, stretch!\"

    Dominating a Soldier
    \"Ya\'ll take that, rocket-boy.\"
    \"That there is just a sad display, boy.\"
    \"Don\'t test my mettle, son!\"
    \"Dominated, ya damn Yankee.\"
    \"Ya\'ll just got drafted into my war!\"
    \"That\'s what it feels like when eagles cry, soldier-boy.\"
    \"Next time, lift your lid and you might see it comin\'.\"
    \"This all\'s what happens when you fight a man.\"

    Dominating a Pyro
    \"Speak up next time, boy!\"
    \"Sorry ma\'am.\"
    \"Dominated, smokey.\"
    \"Gotcha, mumbles.\"
    \"Sorry to put out your campfire boy.\"
    \"You look a mite tongue-tied, son.\"
    \"You shouldn\'t have played with fire, boy.\"
    \"Didn\'t your mama teach you not to play with matches?\"
    \"Ya\'ll might be flame retardant, but ya sure ain\'t bulletproof.\"

    Dominating a Demoman
    \"I wish ya\'ll could see how bad I\'m kickin\' your tail.\"
    \"Drunk on the battlefield ain\'t no way to be, son.\"
    \"Dominated, eyepatch!\"
    \"That catch your eye, son?\"
    \"The hand is quicker than the eye!\"
    \"Gotcha, eyehole.\"

    Dominating a Heavy
    \"Nevermind the bullets; how much all these coffins costin\' ya?\"
    \"I\'ve seen better sides of beef been run over by a combine.\"
    \"Ya\'ll come back now!\"
    \"Nice try, slim.\"
    \"Gotcha chuckwagon!\"
    \"Gotcha, pork drippin\'s.\"
    \"Dominated, corncakes.\"
    \"Ya\'ll just got branded.\"
    \"And another thing? You\'re ugly.\"
    \"Dumber than dirt, ain\'t\'cha?\"
    \"You\'re dumb as a box of rocks!\"
    \"Ya\'ll come back now! More where that came from.\"
    \"Dominated, fat man!\"
    \"You are a whole herd\'a ugly.\"
    \"Gotcha fat boy!\"

    Dominating an Engineer
    \"You just ain\'t doin\' it right.\"
    \"Dominated, hardhat.\"
    \"A real Texan, woulda dodged that.\"
    \"You can always tell a Texan, but you can\'t tell \'em much.\"
    \"You done incurred my wrath, son!\"
    \"I\'m wolverine-mean, you sonovabitch.\"
    \"If ya done it, it ain\'t braggin\'!\"
    \"You\'re all hardhat and no cattle.\"
    \"You shoulda oughta brought more guns, son.\"

    Dominating a Medic
    \"Doctor! I am the better man!\"
    \"Guess they didn\'t teach you to duck in doctor school!\"
    \"Keep comin\' at me doctor; eventually ya\'ll gonna rustle up some sense.\"
    \"Next time, tend to your own knittin\', sawbones.\"
    \"Sell your tonic elsewhere, miracle man.\"
    \"You must be a doctor, \'cause you just saw the extent of my patience!\"
    \"I\'m a killer of men, doc. That is the God\'s-honest truth.\"
    \"Slap a poultice on that, doc! Ha Ha!\"

    Dominating a Sniper
    \"Ya oughta stand back a little more, like from me and my machines.\"
    \"Looks like that there just weren\'t the place you oughta be standin\'!\"
    \"Dominated, campground.\"
    \"You shoulda oughta stayed back at your little campsite.\"
    \"Nobody likes a squatter!\"
    \"I just rode you out on a rail, down under.\"
    \"Aw, now you don\'t look like a happy camper.\"
    \"Down under? More like, six feet down under.\"

    Dominating a Spy
    \"Now just stop tryin\' ta mess with my contraptions.\"
    \"It ain\'t gettin\' any harder for me to kill ya.\"
    \"You know where ya oughta hide next time? Back in France.\"
    \"Dominated, you turncoat.\"
    \"Dominated, you snake!\"
    \"This skunk\'s startin\' to smell.\"
    \"Slither on back to hell, coward!\"
    \"That\'s what my daddy taught me to do to backstabbers.\"
    \"You\'re a looooooong way from France, boy.\"
    \"Don\'t go meddlin\' in my business.\"
    \"You are a coward and a scoundrel!\"
    \"If ya\'ll had more gadgets for killin\', you wouldn\'t need so many for hidin\'.\"
    \"I just beat on your sneaky ass like a mule, boy!\"

    Revenge Kill
    \"Well, good night, Irene!\"
    \"That\'ll cut\'cha back down to size.\"
    \"You were gettin\' too big for your britches\"

    \"Much obliged, pardner.\"
    \"Thanks for the ride, pardner!\"

    Healed by Medic
    \"You\'re alright Doc.\"
    \"\'Preciate it, Doc.\"

    After Capturing Intelligence/Control Point
    \"We got it!\"
    \"This one\'s ours now!\"
    \"This here point\'s ours now!\"
    \"Hell, that was easy.\"
    \"Ah, it\'s nothin\'.\"
    \"Weren\'t no thing.\"

    Attacking, Control Point Unoccupied
    \"Plant yerself on that darn point, mister!\"
    \"Plant yerself on the point, mister!\"

    \"Job well done.\"

    Round Start
    \"Cowboy up!\"
    \"Move \'em out!\"
    \"Giddy up!\"
    \"Hehee, yeeeehaaaaw!\"

    Round Win
    \"Job well done!\"
    \"That wasn\'t even close.\"
    \"Now that there was a fine piece \'a work.\"
    \"Cream gravy!\"

    Round Loss/Sudden Death
    \"Come on, fellas!\"
    \"Ah, good night, Irene!\"

    Round Draw
    \"That just ain\'t right!\"
    \"Now I\'ve seen everything!\"

    Set on Fire
    \"Fire, Fire! Ow oh oh oh-grr fire!\"
    \"I\'m burnin\' up.\"

    Spy Kill
    \"How\'d that plan turn out for ya, dummy?\"
    \"Oh, ya yellow-bellied gutless coward!

    Medic Follow
    \"Follow me, doc!\"
    \"Over here, sawbones.\"
    \"On me, doc!\"

    Melee Dare
    \"Let\'s do this Texas style.\"
    \"You and me, pardner.\"
    \"You and me, hoss.\"

    Class-Specific Responses
    Building a Dispenser
    \"Dispenser going up.\"
    \"Erecting a Dispenser.\"

    Building a Sentry gun
    \"Sentry going up.\"
    \"Buildin\' a Sentry.\"

    Building a Teleporter
    \"Teleporter comin\' right up.\"
    \"Teleporter goin\' up.\"

    Packing Up a Building
    \"Packin\' up!\"
    \"Movin\' out!\"
    \"I\'m movin\' this!\"

    Moving a Building
    \"Heavy load comin\' through!\"
    \"Outta mah way! Outta mah way!\"
    \"Go on, get!\"

    Replanting a Building
    \"That was gettin\' heavy!\"
    \"That there wasn\'t gettin\' any lighter.\"

    Dispenser Sapped by Enemy Spy
    \"Spy\'s sappin\' mah dispenser!\"

    Sentry gun Sapped by Enemy Spy
    \"Spy\'s sappin\' mah sentry!\"

    Teleporter Sapped by Enemy Spy
    \"Spy\'s sappin\' mah teleporter!\"

    Dispenser Destroyed
    \"Dispenser down!\"

    Sentry Destroyed
    \"Sentry down!\"

    Teleporter Destroyed
    \"Teleporter down!\"

    After Several Sentry gun Kills
    \"I told ya don\'t touch that darn thing.\"
    \"I built that.\"
    \"That\'s what it was made for.\"
    \"Another satisfied customer!\"

    Gunslinger Punch

    Third Gunslinger Punch

    Wrangler Kill
    \"This thing ain\'t on auto-pilot, son!\"
    \"That\'s from yours truly, son.\"
    \"Tagged ya.\"

    Golden Wrench Kill
    \"That there is a gold-plated kill!\"
    \"Guess I got the Midas touch.\"
    \"At least you ain\'t worthless anymore.\"
    \"Erectin\' a statue of a moron.\"
    Combat Mini-Sentry Kill
    \"Sometimes, you just need a little less gun.\"
    \"Ain\'t that a cute little gun?\"
    \"I love that little gun!\"

    Unused Responses
    Unknown Condition
    \"I\'m gonna beat you like a rented mule, boy.\"
    \"I\'m gonna tear you down, junior!\"
    \"You\'re all about to have a real bad day!\"
    \"Come here, sissy!\"
    \"Start prayin\', boy!\"
    \"Git along there, little doggies!\"
    \"I\'m gonna lay you out!\"
    \"Why don\'t you all get along before one of you gets hurt.\"
    \"Son! I\'m gonna blow that dumb look right off your stupid face!\"
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  • 小明神

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    哦my god,这也2连
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    求弓箭技巧 感觉根本杀不了人啊
  • c
    弓箭我的感觉是瞄点不瞄人 再计算点提前量 很难
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