battle brothers 停止更新, 以后只修BUG不再更新内容

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    官方16号发的公告, 简单来说, 当时制作游戏时为了让游戏能制作下去, 做了一些改变和让步(大概是技术上的), 而这导致翻译(我记得有人说过, 这个游戏好像是架构还是怎么着有问题, 无法翻译成其他语言)以及其他的支持成为不可能, 以及让游戏超越最初的概念也变的越来越难以做到.
    (隐含意思就是这个游戏的底层问题导致这个游戏各方面都很受限并且无法多国语言也会导致销量受影响, 而继续开发这个游戏的意义并不大了, 所以现在EA结束了自己也赚了一些了, 该跑路就跑路了.) 毕竟这个游戏根据 steamspy上来看,也卖了将近9万份, 而且这个游戏售价也不低,国区88块呢

    然后这个游戏... 可以宣布进入死亡时间了吗

    The 1.1 update to Battle Brothers is here and brings a bunch of additions and changes, as well as various bugfixes – see below for the complete changelog. Also, we’re talking about what we’ll be doing next.

    The Conclusion
    Making Battle Brothers a reality has been a great ride. Back when we still worked our evenings and weekends on the game, we never imagined quite how many and how much people would fall in love with it, and all the support we’d get from you. Playing the game now ourselves, we’re genuinely happy with how things turned out. For all its flaws, Battle Brothers is fun to play, it’s satisfying to see what we achieved with our means, and we’re happy to say that we’ve learned a lot on game development as we created our first game together.

    A part of game development is making tough decisions on where to spend your limited time. In creating Battle Brothers we, too, had to make concessions in order to make the game happen. Unfortunately, this now makes things like translations and mod support unfeasible, as much as we’d like to offer them, and expanding the game beyond its initial concept an increasingly unwieldy endeavour.

    We’ve thought long and hard about where we want to go from here. After working on the same game for almost five years now, we’ve come to realize that it is time to move on. Creating Battle Brothers has always been about building the game we want to play ourselves, and furthering ourselves as game developers, and we believe that taking all the lessons learned here to create a new game dear to us is the right next step to take.

    Development on Battle Brothers is concluded with today’s update – although we’ll of course continue to provide bugfixes, as necessary. We have a very good idea of the game we want to create next, and we’re enthusiastic to get started. It won’t be Battle Brothers 2, but if you enjoyed playing Battle Brothers, chances are good you’ll really enjoy our next game, too. We look forward to tell you all about it in the future. It’ll even have legs!

    本来去年12月买的, 想等着这个游戏EA结束然后慢慢玩呢, 结果刚才想玩这个游戏才发现, GG思密达啦
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