
  • H
    stroke on my, lick on my, suck on my cock
    it's the first time for you
    so here's what you do
    unzip me and strip me
    and show me you care
    don't go rippin out my pubic hair

    reach for my, grab for my, pull out my cock
    you can do it with ease
    just get on your knees
    start lickin and slurpping
    my dick will get firm
    soon you'll be tasting sperm

    do it right now and don't bite now
    drag your tongue across my meat
    if you give me head, there's no need to spread
    by now you should know a blowjob can't be beat

    faster now, deeper now, into your throat
    the secret is not to choke
    take my shaft by it's base
    stuff the whole thing in your face
    that's how you suck on my cock

    you make my dick swell as i moan and yell
    head the warning when i scream
    although your throat is sore you'll have to open more
    to gasp your last breath before i shoot my cream

    lick it up, slurp it up, don't ever stop
    swallow every last drop
    now that you eat my meat i'll never have to beat my meat
    thanks for strokin my
    thanks for lickin my
    thanks for suckin my cock


    本帖最后由 HKE 于 2010-12-24 13:28 通过手机版编辑
  • B
  • M
  • B
    Single boy, single bou, single all the way
  • C