PS3的DualShock 3手柄被破,可以在windows下正常使用,包括sixaxis、震动功能

  • 米兰的红与黑
    A japanese coder has released Windows Drivers for the Dualshock 3 PS3 Controllers and they also support sixaxis too and even cooler is the fact they support rumble too:

    There are 4 drivers in total

    ds3drv_1.02 - Normal Driver
    ds3drv_dx_1.02 - dx driver
    SDDriverSetting - utility to tweak some settings
    ForceFeedbackDriver - rumble driver, you need to install the first or second driver too

    download either the first or second driver, then open the device manager and search for the dualshock/sixaxis under hid devices, it should be called USB Human Interface Device
    then choose update driver and select the driver that you just downloaded

    to install the rumble driver just right click on the .inf file and choose install
    when you'll start a game you'll see a tray icon used to tweak rumble settings, the first menu option is to toggle rumble the second one will open a window where you can set the strength of the force feedback

    the first value is the amplification ratio

    the second one is the minimum value at which to start the small motors

    the third and fourth one are the value of the large motors

    the last value is probably the maximum strength

    原来小日本玩家也喜欢这套,*/-19 驱动在附件里,喜欢尝鲜的可以试下
  • w
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    PC上早就是XBOX 360手柄制霸了,连PC游戏里面的按钮名字都被设计成XBOX 360手柄按钮名字和颜色了,PS3手柄要来干嘛?