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    拿到 X1 后还要上班/上学没法玩游戏?别怕,我们帮你开医生证明……


    To Recipient’s Email
    Entertainment Therapy and Specialist
    M.Nelson, M.D., X.B.1
    To whom it may concern,

    Due to theZombie Fluyouremployeewill not be able to fulfill the scheduled commitment he/she has with you. Because of the severity of this condition I'm prescribing a heavy dose of Xbox One.Heneeds todestroy zombies.
    After a thorough examination, I've concluded that the all-in-one entertainment system is the only cure for the aforementioned condition.
    This treatment may take anywhere from 1-3 days to work and will require years of accumulating achievements thereafter. If the patient is disrupted withwork, I will have to double the prescribed amount of Xbox One.
    If used effectively, Xbox One can help relieve the patient's entertainment deprivation and will have an increased state of happiness at all times.

    Refill ________Signature ______________________

    *Please be advised that there may be some side effects. These include elevated Gamerscore andswollen ego. They are to be expected and will contribute to the life-long healing process.
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  • 影山银
    Zombie Flu是啥高端病?僵尸流感?