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    The newest pages of Electronic Gaming Monthly bring a tasty plate of rumors from the Quartermann. Remember when he teased about a Bionic Commando remake coming to PlayStation Network? Turns out development has gone better than expected, as the downloadable's been canned in favor of a full-fledged game. Now, if they'd only get the original up on Virtual Console...
    RPG developer Level 5 hasn't said much lately about their highly anticipated PlayStation 3 debut, White Knight Story, but that isn't all they're working on. At Tokyo Game Show in September, they will announce four brand-new RPGs coming over the next few years. Of course, don't expect all of them to be console bound; PSP and Nintendo DS need some HP and MP lovin', too.

    If that wasn't enough RPG goodness, expect Square Enix to take a break from remaking Final Fantasy games to...remake Dragon Quest games, instead. The first one in the makeover chair? Dragon Quest IV, headed straight for the DS. Surprise, surprise.

    Subscribers should be receiving the September 2007 issue of EGM any day now, if not already. Make sure to check out this month's dedicated page for EGM's ongoing Halo 3 coverage and magazine extras!

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  • 叉烧饭团
    Electronic Gaming Monthly的最新的页从Quartermann带来传言好吃的阳极。 记着他什么时候到PlayStationNetwork来的Bionic Commando制作改变关于辣? 下降装载机bull支撑完全的游戏第被罐头要,转使被预料流利地开发通过出界。 这次,如果只是那样做,不是应该请Virtual Cons
    ole创立原创…这样的。 9月的东京游戏·展览,他们发表连续这个数年的4个崭新的RPG吧。 当然,象变成中央控制台弹回一样地请别全部期待那些; PSP和任天堂DS同时,把爱的几个人的HP和MP作为必要。

    请预想不那个如果是充分的RPG善良,制作Final Fantasy游戏来自改变的取得休息的Square爱尼克斯那样做。替代制作Dragon Quest游戏请改变。 在改变形象椅子的最初的东西? 一直DS朝向了的辰的Quest IV。 感到吃惊,感到吃惊。

    加入者无论什么时候,现在,或已经应该接收EGM的2007年9月号。 请EGM的进行中的Halo3适用范围和为了杂志临时演员必定调查本月的专用页!
  • 七月狼
    他是故意的 一定是的