
  • 米兰的红与黑
    Gran Turismo 5 is set to be the racing simulator of the generation. It’s so feature full that it’ll surely push the limits of a Blu-ray disc. Aswe’ve already discussed,the game’s premium cars really take things to a new graphical level. They’re hyper-realistic. But they only consist of 20% of GT5’s vehicles – the other 80% are what Polyphony Digital call “standard” cars. These have been brought in from previous Gran Turismo games. We had hoped that they’d just not had the same amount of love as the game’s premium cars, but it looks like their models are mostly copied from GT4.

    Firstly, the 800+ standard cars won’t have interiors – so no cock-pit views for them. Creating 1000+ cars to the same exacting standards as the 200 premium cars would be an impossible task – and if not impossible, it would take Polyphony Digital another five-years to complete.

    The premium vehicles will include headlights with ‘high and low beams’, with full deformation and dislodging of body parts. In comparison, standard cars will only have standard lights, performance damage, dirt, scratches and dents.

    As for what the standard vehicles look like,Eurogamerclaims that they’re “glossy, finely detailed, and a fair match for anything you might have seen in Project Gotham or Forza.” But we’re going to have to beg to differ. Sure, in motion they look fine, helped in part by GT5’s incredible lighting. But when you get closer, things are a little different. Indeed, many of the cars look to be direct upscaled copies of their Gran Turismo 4 counterparts. Take the following comparison (GT5 images taken from the official trailer below) – the polygon count is unchanged from GT4:



    And then there’s the textures. The following image shows that, unlike the fully modelled lights on premium models, the lights on standard models are simply overlayed textures:

    And just for fun, this screenshot shows the car advertising Gran Turismo 4 (but it’s a real-world car, so we won’t blame them):

    Sure, it’s a disappointing, but GT5 is packed full of content. Over 1000 cars, over 20 locations, 40 tracks and 70 variations. Night racing, weather, go-karting, the Top Gear test track, it’s fully playable in 3D and you can even make your own tracks. We don’t want the game to be in development any longer, so Polyphony Digital better stick toSony’s announced 2 November release date.

  • 变巨
  • 米兰的红与黑
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  • 变巨
    diablo2我就没觉得多好玩,和比它早的Nox相比各有千秋,不如Dungeon Seige。Diablo1当时觉得它好玩是因为它在当时类型比较新颖,画面音乐也极出众,没有竞争者,这时可算是独孤求败。有了直接竞争者以后,‘必然最好玩’就是伪命题了。
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  • c
    哎 有啥办法 粉丝在呢
  • c
    哎 有啥办法 粉丝在呢
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