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    Northwest Pilot Nabbed With Suspected Cocaine
    2007年4月15日,15:00:04 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    A Northwest Airlines piloted has been charged with multiple felonies after police found suspected cocaine in his car and on his person after a chase on the U.S.-Canadian border.
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    Iranian Court Clears Killers as Victims Were Un-Islamic
    2007年4月15日,14:57:37 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    The Iranian Supreme Court has vacated the murder convictions of a group of serial killers because their victims were engaged in un-Islamic activities, the British Broadcasting Corp. reports.
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    SHREVEPORT, La. — Police have arrested a 16-year-old from Shreveport who is accused of paying another teen $5 to kill his father. Cops are still looking for the youth allegedly hired for the hit.

    The teenager didn't want to be told where he could live and was tired of having to live by rules, according to Det. Michael Escude of the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Department.

    The boy had moved from his father's to his mother's house a day or two before the attempted hit on Wednesday, because the father said he couldn't deal with him any longer, Escude said.

    The youth was arrested Wednesday night on one count of solicitation for murder and remains in the Caddo Juvenile Detention Center, the sheriff's office said.

    Deputies have not been able to question the youth because they would need a parent's permission — and one parent is the victim, and the other is a witness, said Cindy Chadwick, a spokeswoman for the sheriff's department.

    Escude said that also will make it hard to release him to either parent.
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    Report: Michael Moore Takes Ground Zero Responders to Cuba
    2007年4月15日,14:40:33 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Film director Michael Moore has taken Ground Zero responders to Cuba for medical treatment in a bid to show that Fidel Castro's socialized medicine is better than health care in the U.S., the New York Post reports.
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    'Tiny Bubbles' Singer Don Ho Dies of Heart Failure at 76
    2007年4月15日,14:31:01 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Legendary crooner Don Ho, known for his catchy signature tune 'Tiny Bubbles,' has died, his publicist said Saturday.
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    Fiery Bus Crash Kills 23 in Mexico
    2007年4月15日,14:14:27 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    A speeding bus that carrying 38 passengers is engulfed in flames after to slams into a tractor-trailer outside Juarez, Mexico
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    White House to Work With Senate to Help Recover Lost E-Mails
    2007年4月15日,1:43:46 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    The White House said Saturday it is agreeing to the Senate Judiciary Committee's request for how to choose someone to help recover some lost e-mails involving official presidential business
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    Pope's Old Car Doesn't Find Buyer in Web Auction
    2007年4月15日,0:22:52 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Despite bids surpassing $204,000, eBay auction for Pope Benedict XVI's old hatchback is canceled after reserve prices isn't met.
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    Baby Sitter Gets 5 Years for Smothering Baby While Drunk
    2007年4月14日,23:36:05 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    A baby sitter who suffocated an infant under her body when she collapsed in a drunken stupor was sentenced to five years in prison Friday after pleading guilty to the charges.
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    Car Bomb Explodes in Iraq Bus Station
    2007年4月14日,22:55:01 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    A car bomb blasted through a busy bus station near one of Iraq's holiest shrines Saturday, killing at least 37 people, police and hospital officials said. Other reports put the death toll as high as 56.
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    U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer Missing
    2007年4月14日,22:37:24 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    The Philippine police and military are searching for a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer missing for nearly a week in a mountainous northern area, officials said Saturday.
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    A 13-year-old surfer was recovering on Sunday after a sea lion attacked her off Australia’s West Coast, FOX6 in Birmingham, Ala., reported.

    "It jumped out of the water at her and hit her head on," recalled Chris Thomas, a family friend.

    Click here to read the full story.

    Ella Murphy, who was being towed on her surfboard behind a boat when the sea lion lunged at her, lost three teeth in the attack.

    "This thing just exploded in a full-on, frontal attack,” said Thomas, who was driving the boat.

    A marine scientist said the attack was odd and that the sea lion may have been trying to play with Murphy

    EH, gross! I'm not gonna play with those SEA LIONS.*/-44
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    Homicide Bombers Attack in Casablanca
    2007年4月14日,22:36:11 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Two suicide bombers blew themselves up Saturday in Casablanca near an American cultural center, just days after three suicide attacks stoked new fears of terrorism in this North African kingdom, an official said.
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    Group: U.S. Marines Broke International Law
    2007年4月14日,21:19:58 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    A U.S. Marine unit broke international humanitarian law by using excessive force during a shooting spree last month that left 12 people dead, an Afghan human rights group said in a report Saturday.
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    $800,000 Watch Stolen From Watch Fair in Switzerland
    2007年4月14日,21:01:45 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Thieves have stolen jewelry worth 1 million Swiss francs (about U.S. $825,000) from the world's biggest and most luxurious watch and jewelry fair in Basel, authorities said Saturday

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    Data Recorder Recovered From Sunken Greek Cruise Ship
    2007年4月14日,20:55:09 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Investigators have recovered the data recorder of a cruise ship that sank off the coast of the Greek holiday island of Santorini, the Merchant Marine Ministry said Saturday.
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    Surgery on Governor Corzine Deemed Successful
    2007年4月14日,20:27:50 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Surgery on Gov. Jon S. Corzine's injured leg was successful Saturday, while a state official said the driver blamed for the wreck that critically injured the governor had been found but would not be charged
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    Prince William and Girlfriend Kate Middleton Split Up
    2007年4月14日,19:14:32 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Prince William has split with his girlfriend of four years, Kate Middleton, sources close to the British royal familiy said on Saturday.
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    North Korea Misses Disarmament Deadline
    2007年4月14日,18:51:36 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    The Bush administration said Saturday that North Korea must follow through on its promise to shut down and seal its nuclear reactor, but held back from criticizing Pyongyang for missing a Saturday deadline to do so.
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    School Bus Crash Kills 32 in Turkey
    2007年4月14日,18:32:47 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    A school bus crashed into a truck in Turkey on Saturday, killing 32 people, most of them children, officials said.
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    Elderly Woman Found Alive Under Garbage Pile in Home
    2007年4月14日,18:22:52 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    An 85-year-old woman was found alive trapped under a pile of garbage and feces in a home in New York state on Thursday, authorities said.
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    McCain Enters Second Quarter Trailing Main Republican Rivals
    2007年4月14日,18:20:45 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    John McCain entered the second quarter of the year with half the cash in the bank that his two main Republican rivals for the presidency reported, a significant challenge for a candidate who is trying to put some luster back to his campaign.
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    Chicago Advances in Bid for 2016 Olympics
    2007年4月14日,17:36:47 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Chicago beat Los Angeles on Saturday in a U.S. Olympic Committee vote to pick a candidate for the 2016 Summer Games
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    Hugo Chavez Calls Reconciliation With the U.S. 'Impossible'
    2007年4月14日,17:19:25 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says that reconciliation with Washington is not possible, and threatened to cut off oil shipments to the U.S. if there are any attempts to oust him.
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    KKK Robe Sent to Memphis Councilman
    2007年4月14日,17:18:46 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    City Councilman Edmund Ford received a package containing a white Ku Klux Klan robe, and the council chairman wants police to investigate.
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    Bank: Preacher's Wife Accused of Murder Tried to Pass Bad Checks
    2007年4月14日,17:17:45 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Bank tellers testified Saturday that a preacher's wife accused of murdering her husband was in financial trouble and that the bank had caught her trying to deposit bad checks.
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    Garry Kasparov Released After Russian Protest March
    2007年4月14日,16:53:31 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Thousands of police officers massed to keep demonstrators off Pushkin Square, beating some protesters and detaining many others, including Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion who was later fined and released.
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    Future of Imus Charity Ranch Questioned
    2007年4月14日,16:33:25 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Don Imus's banishment from the public airwaves also deprives him of a critical platform to raise money for the sprawling Imus Ranch, where children with cancer and other illnesses get a taste of the cowboy life.
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    Documents Give Wolfowitz New Lifeline in World Bank Scandal
    2007年4月14日,16:15:24 |foxnewsonline@foxnews.com
    Documents obtained by FOX News would seem to give embattled World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz a new lifeline over whether or not he bent or broke bank rules in 2005 to enable a pay raise for his girlfriend.
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  • 哈姆雷特
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  • 哈姆雷特
    GIS 的应用及研究热点探讨
    摘 要 地理信息系统( GIS) 随着信息技术的发展,更加趋于多元化和多学科的交叉发展,本文从GIS 应用发展开始,列举与GIS 融合的其它信息技术,分析了GIS 基础理论和技术研究的热点问题,通过这些问题可以展望未来GIS 的进展。
    关键词 地理信息系统 计算机系统 信息融合
    中图分类号:P 208 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672 - 4097(2003) 03 - 0007 – 04
  • 哈姆雷特
    1 GIS 与相关信息技术的结合
    GIS 是一门综合性技术,它已经与其他技术互
    相融合。GIS 应用需要利用和集成其他技术,同时,
    2 GIS 应用类型
    根据GIS 所应用的领域不同可将其划分为:地籍信息系统(CIS) 、基于影象的信息系统( IBIS) 、土地信息系统(L IS) 、自然资源管理信息系统(NR2
    MIS) 、市场分析信息系统(MAIS) 、规划信息系统(PIS) 、空间信息系统( SIS) 、空间决策信息系统(SDIS) 、城市信息系统(UIS) 和交通运输地理信息系统( GIS2T) 等。尽管现存的地理信息系统软件很多,但对于它的应用,归纳概括起来有二种情况。一是利用GIS系统来加工和管理用户的数据;二是在GIS 的基础上,利用它的二次开发技术开发用户专用的地理信息系统。
    2. 1 地理信息系统作为空间数据库管理系统
    GIS 目前采用野外数字测图、手工和扫描数字化、遥感与摄影测量等方式采用集空间数据,并有效地对这些数据进行数据库管理、更新、维护、进行快
    2. 2 GIS 在综合分析评价与模拟预测中的应用
    GIS 可以综合分析现实世界各个侧面的思维评价结果,得到综合分析评价结果;也可以摸拟自然过程、决策和倾向的发展,对比不同决策方案的效果以及可能产生的后果,以作出最优决策,避免和预防不良后果的发生。
    2. 3 GIS 的空间查询和空间分析功能的应用
    这种应用以原始图为输入,而查询和分析结果则是以原始图经过空间操作后生成的新图件来表示,在空间定位上仍与原始图一致。因此,也可将其称为空间变换。这种空间变换包括叠置分析、缓冲区分析、拓扑空间查询、空间集合分析(逻辑交运算、逻辑并运算、逻辑差运算) 。
    2. 4 GIS 在专题地图制图中的应用
    地理信息系统的发展是从地图制图开始的,因而GIS 的主要功能之一是用于地图制图,建立地图数据库。与传统手工制图方式相比,利用GIS 建立起地图数据库,可以达到一次投入、多次产生的效果。它不仅可以为用户输出全要素地形图,而且可以根据用户需要分层输出各种专题。
    2. 5 建立专题信息系统和区域信息系统
    专题信息系统如水资源管理信息系统、矿产资源信息系统、草场资源信息系统、水土流失信息系统和目前上海正在建立煤气管网GIS 系统等等。区域信息系统主要以区域综合研究和全面的信息服务为目标,可以有不同的规模,其特点是数据种类多,功能齐全,通常具有较强的开放性。
    2. 6 GIS 与遥感图像处理系统相结合的应用
    遥感数据是地理信息系统重要信息源,目前大多数GIS 系统已嵌入图像处理功能,并把它作为一个子模块。
    2. 7 应用GIS 系统提供的二次开发函数库或构件开发出具有特定功能的应用系统
  • 哈姆雷特
    这些算是有内容的么?*/-32 */-24
  • 哈姆雷特
    3 GIS 主要基础理论及技术研究的热点
    进入21 世纪以后,地理信息系统主要的基础理论和技术研究热点有了新的变化,代表了地理信息系统研究的新进展,主要归纳如下:
    3. 1 稳定、快速的GIS 数据采集和数据更新体系
    GIS 数据的来源可以包括:野外数字化采集系统、地图扫描矢量化采集系统、局域和广域差分GPS 数据采集系统、遥感数据采集和更新系统、数字摄影测量数据采集系统等。对于每一种数据采集系统的研究都将设计许多具体内容,数据源采集和更新体系是GIS 理论和技术研究的首要问题。
    3. 2 GIS 空间数据的质量与不确定性分析
    数据和软件是GIS 走向产业化的前提,同时GIS 空间数据的质量直接影响GIS 的分析和应用,影响了GIS 的生存和发展。当前GIS 空间数据的精度分析与质量控制研究中,从手工数字化数据采集质量到扫描数字化数据质量、从矢量数据误差模型研究到影象数据分类和分析质量研究、从空间位置数据质量研究到空间属性数据质量研究、从数据误差传播分析到数据误差模型的可视化、从模拟数据不确定性分析到批量数字产品生产的质量控制和抽样检验等的变化可看出GIS 数据质量不确定性研究的对象越来越广,内容越来越多。
    3. 3 3D 地理信息系统(3DGIS) 的研究
    在传统的二维(2D) GIS 中,通常是将垂直方向的信息抽象成一个属性值,如DTM 中的高程,然后进行空间操作和分析。如果在垂直方向上的采样多于一个,如:资源勘探中在一个钻孔中的多个采样,2DGIS 则难以处理。在这种场合下具有真三维(3D) 处理和分析功能的GIS 系统是必需的。而所谓的3DGIS 就是在二维GIS 的基础上对具有三维地理参考坐标的地理信息输入、存储、编辑、查询、空间分析和模拟操作的计算机系统。目前3DGIS 的数据结构研究比较多。基于体素的(Voxel2based) 三维系统比较成熟,广泛用于石油勘探中;基于矢量数据的系统模型处于研究中,例如四面体或边界表示的矢量方法、八叉树与TIN 的混合结构、八叉树与TEN 的混合结构、面向对象的矢量与栅格一体化结构等。目前3DGIS 的数据模型研究有两个方向:第一是利用三维几何和CAD 领域的可视化, 构成3DGIS 中交互式的模型和可视化功能;第二是开发
    3DGIS 数据管理和空间分析功能,它从数据库方面进行考虑,这两个方面的结合以及迅速发展的虚拟现实技术将产生新的3DGIS 数据模型。
  • 哈姆雷特
    3. 4 GIS 时空系统(spatio - temporal system) 研究
    在许多应用领域中,如环境监测、地震救援、天气预报等,空间对象是随时间变化的,而这种动态变化的规律在求解过程中起着十分重要的作用。过去GIS 忽略时态主要是受器件的限制,也有技术方面的原因。近年来,对GIS 中时态特性的研究变得十分活跃,即所谓“时空系统”。根据处理时间和有效时间的划分,可以把时空系统分为4 类:静态时空系统(static ST system) 、历史时态系统( historical ST system) 、回溯时态系统(rollback ST system) 和双系统( bitemporal ST sys2tem) 。时空系统主要研究时空模型,时空数据的表示、存储、操作、查询和时空分析。目前比较流行的做法是在现有数据模型基础上扩充,如在关系模型的元组中加入时间,在对象模型中引入时间属性。
    3. 5 GIS 空间数据查询语言的研究
    GIS 数据描述的是空间信息,一般包括位置、属性和时间三个方面。在GIS 应用中,使用最广泛的是空间数据的查询,有时查询某一个图形,有时是查询空间图形之间的相互关系。目前许多GIS 软件提供的是常用的关系数据库结构化查询语言(SQL) ,而关系数据库结构化查询语言有其固有的缺陷,例如:不支持空间概念特别是空间关系、空间对象的查询结果不能用空间图形的方式有效地显示
    当前对空间查询语言的研究包括: (1) 空间结构化查询语言( Spatial SQL) 。它是在关系型SQL 上发展起来的,不仅能完成空间数据的查询,而且能表达查询结果。其形式为: (空间数据库查询语言)SQL + (目标表示语言) GPL = Spatial SQL 。(2) 可视化查询语言。将查询语言的操作对象和过程及其空间关系等,用直观的图形或表格显示给用户,构成可视化查询语言。(3) 自然查询语言。引入自然语言的概念,使查询语言的描述更接近自然语言,另外用模糊数学方法将模糊概念量化为确定的范围,实现具有能理解模糊概念的查询。
    3. 6 GIS 空间数据共享和数据标准研究
    现有GIS 软件与应用都有自己的数据格式和数据标准,不同GIS 软件之间还不能直接读取和操纵其他GIS 软件的数据,而必需经过数据转换。所以在GIS 的建设和发展中对空间数据共享和数据标准化问题迫切需要进行研究。一方面国家和行业部门指定自己的外部交换数据标准,要求采用公共的数据格式,以解决不同GIS软件之间空间数据的转换问题:另一方面指定空间数据相互操作协议(OGIS) ,指定一套大家能够接受的空间数据操作函数(API) ,软件开发商必须提供与这一API 函数一致的驱动程序,这样不同的软就可以操作对方的数据。目前已有几个重要空间数据转换标准:
    DIGEST———数字地理信息交换标准(DigitalGeographic Information Exchange Standard) 由北大西洋公约组织NATO 的数字地理信息工程组DGI2WG制定,可以处理栅格、矩阵和矢量数据的转换(含拓扑结构) 。
    STDS———空间数据转换标准( Spatial DataTransfer Standard) 由美国地质测量协会USCS 制定,是一种不同计算机体系中空间数据的转换标准。
    OGIS———开放地理数据互操作规范(OpenGeodata Inferoperdility Specification) 是通过各软件开发商提供的与其定义的API 函数一致的驱动来实现的,从而使得不同软件可操纵对象的数据。
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  • 哈姆雷特
    4 结束语
    GIS 的发展应该从技术开发和理研究两个方面并重,不应过分的强调技术或过分的强调理论研究。当前主要的GIS 基础理论研究主要集中在一些高校
    和科研院所,同时很多企业与之合作,积极从事应用的开始。另外政府部门借助GIS 建立了一些辅助决策系统,通过这些系统,控制、管理和掌握涉及空间信
    1 李德仁. 关于地理信息理论的苦干思考[J ] . 地理信息世
    界. 1996. 4
    2 吴信才. 地理信息系统的基本技术与发展动态[J ] . 地球
    科学. 1998 年7 月 第23 卷 第4 期
    3 钟耳顺. 地理信息系统技术开发、应用与产品[J ] . 中外科
    技信息. 1998 年12 期
    4 Michael F. Worboys. GIS:A Computing Perspective [M] .
    Taylor &Francis. 1995
    5 David A.B , 1997 , A framework for the integration fo geo2
    graphical information systems and model base management
    [J ] . ,Geographical Information Science , 11(4)
    6 Yaser Bishr ,1998 ,Overcoming the semantic and other bar2
    riers to GIS interoperability , Geographical Information Sci2
    ence[J ] ,12 (4)
    7 Opnenshaw , S. , Abrahart . , R. J , 2000 , GeoComputaion
    [M] ,London and New York ; Taylor &Francis
    The Appl ication Development and Researching Hotspots in GIS
    Liu Chun1 ,2 , Liu Dajie1
    (1 Surveying and Land Information Engineering Department of Tongji University , Shanghai 200092 ;
    2Oceanics Doctor Station of Tongji University , Shanghai 200092)
    Abstract With the development of information technology , GIS tends to cross development of multi2unit and multi2science. This pa2
    per begins with GIS application development , enumerates other information technology which combines with GIS and analyzes
    hotspots problems about GIS basic theory and technology researching. We can view GIS progress in the future by researching these
    Key Words GIS , Compute system , Information combination
  • 菜鸟来啦
    */-14 */-14 */-14 LS 的太有才拉
  • 哈姆雷特
    不是要有内容呢~~~*/-23 */-19 */-12
  • s
    */-33 是不是说太高楼层对服务器压力也增大?