变性手术不再是梦 在家就可自行解决

  • 世博安全套

    英国一61岁男子成功在家为自己实施了变性手术. 事后去当地医院检查, 医生称赞其手术做得非常好.

    Desperate man performs do-it-yourself sex change operation

    A U.K. man was so desperate to become a woman, he performed a do-it-yourself sex change operation on himself, in his own home.

    When Roland Mery, 61, a former soldier who is married and is a father-of-four, was told he had to wait two years for gender reassignment surgery, he went home and told his wife Julie–who had been aware of his longing to change sex–that he had a headache and headed to the bathroom to take matters into his own hands.

    Roland self medicated himself with painkillers and removed his penis using a home-made surgery kit, loosing two pints of blood in the process.

    He told reporters his brain and emotions had overpowered him so greatly that he was undaunted by pain. “I had rehearsed the whole thing over and over. So when it came to actually doing it, the pain wasn’t an issue anymore,” he said. “My priority was to just get rid of it all, but I obviously had to be very careful.”

    So careful, in fact, doctors were astonished by how well he had performed the difficult procedure. “When I was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital afterwards, the doctor told me I had actually done quite a good job!”

    Although his wife of 23 years was always supportive of her husband’s wishes, she was not prepared for the scene that unfolded.

    When he came down the stairs he was absolutely white. I thought he was dying, she said. He yelled: ‘Ring 999 Julie, I’ve done it!

    I wanted to go to the hospital with Roland, but I couldn’t because my home was being treated as a crime scene. There were forensics and police in the bathroom and they thought I might have done it. But when they went upstairs, what they saw told them Roland had planned this himself.
    Roland now has female genitalia, his financial woes have made him unable to afford a full gender reassignment of facial surgery, breast implants and electrolysis, so he has adopted an androgynous lifestyle. His wife Julie says she is “110% supportive of him,” and they are considering a second wedding to renew their vows.
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