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    夏侯惇:My might shall illuminate the path to victory

    甄姬:I hope you enjoy this as much as I will

    曹操:A new world of my design shall emerge from the chaos

    夏侯渊:I've been waiting for a chance to show what I can do

    蔡文姬:Let us play a beautiful melody to welcome our new future

    曹仁:May my shield serve to protect my lord from the chaos

    典韦:There are none who can stop me in battle

    张辽:Victory on the battlefield is worth any cost

    贾诩:Even the darkest waters may be navigated through proper strategy

    张郃:I shall shower this battlefield in elegance and grace

    曹丕: Know that one day this entire land will be mine

    许褚:OK, let's go and give it a roll

    徐晃:There is no truer path than that of the warrior

    周泰:Let us go to battle together

    陆逊:In battle, one must do their very best to succeed

    凌统:I suppose I can muster up the strength for another battle

    大乔:I'm ready to take the fight to the enemy

    吕蒙:All my strengthen wish demand on yours to command

    丁奉:Even the bleakest battlefield has its own astatic beauty

    孙策:I can't wait to get out there and make my mark

    周瑜:My wisdom shall bring victory to us all

    太史慈:Duty does not fade, let us go to battle

    孙尚香:I am as capable in battle as any warrior you will find

    小乔:uhehe~ I promise to do my best

    孙权:Together we shall fortune a new world under the heavens

    练师:There are some problems I can only be resolved by the sword

    孙坚:I shall lead my clan through these chaotic times

    黄盖:I have lived my life on the battlefield

    甘宁:Finally, I've been itching for a good fight

    鲍三娘:I can't wait to show everybody what I'm capable of

    赵云:I fight so that honor may carry the day

    马超:I refuse to yell to any who dare to cross my path

    星彩:I fight with the spirits that fallen in my heart

    姜维:We must push forward until our ambition is realized

    马岱:Well, it looks like it's time for me to do my thing

    黄忠:When I lack in youth, I make up for in experience

    月英:The wife of the dragon will fight with pride

    诸葛亮:I shall guide the land unto piece from the chaos

    刘禅:I shall carry on the legacy of virtue that my father left me

    刘备:I must realize my ambition to serve the people

    关平:I am Guan Ping, son of the god of war

    关索:We all must answer the call of destiny when it beckons

    关羽:The blade in service of honor shall always prevail

    张飞:At last, I get a chance to crack some heads


    庞统:I will do my best out there, but I'm not promising anything

    司马师:One day this entire land will be under my rule

    司马昭:I'm sure I can find a better way to spend my time~

    王元姬:My role is to see the hidden trueth that lies beneath each battle

    诸葛诞:I carry the pride of my entire clan with me

    司马懿:Witness the wisdom which will one day rule the land

    邓艾:I will give my life in pursuit of duty and honor

    钟会:There's a reason I'm destined for greatness

    郭淮:I do not fear death if it comes on the field of battle

    夏侯霸:My armor protects me from any and all dangerous

    祝融:I am a descendant of the god of fire, to know me is to know fear

    孟获:There's no task too big for the great king

    袁绍:I come from a long line of nobility

    张角:the mind age of the heavens lies with the Yellow Turbans

    董卓:Each day I go even closer to my dream of paradise

    吕布:I am the greatest warrior this world has ever seen

    貂蝉:I am ready to bring light to our darkest hour
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  • 你们好奇怪
    I am Guan Ping, son of the god of war

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