
  • 老男人

    Geijutsuka23 (10 hours ago)
    Your new voice for Snake kicks ass. The only sad thing about MGS4 is that it is pointing toward a not so happy ending. How long did it take to get adjusted to Snake's older tone? Does it feel somewhat depressing to see a character that you have voiced for years to be in such a terrible state of health? How big of an attachment to you have for Snake? I won't ask anything about the story for MGS4 as I know you can't divulge the anticipated details.Poor old Snake.

    Pacifica17 (13 hours ago)
    It makes me sad, knowing that Cam Clark won't be there in MGS4, I just want to hear him yelling "Snake!!!" again like in MGS1 =(
    Please check out my videos. See how great the dialogs between you two were, i know them all by heart.
    I think that with Cam Clark, MGS4 could truly become a perfect ending for the series.
    Is there no chance at all of him returning?

    By the way, the next time you make a video, use Snake's voice.
    Also, check out the telephone video I made.

    [本帖最后由 老男人 于 2007-9-30 22:50 编辑]
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