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    We are all at XXX very sorry for the hard time suffered by the inhabitants of the Sichuan Province and especially for our Cheng Du teams and their families.

    所有XXX的大家, 对于四川省居民和我们位于成都的员工以及他们的家庭遭受到这样的灾难非常的伤心

    I know that you are organizing everything possible to help people there, and I wanted to reconfirm to you the commitment of the whole company in helping our Cheng Du Colleagues and People of the region as much as possible.

    我知道你们已经在尽可能组织所有的事情来帮助灾区的人们, 我希望再次证实全球XXX公司都会竭尽所能给与成都同事和人民以援助和支持

    So please continue to move forward in helping them on all ways that you find relevant and please ask for additional support from Christel, Julien and myself for anything you find can be useful.

    请继续全力去帮助他们, 通过所有能找到的可能的方法,对于任何需要的协助, 请来寻求christelle, julien, 包括我自己的帮助

    Everyone at XXX is ready to help so please do not hesitate to ask.

    在XXX的每个人都准备好随时给与帮助, 所以有任何需要请不要犹豫

    My best regards in these difficult times,



    today it's commemoration day in china ? (今天在中国是默哀日吗?)
    our heart is with you in those hard times...(我们的心在这个痛苦的时刻与你们同在)
    you're a great nation, I saw on TV people helping other people (中国人是伟大的民族,我从电视上看到大家互相帮助他人)
    like child without familly, chinese mother would go visit them in the hospital, even if it wasn't her child (对于孤儿,中国妈妈去医院看望他们,甚至那不是她的孩子)
    honestly, the heart of chinese people is made of gold... I have great respect for your citizen( 真诚的说,中国人的心是金子做的…我们对你们的人民怀有强烈的尊敬)
    that's very noble soul...(你们拥有非常高贵的灵魂)
    everyone in occident is very touched by what they saw on TV, and try to give to help(每个西方人对于他们在电视上看到的非常感动,并希望给于帮助)
    our spirit is with you(我们的精神与你们同在)

    Below is the collective message our people want to send to our guys in Chengdu (some of us insisted to add a personal message below too):

    Dear Chengdu companions,

    We were all shocked to hear of the earthquake that has struck your region.

    We are really glad to hear from Yu Fei that most of the staff have been contacted and that they are ok.

    We want you to know that our hopes and prayers are with you and your families in this time of terrible tragedy

    And that we wish you the very best.

    Below you will find the personal wishes of our Cordoba Studio Members.

    From the Cordoba Studio


    Hope you being okey despite of this terrible tragedy and so your families, that's the most important thing.


    願上帝保佑, 我與你

    Nahuel Grasso

    Hi, let me introduce my self, I´m Jose Magaquian., I´m really sorry for what has happened. You can count on us for anything you need, count on your Argentinian brothers :-) .

    Regards to all.


    Dear partners in the China Studio,

    We are very sad about the latest events that happened in your country. We want to express our most sincere condolences and our true feelings of fellowship. We also want to express our sympathy and solidarity. You can count on us in anything you need.

    We really hope that you can overcome this tragedy and recover from it as soon as possible.

    Best wishes from all your partners in Gameloft Cordoba.

    Jorge Reartes, Matias Brasca, Juan Bertolotti

    [本帖最后由 SA 于 2008-5-21 11:53 编辑]
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