使用Source引擎的马力欧赛车Mario Kart : Source!

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    Welcome to MarioKart: Source!
    Mario Kart Source aims to bring the fun and excitement of the Mario Kart series to the PC though the powerful Source engine used in Half Life 2. We hope to create the ultimate version of Mario Kart (MK) by combining all of the best aspects into one game. We're not simply recreating one version of MK, but using the best parts of each. We want to have all the traditional weapons, characters, and maps but also bring out new weapons that make game-play interesting. We're redesigning the maps so that they keep their appeal, but truly utilize the power of the source engine. We plan to have at least 16 different characters, all the ones you know and love as well as some others from the Super Mario World.

    We want this mod to reflect what you guys want in a Mario Kart game. Have some cool weapon ideas? What special characters do you want? What about maps? We want to know!

    And now the question on everybody's mind, a beta release. “When is it?” “Is it a closed beta?” “How much longer?” As far as a public beta is concerned, we will not release anything until we are satisfied that it will be a beneficial experience for the gamers. We want you guys to enjoy playing and not be driven away by countless bugs. Right now, we're making progress, so please be patient, a beta will come.

    We will have a closed beta that's reserved for the Dev Team and the invite-only MKS Pit Crew. More information about that on the Forums.

    Want to help out? We're currently in desperate need of some Sound Technicians, and Animators. Click the “Open Positions” link on your left or stop on by the Forums and show us your stuff, we're looking for talented help to make this mod better. Experience with Source would be very beneficial but is not required. Honestly, the only things keeping us back are these areas, as evidenced by the “Mod progress” in the upper right.

    For the latest and greatest, click the “News” link on your left to see what's new. Take a look around and come visit us on the Forums, we'd love to hear from you.

    Thank you for your interest in this MOD.

    MarioKart: Source Project Manager
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