福克斯最新民調:希拉蕊領先川普10個百分點 共和黨金主掀倒戈潮

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    https://www.reddit.com/r/Sanders ... from_mountain_west/

    I get called for a lot of political surveys in election years. I always answer and I complete the surveys without much issue so I'm probably on a "good conversion" list or something.

    The questions started out balanced enough... If the Iowa Caucus were held today who would you support? Which of these issues is most important to you? Yada yada yada.

    Then it got a section where they asked you to agree or disagree with some statements about each candidate (they only asked about Clinton and Sanders in this section... left out O'Malley throughout the survey except when asking the initial question of who would you support). Questions were something like (I'm paraphrasing since I didn't record the call:

    Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton has the experience to serve as president.
    Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton knows how to get things done in Washington
    Bernie Sanders/Hillary Clinton will fight for people like me

    All seemed normal, but then the Bernie sub-section had an extra statement for me to agree or disagree with:

    Bernie Sanders is a socialist.

    When I tried to say, "Well, there is a difference between socialist and democratic socialist..." they said, "So you agree that Bernie Sanders is a socialist?" After going around in circles for a bit, I said no.

    From there, the questions moved into a "Please say if you would be more likely to support either Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders after hearing the following statements" section.

    The statements about Clinton were positive in nature. Things like "Hillary Clinton has years of experience and is being actively attacked by Wall Street executives for her opposition to the 1% controlling politics."

    The statements about Sanders were things like "Bernie Sanders promises things like free college and nationalized health care which will raise taxes on the middle class, but he won't say by how much."

    I'm sure you can imagine how people who are lesser-informed on Bernie Sanders' stances can not only be manipulated into answering a certain way... but also be manipulated in believing certain statements about candidates. These types of polls are campaign propaganda in themselves.

    PLEASE keep up the good work of getting the truth about Bernie's stances and beliefs out there.

    http://www.nolandalla.com/i-just ... ns-nevada-campaign/


    ME: “I could destroy any one of your arguments in just a couple of seconds….You aren’t a pollster. You are a fraud. You are a pretender, and I’m going to expose you. What’s your name? Tell me your name and who you work for?”

    [Side Note: By the way, I almost began cursing — but decided against going that route. I wanted to keep her on the line for as long as possible, in order to learn more about what was going on.]

    INTERVIEWER: “I’m just asking questions, Sir.”

    ME: “No you are not. You are asking negativly slanted questions about Bernie Sanders. Go back and look at your questions again. So, who do you work for? I want names.”

    INTERVIEWER: “Maybe I should have my supervisor call you back. Would that be okay, Sir? Let me take down your phone number and have my supervisor call you. That’s what we are supposed to do when we get asked questions which deviate from the question and answer part.”

    ME: Yes, by all means — have your supervisor call me. I’ll be waiting. I’d love to talk to your supervisor.”

    Three hours later, my phone has still not rung. But, I did manage to write up this scathing expose one WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW IN NEVADA.

    Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign is resorting to one of the lowest, most reviled tactics of campaigning, the sludge known as the “push poll.” It’s clearly happening in Nevada, and probably other states, too.
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