Fact: PS3 fanboys are the worst

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    http://www.destructoid.com/fact- ... -worst-149259.phtml
    Are you ever at a party or similar social gathering, and your group of friends is joined by that one guy? Nobody likes him, but everybody seems to know who he is. Somebody invited him, but not one of your friends will own up to it. He's obnoxious, he's annoying, he's oblivious to the sour atmosphere he inspires, and the worst part of it is ... nobody has the balls to tell him he's not welcome.
    你是否有過這種經驗:在一個party或者是類似的社交場合突然來了這麼一個傢伙闖進你和朋友的小圈圈裡 沒人喜歡他,但所有人都知道這傢伙是誰。某個渾蛋邀請這傢伙來這個party,但你朋友當中沒人敢承認是他作的好事。這傢伙既可惡又煩人,渾然不覺自身散發出的酸臭味。最糟糕的事沒人夠帶種敢請他離開。

    That's pretty much how I feel about Sony fanboys.

    You see, Sony fanboys are the worst ones. Don't get me wrong -- Nintendo fanboys, Microsoft fanboys and PC fanboys each have their irritating quirks and infuriating mannerisms, but the Sony fans truly are the worst of a bad lot. In a barrel full of rotten apples, they are the most putrid, festering, blackened pools of mulch at the bottom. Everybody knows this, but like that one "friend" at the party who everybody is too polite to shun, nobody has dared to tell Sony fanboys that they are truly the pariahs of society and need to stop hanging out with the rest of us.
    聽著,索飯是最差的那一種。別誤會,任飯、軟飯、PC飯都有討人厭的行為舉止。但索飯真的是所有種類中最惡劣的那一種 在一桶爛蘋果當中,他們會是最臭、最惡心,活像池底爛泥的那一類。
    Fortunately, that's why I'm here. Read on as I present my case, and tell Sony fanboys to get the Hell out of our party.

    Rational people who read my work will understand that I criticize Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo with no real preference or "bias." If one of those publishers screws up, I give them the verbal dressing down they deserve. All three of the major platform holders have, at one time or another, been criticized by yours truly. In fact, if you're keeping score, you'll notice that I'm probably more spiteful to Microsoft, since I find their actions the most shameless and despicable, while with Sony it's more frustration and pity.

    However, if you listen to the regular crop of Sony loyalists that sometimes invade Destructoid's comment section, you'd think that I was Sony's worst enemy, driven by an unquenchable thirst for the destruction of the PlayStation brand and everybody associated with it. I have often asked myself: Why is it that criticisms of Nintendo and Microsoft do not get met with such hostility? Why do I get called "biased" against Nintendo and Microsoft far less than I do with Sony?

    There is only one answer: The Sony Defense Force is by far the most aggressive, the most obnoxious and, of course, the most defensive. Let's look at some evidence.

    Third-party exclusivity has been one of the big battlegrounds of this generation. As exclusives outside of first and second party studios become more rare, such elusive gems as Metal Gear Solid and Mass Effect have become more precious than water in a desert. Naturally, the arguments over who has the best exclusives and which games are going multiplatform has been a hot-button issue among gamers.

    So, what happens when a previously exclusive game goes multiplatform? Well, if you're a real gamer who gives a shit about a quality game series, you'll be happy that the game is going to be enjoyed by a potentially wider audience. If you're a Sony fanboy, however, you'll form a petition and get incredibly upset like a little bitch.
    然後呢,當一個本來是獨佔的作品要跨的時候會怎樣?噢,如果你是個真正在乎優良系列作的真玩家,你應該會因為遊戲可以被更大的客群欣賞而開心。但如果你是隻索飯,你就會搞個杯葛連署 像個賤娘們一樣灑潑。
    Devil May Cry 4 is a perfect example. Originally a PS3 exclusive, Capcom made the wise decision to put the game on the XBox 360 as well, and fans were furious. Sony loyalists famously boycotted the game and launched a petition, begging Capcom not to betray them. One fan asked the publisher directly, "What are you thinking, Capcom?" The petition still exists, with 12345 signatures attached.

    According to the petition, the PS3 fans "Feel very left out in [Capcom's] decision to make Devil May Cry 4 a Multi-Platform title, and hereby agree to boycott your sale of Capcom affiliated games." Yes, somehow Sony fans felt "left out," as if they somehow weren't getting the game as well. This seems to be a running issue with PS3 fanboys, that if a game goes multiplatform, they somehow act as if they're not going to be able to play it, and many of them choose not to, demonstrating just how much they actually care about playing videogames. To them, this whole thing is a melodrama about loyalty and trust and having publishers bend to their every whim.
    Similar issues happened when Square Enix sensationally revealed that Final Fantasy XIII was going multiplatform. In fact, there's a petition still running for that too, though with significantly fewer signatures. When FF XIII was announced for Xbox 360, forums online went apeshit with Sony fanboys declaring Square Enix "traitors" and vowing never to play the game. Never mind being happy that a classic RPG series was potentially going to increase its fanbase, these so-called gamers were more concerned about having an exclusive to brag about online. It's never about gaming with fanboys, it's always about petty point-scoring.
    This is true of all fanboys to a degree, not just Sony ones, but so far I've seen very few examples of 360 and Wii loyalists being quite so pathetic as to petition and boycott and whine and cry over a multiplatform game. I did a search and failed to find a petition about BioShock, Castle Crashers, Lost Planet and Dead Rising. Four previously exclusive games, all headed or heading to the PlayStation 3. If such petitions exist, they clearly didn't gain much ground.

    Simply put? Xbox 360 fanboys might be dumbasses, but they don't throw little girly tantrums when they "lose" an exclusive. I've certainly seen 360 and Wii fans upset because a game ISN'T coming to their system, but I'm yet to see much evidence of them screaming because a game IS coming to their system and simply happens to be going to another one as well.

    In fact, the only evidence I can see of Xbox 360 users getting angry over a multiplatform game are those who felt burned by Tales of Vesperia. Even then, however, the circumstances are different. First of all, the petition came from Japan, where many gamers bought a 360 simply to play Tales, and then felt screwed over when it was announced for PS3, a system they possibly had before they bought a 360. I dare say that many of these people weren't Microsoft fans in the slightest, and were simply angry that they'd wasted money. Secondly, the PS3 version of Vesperia is going to be far superior, which is a clear slap in the face. That's not to say that the petition isn't dumb (if you get screwed by Namco Bandai, that's your own fault), but it fails to be quite as sad as a plea to keep Devil May Cry 4 PS3-exclusive.
    事實上我只看過一次xbox360玩家因為跨平台而生氣或覺得受傷,就是TOV。但是即使是這樣,這跟前述的索飯行為狀況完全不一樣。首先,連署是日本發起的,而日本有很多買xbox360的人當初就是為了TOV買xbox360的。所以當TOV跨ps3的時候他們會覺得被耍了,因為他們搞不好在買xbox360之前就已經買了ps3。我敢說這些為了TOV買xbox360的人絕對不可能是微軟的支持者,而他們生氣只是因為覺得浪費了買xbox360的錢。其次,ps3版的TOV內容上遠比xbox360版的還要多,這簡直是賞了那些人為了TOV買xbox360的人一巴掌。我並不是在說這次的連署就不蠢(我不是指 若你被NB耍了 那是你自找的),只是這次的事件看起來不比惡魔獵人那次那麼悲哀。

    The Sony fanboys are always the ones at the heart of controversy. Killzone 2 is another fine example. Do you ever remember a 360 game being completely overshadowed by fanboy hype and review rage? I certainly don't. Killzone 2, however, was thoroughly colored by the furor that surrounded its reviews. Sony loyalists famously raged over one site's 8/10 review score. Positive reviews were criticized just as much as negative ones by the Sony Defense Force, with some fans claiming they could "hear" the bias in Adam Sessler's voice when he gave the game a good video review. Things got so bad that Sessler actually raged against the fans in an edition of Sessler's Soapbox.
    有爭論的地方肯定找得到索飯,KZ2是另一個例子。你有曾經看過哪個xbox360的遊戲,會像ps3遊戲那樣被熱血索狗們捧飛上天,然後連遊戲都還沒出就到處在網路上各個玩家評分區瘋狂評滿分的?我自己是從來沒看過啦。KZ2當初就是因為媒體評分不錯,從此就陷入了這種索飯式的狂熱。當初有個網站只給KZ2評分8/10,就被憤怒的索飯以他們一向出名的犬海戰術給淹了。甚至不只是負評,連好評KZ2的人都還會被索狗抨擊。索飯宣稱,他們可以聽得出替KZ2做出正面影評的Adam Sessler聲音當中具有偏見的意味,當時情況還慘到Sessler還在他的網頁跟索飯戰了起來。

    It doesn't matter whether or not the fanboys have played, or even like, the games in question. If the game's exclusive to the PS3, you WILL give it a high score or you shall live to see the wrath of enraged Sony fans. The sad thing is, and I don't think the PS3 loyalists realize this, their rage and anger and need to start fights effectively ruin the reputations of the games themselves. As explained, Killzone 2 was completely upstaged by the controversy surrounding it, controversy that developer Guerrilla had itself done nothing to earn. I dread to think how Killzone 2's developers actually felt to see their game become associated with public displays of stupidity and subjected to merciless mockery within the gaming community simply because an insane rabble reduced all discussion of their game to sheer absurdity.
    這跟索飯到底玩不玩,甚至喜不喜歡ps3的遊戲無關。反正只要是ps3的獨佔,要是你吃了熊心豹膽敢給它低分,憤怒的索飯絕對會以主之名讓你體驗天誅。可惜的是(我覺得索狗們自己應該沒辦法體會這一點)他們這種憤怒且積極討戰的欲望總是迅速摧毀了那些他們吹捧上天遊戲的名聲。如上所說,KZ2的真實風采完全被與它有關的爭議所掩蓋,而這爭議跟開發商 Guerrilla 一點關係都沒有。我真不敢想像當KZ2的開發者看到這款遊戲遭受到索飯如此公開展示的愚蠢以及遊戲業界內鋪天蓋地而來的無情嘲笑所害的時候會作何感想,而這一切全都是因為這群瘋狗在網路上到處把正常的討論串變成全然的屁話串的緣故。

    For a more home-grown example, let's look at the notorious Prototype versus inFAMOUS debate. This debate was not about which game was better. Sure, that's how it started, but it somehow managed to turn into yet another battlefield of the console war, through some serious leaps in logic instigated by the Sony crowd. Apparently, if you like Prototype more than inFAMOUS, you like the Xbox 360 more than the PS3. Never mind that out of the two games, only ONE of them is an exclusive title. Our joke article, How Prototype is blatantly better than inFAMOUS, was accused of Xbox 360 fanboyism. Those making such accusations never stopped to consider that Prototype is on the PS3 as well. They simply perceived an attack on their precious PS3 exclusive and jumped to the only conclusion they understand -- ZOMG BIAS!
    說個美國的例子吧,還記得前陣子出名的〔PROTOTYPE v.s. infamous〕的激辯嗎?當時並不是在辯論哪一個遊戲比較好。噢,當然一開始確實是在辯論哪一個遊戲比較好。但到後來就突然變成主機大戰了,全都是因為索飯陣營某個嚴重的邏輯跳躍:
    〔如果你喜歡PROTOTYPE甚於infamous 那顯然你就是比較偏袒xbox360〕

    Yet more evidence comes in the form of three features I wrote over the course of several weeks. Each piece was a criticism of one of the big three platform holders. There is an article about Sony needing to STFU, an article about Nintendo of America needing to STFU and, perhaps the most damning, an article about Microsoft ruining fun for everybody. Can you guess which article sparked the most outrage? No, it wasn't the more damning of the three articles. It was the most reasonable one, the one that supported the PS3 quite heavily and went to great lengths to explain the difference between liking a system while disliking a corporation. In fact, this particular article got people so riled up it inspired Sony fansite PlayStation Lifestyle to respond to the article and dress it down in a the manner you'd expect from a site named after a particular brand.
    其中一篇叫做〔索尼最好他x的閉嘴(Shut The Fuck Up)〕
    噢,不,可不是〔罵最兇〕的那一篇喔 而是寫得最〔合理〕的那一篇,也就是內容明明用力推ps3主機,卻也得花很多精力去解釋〔喜歡主機〕和〔討厭主機商〕是兩碼子事的那一篇。
    事實上沒看我懂這篇文章某個索飯網站〔playstation lifestyle〕還對我這篇文章發了篇回應內容。從他們居然使用主機品牌名稱當作網站名稱的行為你就可以知道他們是怎麼搞天誅的。

    As a matter of fact, that PlayStation Lifestyle article is not the only fan site to ever respond to my work. PSX Extreme and PSU are among other Sony-oriented blogs that have felt the need to accuse me of "bias" or question me for questioning the unquestionable Sony. So far I am yet to see a Microsoft fan site pull a similar stunt. It simply doesn't seem to happen, does it?
    其實〔playstation lifestyle〕並不是唯一一個會回應我文章的索飯網站
    〔psx extreme〕和〔psu〕也是那些覺得有必要指控我〔偏袒〕或是質疑我不該質疑不可質疑的索尼的索飯向網站。到目前為止我還沒見過哪個軟飯網站也跟我來這套,軟飯看起來就不太可能會做這種事,不是嗎?
    So, what is it about Sony fanboys that makes them more obnoxious? Perhaps it's the way they were raised. Let's face it, most fanboys, no matter their preference, are predominantly teenagers who have had mommy and daddy buy them a games console. If a Sony fanboy got his mother to buy him a $599 PS3, then he is clearly a rather rich teenager. You combine an adolescent with money and what do you get? One irritating little son of a bitch. Conversely, perhaps that kid was poor and spent all his money on a PS3 (which was, when it launched, the most expensive console on the market), and had no more money left to buy another machine, so he clung to his purchase like a limpet and became deranged as he tried to justify the cash he spent.

    Maybe it's the fact that Sony was once on top of the mountain in this industry, and the fall from grace has been swift and brutal. The worst thing about being on top is the fall to the bottom, and maybe the transition from PS2 dominance to PS3 heel-dragging has had a damaging effect on the fanboy psyche, leaving them vulnerable and insecure. Maybe fanboys are suffering from a severe case of paranoid delusion, brought about by denial that the PS3 is in third place when once Sony was leading the charge.

    Or perhaps they just have tiny penises. Who knows?
    Whatever the reason, it's true. Sony fanboys are by far the worst of the gaming worst. Your PC obsessives are arrogant, your Xbox 360 obsessives are ignorant, and your Wii obsessives subscribe to some creepy cult of personality, but its the lunatics who champion Sony that truly rule the realm of fanboyism with an iron fist. They're childish, selfish, petulant, and possess a bizarre victim complex where everything is always about how biased people are and every offhand comment, every joke, every observation must be taken personally. They seem to believe in a conspiracy theory they've concocted where reviewers and the gaming media have it out for Sony, pursuing a personal vendetta for no reason whatsoever. They have never once considered what a reviewer would actually get out of pursuing petty grudges against Sony, or why anybody actually cares that much. The only people who care about "bias" against Sony are the Sony fanboys themselves. It's all in their head.

    Case in point: We at Destructoid have often been accused of "anti-Sony" behavior, but did you know we actually have quite a good relationship with the company? Even I know and get along with a few people at the publisher, and they have never once treated us badly for our editorial content. If we were as bad as the Sony fanboys said we were, would Sony deal with us? No, they wouldn't. The thing is, Sony loyalists care more about this shit than Sony itself does, and that truly is ing pitiful. Their toadying and lickspittling isn't even acknowledged by the God they revere. How utterly miserable their lives must be.

    I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, and if you're reading this and are currently angry or offended by any of the statements, you're only going to prove just how correct I am.
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  • 白羽


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    Similar issues happened when Square Enix sensationally revealed that Final Fantasy XIII was going multiplatform. In fact, there\'s a petition still running for that too, though with significantly fewer signatures. When FF XIII was announced for Xbox 360, forums online went apeshit with Sony fanboys declaring Square Enix \"traitors\" and vowing never to play the game. Never mind being happy that a classic RPG series was potentially going to increase its fanbase, these so-called gamers were more concerned about having an exclusive to brag about online. It\'s never about gaming with fanboys, it\'s always about petty point-scoring.

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    背叛这个词放在一些场合下是没错的.不论是so4 tov又或者ffb.dmc4.总是有人为了这个游戏而去买了这个主机.当那个人突然发现其实另外一台(可能自己根本就有)主机也有这个游戏的.背叛也不是无从说起.而且这东西完全是厂家诚信的问题.
    一个人卖给你一个东西.他告诉你这是你独一无二的.如果你本来就是抱着这个想法去的.那么当你发现这个人还卖给其他人的时候.你会觉得\"oh yeah.这东西被更多人的分享了\"?
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  • 白羽
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    事實上我只看過一次xbox360玩家因為跨平台而生氣或覺得受傷,就是TOV。但是即使是這樣,這跟前述的索飯行為狀況完全不一樣。首先,連署是日本發起的,而日本有很多買xbox360的人當初就是為了TOV買xbox360的。所以當TOV跨ps3的時候他們會覺得被耍了,因為他們搞不好在買xbox360之前就已經買了ps3。我敢說這些為了TOV買xbox360的人絕對不可能是微軟的支持者,而他們生氣只是因為覺得浪費了買xbox360的錢。其次,ps3版的TOV內容上遠比xbox360版的還要多,這簡直是賞了那些人為了TOV買xbox360的人一巴掌。我並不是在說這次的連署就不蠢(我不是指 若你被NB耍了 那是你自找的),只是這次的事件看起來不比惡魔獵人那次那麼悲哀。
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  • 无名之死者

  • 索尼

  • a
    PS3 fanboys are the worst?
  • 光希樱恋