
  • s
    问题描述:为应用程序池 'DefaultAppPool' 提供服务的进程无法响应 Ping。进程 ID 是 '4024'
  • r
    The reason you will not find a solution is because "failure to respond
    to ping" can be caused by many, many different things. Each one has to
    be uniquely investigated. Thus what works for one person will likely
    not work for another. This "problem" is not really with IIS but the
    fact that people all run different software configurations that can
    fail in different ways.

    The failure event is triggered when code running inside the worker
    process tie up ALL of IIS's threads, which then prevent IIS from having
    a thread to respond to the ping, which then triggers WAS to recycle
    that worker process. So, you need to find the code that is tying up all
    of IIS's threads. The trick is knowing enough about debugging to detect
    the situation.

    You can try using DebugDiag's "hang" rule to see if it detects the
    situation. It may/not work to show you the web page that is "hanging".

    I'm not certain what you mean when you say you modified AppPool
    defaults to allow more memory usage, threads, etc because both are
    unlimited by default and AppPools have no settings to "allow more".
