
  • 腻水染花腥
    I'm hardcore and I know the score
    And I am disgusted by the poor
    And my chums matter more
    Because we are the law
    And I've made sure
    We're ready for class war
    Taking money from the man who works long hours
    Giving power to the tycoons in the glass towers
    That is why I can look you in the eye
    And say This is the party of the motherfuckers
    We don't care about them other suckers
    Because this is the party of the motherfuckers
    And no, I don't think that's a dirty word
    So let the beat drop
    I come here with flows right from the top
    Everybody knows if you work in a shop
    We won't help you, and do you know what?
    People rising from the bottom to the top
    Has got to stop
    We have the bravery
    To bring back slavery.
    Working in a supermarket
    Is just the start of it
    My friends
    There is no job at the end of it
    You will be working for your benefits
    Let me get this off my chest
    Saying yes
    We are selling the NHS
    And we'll give you less
    And that is just for starters
    Even after privatising sticking plasters
    It is a social disaster
    That makes our hearts beat faster
    Now, I am you master
    The last thing this country needs is
    Us, the Conservatives
    Worse than the alternative
    We don't care
    if you're driven to despair
    Don't you dare say
    It's not fair
    I'm not saying it's not funny
    It is for me, I've got loads of money
    This is the party of the motherfuckers
    The country is run for me and my muckers
    This is the party of the the motherfuckers
    We just don't care about them other suckers
  • 木卫一
  • 南极