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    The woman with the 'biggest HANDS in theworld': Three stone hands cause 59-year-old agonising pain - and doctors saythe only cure is amputation


    A Thai woman is thought to have the world'sbiggest hands - weighing almost one-and-a-half stone each.


    For more than 50 years, shop owner DuangjaySamaksamam, from Surin Province, Thailand, has suffered from an extremely rareand painful affliction that leaves her limbs permanently swollen.


    Experts believe the 59-year-old is the onlyperson in the world to suffer the rare condition macrodystrophia lipomastosafrom shoulder to fingers on both arms.


    It causes vast build-up of fat deposits tobe distributed across her arms and hands.


    Moving can be very uncomfortable and even the simplest tasks, such as washingand combing her hair, are extremely difficult for Duangjay.


    Embarrassed by her condition throughout herchildhood, she spent the first 20 years of her life as a recluse ashamed of theway she looked, meaning she never went to school.


    But she was forced to come out of hiding atthe age of 20 to earn a living in order to care for her elderly parents, andtake over running the family grocery shop.


    Duangjay has caught the attention of medics all over the world and many haveattempted surgery to decrease the swelling but, to date, none have succeeded.


    She said: 'My hands are so heavy I canbarely lift them to comb or shampoo my hair, it's very difficult. Gettingdressed is also very difficult and painful.


    'Some doctors said the only solution was tocut off my hands if I wished to walk around freely. But I don't want to dothat.'


    'My mum told me that I was like this sinceI was born. I became afraid to go out or go to school, so I never learned toread,' she said.


    Raised in a rural village in Thailand, there were no medical experts who couldprovide treatment and Duangjay was so self-conscious that she refused to go outin public.


    But when her parents became elderly andunable to work, she had no choice but stop being a recluse and take over thefamily business.


    As news spread of her condition, at age 25she started undergoing a series of operations to try and solve her problem.


    But rather than improving the situation, the surgery made the condition worse.


    Duangjay who now lives with her sister andher niece, said: 'During the surgery they didn't remove any tissue, just openedit up, opened up my arm to check it.


    'They said it wasn't bad tissue just reallythick fat in there, but they didn't remove anything for fear of damaging thenerves.


    'After five months my wrists began to hurt.I felt so much pain. I couldn't sleep.


    'If I held something it would fall out ofmy hands because I couldn't feel them.'


    Having undergone two further operations,Duangjay was left in a crippling condition.


    She added: 'They removed about 700 grams offat and blood out of my hands but after a month it just grew back.'


    Months later she was contacted by a doctor,from Kitasato University in Japan, who flew her to the country for MRI scansand discovered she was suffering from Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa.


    Plastic surgeon Dr Eiju Uchinuma said:'This case is very rare. Both her arms are enlarged. Her arms and hands areenormous so they swell badly but it could be worse.


    'My diagnosis is that she is the first andonly person in the world who has Macrodystrophia Lipomatosa from shoulders toher fingers on both arms.


    'The cause of the disease is unknown and istherefore incurable.'


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