推荐一个steam上2年前出的drpg 名字叫infinite adventures

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    类似diablo3的资源管理 法系魔法 战系怒气 贼系精力
    类似世界树迷宫的采集 3种名字都一样
    5个种族 10种职业 1.10版把冷门职业加强了
    每个职业3种技能树 每个技能5点加强
    武器分近战 远程 都有单手 双手 双持 战斗时还能切换持法
    武器能附魔和强化 素材卖商店会出新装备
    人物还分贵族和平民 rank上升后属性点和技能点加的还不同
    普通难度还是会死人 地牢里能随时存档 困难和old school难度就不行了
    有精英怪 经验很多
    有些法术能够单目标和多目标切换 多目标威力下降耗魔增多
    技能和法术还能消耗士气槽加强 抢先手
    游戏开头会选择抱哪根大腿 消耗士气槽可以召唤

    虽然教程很贴心 但是键盘操作的话 键位不能改
    人物没什么美感 怪物的风格就是丑
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  • 国家免检虎B

    —— 来自 Xiaomi MI 6, Android 8.0.0上的S1Next-鹅版v2.4.1
  • 雾wu
  • 酷乐

  • 胧楼
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    推荐的这个游戏估计要重开档了,开头选的lilith,魅惑对boss无效。 把steam上的指南发一下
    Quick guide explaining the 8 initial summons you can learn based on which of the 8 anima you choose when answering questions during the opening sequence.
    Compassion : Lyra
    Initial Summon
    Song of Harmony
    * Heals all players 25% of their max life
    * Attempts to paralyze all enemies

    Mid game Summon
    Song of Protection
    * Gives all players the Barrier, Guard, Haste and Constitution buffs
    Honesty : Justicar
    Initial Summon
    Light of Truth
    * Deals holy damage to all enemies and attempts to give them the blind debuff

    Midgame Summon
    Cross of Glory
    * Deals holy damage to all enemies and attempts to give them the blind and fear debuffs
    Valor : Tiberius
    Initial Summon
    Triple Tetragrammaton
    * Deals damage to all enemies

    Midgame Summon
    Sword without Name
    * Deals damage to all enemies and attempts to inflict deguard and debarrier debuffs
    Humility : Mordekai
    Initial Summon
    Wrath of the Golden Sheep
    * Deals damage to all enemies and tries to inflict paralyze on them

    Midgame Summon
    Reveal Secret
    * Invoke one of the 3 Secrets, randomly chosen
    * Secret of Creation : Heals and revives all players for 10% of their max life
    * Secret of Destruction : 25% chance to instant kill all enemies, those who don't die take damage
    * Secret of Preservation : Buffs all party members with Barrier, Guard, Constitution, Haste, Death Ward, Shadow Shield, Divine Shield, Thunder Shield, Flame Shield, Frost Shield
    Cowardice : Svolkoroth
    Initial Summon
    Curse of the Kinslayer
    * Damage all enemies and inflicts poison on them

    Midgame Summon
    Doomsday Strike
    * 50% chance to instant kill a single random enemy, if they resist they take massive damage
    Pride : Agamon
    Initial Summon
    Dark Magick
    * Damages all enemies and tries to inflict disease on them

    Midgame Summon
    * Damages all enemies and heals some of that life to all players
    Cruelty : Balthazzar
    Initial Summon
    Rend the Flesh
    * Damages a random enemy and attempts to inflict bleed and wound debuffs on them

    Midgame Summon
    Flay the Living
    * Damages all enemies and attempts to inflict bleed, wound and disease debuffs on them
    Deception : Lilith
    Initial Summon
    Mass Glamour
    * Attempts to charm all enemies

    Midgame Summon
    Gaze of Eternal Beauty
    * Attempts to turn all enemies to stone. Enemies that turn to stone have a 50% chance to instantly die when they take any damage
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    新冰城传奇4 导演剪辑版 新加了简体中文