WII//大神 08年第二季發售

  • 小猪猪

    Capcom has finally confirmed persistent rumours that Okami is coming to Nintendo Wii, telling a London audience this week that the game will arrive on our screens in spring 2008.

    Celebrated on PS2 for its absorbing puzzle and action adventure mechanics, gripping narrative inspired by Japanese folklore and beautiful watercolour visuals, its rebirth on Wii has been much hyped.
    The game also lends itself rather well to the potential of Nintendo's Wiimote for control. Amaterasu's Celestial Brush - a paintbrush used in combat and for solving puzzles - is a perfect fit for the Wiimote, and so it proves, while combat will also include various "motion-controlled physical attacks".
    On the whole though, it's the game that Kristan loved so much it got top marks, calling it "a game so engrossing, so crafted and so life-affirming that nothing else in the world seems to matter". In sentence number two.

    http://kotaku.com/gaming/rumor-c ... onfirmed-312378.php


    [本帖最后由 小猪猪 于 2007-10-19 08:01 编辑]
  • k
  • y
    :smoke: 大神就是大神~
  • 洋葱武士
    Okami for the Wii. It’s true.
    October 18, 2007

    So by now you must have heard that the long-rumored Wii version of the 2006 Game Of The Year ‘Okami’ is finally a reality. In accordance with our tradition of only working on games we’d like to play, we’re proud to announce that we are taking after Clover Studio to bring this incredible game to the platform it was always meant to be on in the first place.

    A second team here at Ready At Dawn is hard at work making this happen. Imagine controling the celestial brush with your Wii-mote… Can’t wait to show it to everyone. Stay tuned.

    靠,交给ready at dawn制作了

    [本帖最后由 洋葱武士 于 2007-10-19 08:58 编辑]
  • O
    刚开始玩的战神psp demo也是ready at dawn...:)
  • g
  • 北京阔少