桥水 Ray Dalio:The Big Cycles Over The Last 500 Years

  • 狼烟四起
    https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/b ... dAWoF%2BREnZQ%3D%3D

    Note: To make this an easier and shorter article to read, I tried to convey the most important points in simple language and bolded them, so you can get the gist of the whole thing in just a few minutes by focusing on what’s in bold. Past chapters from the series can be found here: Introduction, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Additionally, if you want a simple and entertaining 30-minute explanation of how what a lot of what I’m talking about here works, see “How the Economic Machine Works,” which is available on YouTube.

    In Chapter 1 (“The Big Picture in a Tiny Nutshell”), I looked at the archetypical rises and declines of empires and their reserve currencies and the various types of powers that they gained and lost, and in Chapter 2 (“The Big Cycle of Money, Credit, Debt, and Economic Activity”) and its appendix (“The Changing Value of Money”) I reviewed the big money, credit, and debt cycles. In this chapter, I will review the rises and declines of the Dutch, British, and American empires and their reserve currencies and will touch on the rise of the Chinese empire.

    While the evolution of empires and currencies is one continuous story that started before there was recorded history, in this chapter I am going to pick up the story around the year 1600. My objective is simply to put where we are in perspective of history and bring us up to date. I will begin by very briefly reviewing what the Big Cycle looks like and then scan through the last 500 years to show these Big Cycles playing out before examining more closely the declines of the Dutch and British empires and their reserve currencies. Then I will show how the decline of the British empire and the pound evolved into the rise of the US empire and US dollar and I will take a glimpse at the emergence of the Chinese empire and the Chinese renminbi.

    That will bring us up to the present and prepare us to try to think about what will come next.

    The Big Cycle of the Life of an Empire
  • C
    Great Empires?伟大的帝国?
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    1500年以来,经过了欧陆风云Europa Universalis、维多利亚Victoria、钢铁雄心Hearts of Iron三个大版本,一百多个dlc,荷兰何德何能当剧本猪脚

    现在应该算冷战余波,等这一波素材攒够,P社就该出东西对抗East vs West了
  • 狼烟四起
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