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    Pelosi's Office: GOP Call on Iraq Bill 'Political Stunt'
    2007年4月9日,17:11:28 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Prompted by a letter from Republican leaders over what they called stalled action on Iraq, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office fired back Monday calling the GOP rhetoric a 'cheap political stunt.
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    Police Nab Man Who Allegedly Shot 3 at Detroit Office
    2007年4月9日,16:45:48 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Police on Monday said they found the man who allegedly shot three people at a suburban Detroit office building earlier in the day.
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    Bush Calls on Congress to Pass Immigration Bill
    2007年4月9日,16:38:49 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    President Bush traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border on Monday to push for improved border security, calling on Congress to pass a comprehensive bill
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    Ex-Olympian Tim Montgomery Pleads Guilty in Fraud Scheme
    2007年4月9日,15:51:53 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Former Olympic Sprinter Tim Montgomery pleaded guilty Monday to charges that he deposited phony checks and laundered money.
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    Key to a Good Memory: Forget a Few Things
    2007年4月9日,15:43:43 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Suppression of memory-neuron generation in mice seemed to make them have more short-term memory, study finds.
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    Americans Could Learn From Europe About Cell Phones
    2007年4月9日,15:30:07 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    When it comes to cell phones, Europe gets so many things right, much righter than we do -- and part of the reason why is American carriers
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    'B.C.' Comic Strip Creator Johnny Hart Dead at 76
    2007年4月9日,15:24:44 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Cartoonist Johnny Hart, whose award-winning 'B.C.' comic strip appeared in more than 1,300 newspapers worldwide, died at his home on Saturday. He was 76.
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    Judge Places Gag Order on Fired Wal-Mart Security Operative
    2007年4月9日,14:40:20 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Wal-Mart has won a gag order from a judge against a fired employee following leaks about the retail giant's plans and operations.
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    U.K. Bans Military From Talking to Media for Cash
    2007年4月9日,14:21:27 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Britain on Monday banned all military service members from talking to the media in return for payment, a day after it said the 15 marines and sailors who were held captive in Iran could sell their stories*/-26
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    Husband-Slay Suspect Winkler in Court; Jury Selection Begins
    2007年4月9日,14:13:47 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Mary Winkler was met by a crowd of photographers and TV cameras as she arrived for the start of jury selection; she's on trial for the murder of her minister husband.
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    Economics Prof Claims Amnesia in Disappearance of $134M
    2007年4月9日,14:07:05 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    A Charleston Southern University economics professor is in hot water with the SEC after nearly $134 million in investments disappeared. Al Parish claims amnesia in the case of the missing money, Inside Higher Ed reports
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    Poll: Giuliani, McCain Neck and Neck in South Carolina
    2007年4月9日,1:00:00 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    FOX News poll shows former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain as the clear leaders among Republicans in the South Carolina primary.
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    Got to Have Faith
    2007年4月9日,0:59:29 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Whether you celebrate Passover or Easter, it's always good to remember the foundations of these faiths
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    Captured British Troops Granted Permission to Sell Stories
    2007年4月9日,0:49:57 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Fifteen British sailors and marines freed from Iranian captivity have been given permission to sell their stories
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    Cold Snap Strikes Eastern U.S.
    2007年4月8日,23:55:10 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Unseasonably cold weather is predicted for much of the U.S. over the Easter holiday weekend, according to the National Weather Service.
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    Our earth mother is striking back!*/-44
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    Report: Cruise Ship Captain Blames Sea Currents for Sinking
    2007年4月8日,23:35:14 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    A cruise ship captain indicted on negligence charges after his vessel sank in the Aegean Sea blamed strong currents for the accident, state-run television reported Sunday.
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    Maine Legislator Dies in Skiing Race
    2007年4月8日,22:42:04 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Maine state Rep. Abigail Holman died Saturday when she skied into a tree at the end of an annual fundraising race at Sugarloaf USA.
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    Democrats Hold Advantage Ahead of 2008 Senate Election
    2007年4月8日,20:26:37 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    The tug of war between Republicans and Democrats over the razor-thin majority in the Senate has carried through the decade and is expected to play out once again, in a big way, in next year's elections.

    See what gonna happen if Donkey wins 2008's election: Bill Cliton will be refered to as the "first HUSBAND" of US History*/-19
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    Bill Richardson Arrives in North Korea
    2007年4月8日,19:07:28 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    U.S. presidential candidate Bill Richardson arrived in North Korea on Sunday, part of a delegation of past and present U.S. officials on what was described as a humanitarian mission to claim the remains of American soldiers killed in the Korean War
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    Iran Releases New Video of British Navy Crew
    2007年4月8日,18:32:38 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Iran released more video Sunday of the captured British navy crew that shows them playing chess and watching television three days after the sailors returned home after being held in Iran for nearly three weeks.

    OLD NEWS?HUH?*/-31
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    Town Braces for Start of Minister's Wife's Murder Trial
    2007年4月8日,17:52:29 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    People in the small western Tennessee town of Selmer have been waiting for more than a year to find out why a quiet, unassuming preacher's wife might have killed her husband.
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    Gingrich: Gonzales Should Consider Resigning
    2007年4月8日,17:20:16 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Newt Gingrich said Sunday that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales should consider resigning as the former House speaker joined a list of Republicans who say the botched firing of U.S. attorneys has destroyed Gonzales' credibility.
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    Sisters Arrested After Baby Found in Garbage Bag
    2007年4月8日,16:29:27 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    The apparent mother of an infant girl found dead in a garbage bag was arrested along with her two sisters, officials said Saturday.
  • 菜鸟来啦
    */-27 */-33 */-33 不懂。。。
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    When stars like our Sun die, they bloat to become red giants and then eject gigantic clouds of gas and dust into space.

    Increasingly, however, scientists found themselves at a profound loss to explain how exactly dying stars could blow away these clouds.

    Now astrophysicists propose that unexpected chemical reactions during the formation of stardust could help solve this mystery.

    • Click here to visit FOXNews.com's Space Center.

    "In the long run, the new scenario may have an important impact on our understanding of the chemical evolution of our galaxy, and the origin of elements crucial for the existence of life," astrophysicist Anja Andersen at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark told SPACE.com.

    The puzzle

    Stars smaller than the Sun and up to eight times as massive die by swelling up into red giants before shedding most of their mass to shrink into very compact, dying embers called white dwarfs.

    Two kinds of red giants exist — those with lots of carbon, and others richer in oxygen than in carbon.

    Carbon-rich stars release carbon particles such as soot and graphite during their death throes. Scientists proposed that these pitch-black grains absorb rays from the dying star and get shot into space by starlight, a theory that fit both the observations and computer models.

    Increasingly, however, researchers could not explain how oxygen-rich stars like our own Sun could propel their clouds away during the final stages of mass loss, "what we here call 'the death zone,'" said Iowa State University astronomer Lee Anne Willson.

    Oxygen-rich stars create large quantities of water vapor and silicates, such as quartz or sand. These are transparent, meaning starlight should go right through them.

    This mystery began roughly five years ago and reached a head last year when the calculations of two independent teams of scientists "showed that it seems impossible" for oxygen-rich stars to drive their transparent clouds away, explained astrophysicist Susanne Höfner at the University of Uppsala in Sweden.

    Some dead ends ...

    Andersen and Höfner contemplated possible solutions. They first pondered whether the silicates might have iron in them, which would render them opaque instead of transparent. But calculations showed the dust grains would have evaporated if they had iron in them.

    They next wondered if enough molecules surrounded the core of a dying oxygen-rich star to block out its light and thus create a wind that blew the star's outermost layer into space.

    But their models suggested these molecules could not block off enough light and create strong enough winds.

    Given that stars pulsate as they die, the scientists then suggested these pulsations could perhaps force a star's matter out, but this idea did not match with astronomers' observations.

    ... And one good idea

    But inspiration then dawned upon Andersen and Höfner.

    Perhaps some of the carbon in the oxygen-rich stars could help force the outer layers of the stars into space.

    They believe shock waves from the pulsations of dying stars could make carbon in oxygen-rich stars form pitch-black dust.

    "The theory fits with all our subsequent model calculations," Andersen said, and it matches observations from dying oxygen-rich red giants.

    Moreover, Höfner explained "this mechanism strongly favors the presence of magnesium silicates over iron silicates in the interstellar medium," in agreement with recent findings from NASA's comet-sampling Stardust space probe.

    Andersen and Höfner detailed their findings in the April issue of the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    "The calculations needed to make sure this is right will be hard to do," Willson said. "They make a good argument, but there will be quite a bit more work needed to check that it really does work this way."

    If proven correct, the beauty of the new scenario is that it suggests a common driving mechanism for many dying stars shedding their mass via dusty winds, "with possible long-reaching consequences for the origin of chemical elements relevant for life," Höfner said.

    Copyright © 2007 Imaginova Corp. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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    BS LS的,1分钟发3个纯净水……*/-25
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    好水亚 自己挖了个小池塘水亚兄弟*/-34
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  • 不老牛奶
    */-26 2W贴达成之日,就是我T楼主JJ之时!
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