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    Once someone talked about the music, he managed to plumb through the Chinese music with eastern flavor while he was listening and studying music from different nations with various styles. Speaking classic music, you could think of Mozart, speaking Mozart, you could think of Vienna, speaking Vienna, you could think of the people who are romantic and have respect on the humanity. This is how the connection built up with music.

    I could say he is absolutely true not only on the music but also cultures throughout every aspects in the history. You would probably not be very professional in music, but you could imagine the way how you study a foreign language or draw a painting or even pile up building blocks from scratch. You usually follow the instructions or have experienced many examples that could provide methods before you start your own job, but when you get finished, the output would definitely not same as anything you have referenced to, because you have your own characteristic inside. What is this called? It’s not imitation or stealing, it’s improvement in communication, it is culture building process for the extension.

    As long as you look back on the history, every booming culture will companion with booming communications, which is not only in the economy but also in science and technology. Thanks to the economic and cultural exchanging, we had two industrial revolutions and one information revolution in last two centuries, and certainly the revolutions in turn increase the economy and culture and technology as well. Peoples from all over the world could benefit, not just one nation or a few countries which lead the trends.

    For individuals, we learn from others and share our better abilities to others, then we could improve together, for nations, we do almost the same thing. It’s not just about the products we have made, it’s more about the methodology and characteristics the world needs. It’s a unique planet, it’s our world, peoples from different nations have their virtue of different areas. One could precede others at a specific time, but it would never keep the leadership if it were isolated from others.

    It is a fast growing world, the only way to keep up with the others is opening your mind to learn from others to use products from others, to develop on top of others, it’s not only for music, but also languages, science and technology as well as intellectual properties. No one could live alone, no one could stand on his own, and no nation could be great again by building a wall against the world outside.

    I have a dream that I could write my Chinese music while listening to Mozart, and Mozart could compromise the merits of my music and his own, and I have another dream to listen to his new music, and I would say, this is the world style.


  • s
    你好Henry iOS fly ~
  • w
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  • s
    别紧张,就是看到你的公众号叫Henry啊 iOS fly ~
  • j
  • 加里敦研究学者
  • i
    这么温文儒雅的一个男人咋就遇到渣女呢?充分说明男的不坏女的不爱。要不试试别的? 眉头仍布满密云