更新: 己正式开始学习 暑假带孩子去碧瑶学英文

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  • 小嘟嘟
    是暑假去新西兰游学吗 iOS fly ~
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  • 青净智水
  • 海底两万里
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    另外最重要的是天生热情开朗,喜欢沟通,非常适合做语言教学 iOS fly ~
  • B
    不错 马克
  • 谁家丢的西瓜皮
    是啊 iOS fly ~
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    马克,学习学习 iOS fly ~
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  • 小嘟嘟
    本来也想去的,考虑冬天湿冷,作罢了,还是挑个有沙滩太阳的地方了 iOS fly ~
  • 谁家丢的西瓜皮
    不去滑个雪? iOS fly ~
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    mark 治安如何?
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    我朋友去年也去菲律宾封闭式学英语,回家赞不绝口。 iOS fly ~
  • 小嘟嘟
    你们去的南岛?滑雪算了,不会啊 iOS fly ~
  • 羟基太白
  • 谁家丢的西瓜皮
    LD 那边有个朋友,已经在那边定居了


    想出去耍一圈也是因为小朋友班上很多同学都出去所谓游学过了,那种游学时间也短,价格飞起,我们是想着能自己搞就搞了吧,四个人一共约8W块,出去约33天,感觉这个价格还是可以的 iOS fly ~
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  • 小嘟嘟
    哈,和我预算差不多,机票和住宿是大头,比起来那边学费倒不是很贵。本来也联系了中介的,好的学校住宿方便的已经没有位置了,还有的学校不错的交通又比较不方便。主要还是天气,如果是夏天肯定会去iOS fly ~
  • 谁家丢的西瓜皮
    对的,机票和住宿占比50%左右 iOS fly ~
  • N

    住宿条件不大好,房间很大约30平米。但设施相当简单,除了两张单人床,就是一些塑料制成的抽屉柜子,没有床头柜,没有台灯,更别说电话,电视,电水壶,这一点,可能连国内的农家乐都不如了。 但房间打扫得还算干净整洁。
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    刚好今天的Homework 包括:

    1. Study the eight parts of a speech.
    2. Write a diary about what you have done today.

    Diary of July 23rd, 2019

    I got up at half past six, then I wake up my boy. We both finished washing and brushing at around 7. Then we went to canteen for breakfast. After that, I helped my son to finish his English reading homework.

    My first English lesson started at 8:20, but my son didn’t have a lesson at that period. So, I told him to do his Chinese homework during this period.

    Both my son and me had 3 English lessons in the morning, my son took a group discussion, a listening and a grammar lesson while I had each lesson for speaking writing and listening. Then we went to canteen again to have lunch. Though I don’t really like the Korean style foods supplied there, my son looked to enjoy that very much, he ate a lot, even more than I did, I am happy to see that.

    After lunch, we went back to our dormitory, took a doze for about twenty minutes, and get prepared for another 3 lessons in the afternoon. The reading lesson fit my current English level, but writing and grammar lessons were quite easy for me.

    I checked emails and replied to a few of them in the afternoon, as I had one hour free time without lesson. Business is slow this month as some buyers in Europe are still on their summer holiday. The good point is that I can have more time with my own and my son’s English study, the bad side is that I need to earn more money to pay for another new apartment bought last month.

    When the bell rang again, another studying/working day had passed, I found my son and went to canteen together with his new friends, he enjoyed playing with them. One thing kids always do much better than adults, they make friends much faster.

    We took a walk after dinner as usual. I tried to walk out of the campus but was stopped by a newly made friend, whom told me that we were not allowed to go out on school days. It was a surprise, but I followed the rule, as I was told that before, the school adapt a Sparta learning system. I bought a pack of milk for my son, and went to the library, many other students are already studying there by themselves, though they already had 6 to 8 lessons in the daytime, I decided to join them though I preferred a rest in the evening. We both had our homework done in about one hour.
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    USD Vs PHP: 51
    EURO VS PHP: 57.3
    Bejing and Manila are in the same time zone, so there is no jetlag.
  • h
    Mark iOS fly ~
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  • 洗衣液
    17-21?27-31差不多吧 就爱吹牛逼
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    Today's Breakfast:

    Grilled little potatoes
    Vegetable Salad
    Sun shaped egg
    Orange flavored juice (not 100% real OJ)
    Various kinds of jams
    Soup with chees and meat
  • .
    马克 菲律宾游学 iOS fly ~
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  • 大姨爹
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    Good afternoon teachers, students and friends.
    My name is Edward, I am from Shenzhen, China. It is my great pleasure to have this opportunity here to give you a speech. Here we have friends coming from different countries. Many of you are coming from Korea, China, also, there are friends coming from Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Laos and many other countries. But we all come here for the same purpose, to study English.

    As regards to English studying, I am sure you all have your own experience, Right? Here I am also glad to share some of my experience with you.
    First, set your goals as clear as possible. Especially for adults who don’t always have enough time to learn English.
    Think in terms of: I want to be able to.... For example, if we want to be able to manage travel situations. We need to focus on listening and speaking more than grammar. Also, we would learn more travel and daily life related vocabulary. In this case, we were not supposed to put words regarding aerospace and aliens on the top of our list. By identifying specific goals and designing our learning around them, we shall avoid wasting time on unnecessary vocabulary.

    Taking myself as an example, I am a businessman, so I would put business related vocabulary on the top of the list, like inquiry, offer, prices negotiation, shipping, insurance and so on. Most of time, I keep in contact with my clients via email, so I spend more time on business writing. Well, I am not telling you that speaking is not important, as I also need to call my clients sometimes. I had just put writing on priority, if I had more time, I shall practice speaking as well. Actually, in the first two years of working as an international merchandiser, I couldn’t speak English fluently. But I managed the calls by writing a memo for the issues I need to discuss over phone.

    Before talking on the 2nd point, I would ask you a question? Do you like Chinese Kungfu, also known as martial arts? Maybe yes, especially for friends from China! So, you might have read some famous novel written by Jing Yong, whose English name is Louis Cha, like <Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre>, <The Legend of the Condor Heros>. In these novels, many of the heroes would study martial arts in an isolated valley or even cave. They are either guided by their coach or a mysterious book or even animals. In any cases, after studying hardly for many years, they would become a Kungfu master, then they will leave the valley or cave; going back to so-called Jianghu, that’s the public society. There they would fight against bad gangsters, teach martial skills to poor people, and do lots of other jobs to win honor and become a respected hero. Can we learn English well like this way?
    Well, most probably, we could not! We should not isolate ourselves from others, so instead of a valley or cave, we all learn English in schools, or at home. We need to practice and communicate with others in English. Try to practice as much as possible would greatly help us to learn faster. Not like fighting against gangsters, to practice English is much safer, at least we don’t need to worry about being killed right? So, use your English whatever your current level is, don’t wait till you become an English master!

    Find someone to speak to regularly. There are many websites where we can meet a language partner, some of them are even free. Perfect, right? But it does take a certain personality to introduce ourselves to a community of strangers, set up a day and time to speak with them. To develop an interesting and mutually beneficial relationship with other learners also takes time and patience. If you can manage this process, you are all set. Speaking regularly is the best way to improve quickly.
    We don't need to speak to a native speaker, though we might want to get correction from a native or near-native speaker from time to time, to make sure that any mistakes you are making don't become deeply ingrained.
    Many of students here are mother or father. Helping kids to do his/her homework is a headache for parents, do you agree? I check my son’s Chinese homework many times. Every day, he needs to read and write Chinese, check unknown words from dictionary, make sentences. After he started grade 4, he needs to write an article every week. Chinese is his mother tongue, and mine as well. I never thought Chinese is so difficult and one need to spend so many times to study it. Before that, I thought English is really difficult and Chinese is much easier! But after that, I realized that’s not true, I mastered Chinese also by years of studying from kindergarten to college, like my son is doing now! It is also a long run job, much longer than a marathon. To win a marathon, the most important factor is not strength, but perseverance! We shall encounter lots of difficulties, frustrations! We may want to give up, to walk through the hard time and keep on running, we must use the goal and interests as our guide! This is the 3rd experience of mine.

    Lastly, don’t be afraid of tests. Considering it a way to find out your current level, your weakness, that will help you to improve your studying methods.

    Hope my experience would be helpful for you. Thank you and God bless us all. Have a great day!
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    没想到这么快就结束了啊,感觉收获怎么样? iOS fly ~
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    看看你这效果,感觉值了,等孩子小升初了也去试试,谢谢分享经验。 iOS fly ~
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