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    It is a great honor to be here today. Thank you.
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    [本帖最后由 taxijyl 于 2013-4-6 21:05 编辑]
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    Good Evening! For those of you who don't know me, I am _________, the very proud big sister of our glamorous Bride. I want to start by congratulating bride and groom, and thanking all of you for coming here today.

    When I look at the bride and groom, I feel such a whirlwind of emotions? I know that _____ has found her true match and I know that theirs will be a marriage of long standing. My heart is bursting with love for you two today. I know you have a wonderful adventure ahead of you, and with God's blessing your marriage will last for decades to come.

    I never knew _____ before he dated my sister, so I can't tell you horrible stories about him, but I can tell you that I think he is perfect for my sister!? He's easy going, interesting, easy to talk to, and he has a great sense of humor! We are very happy to welcome _____ into our family. We know he's made for us, and we hope we're made for him!

    ______, I want to note how beautiful you look today, and to tell you that this has truly been a special day for me. Thank you for giving true meaning to the word sister and for sharing the last 28 years with me. My parents and I have just loved this girl from the day she was born. We've coddled her, enjoyed her, and laughed with her.? I know how much joy she has brought into our lives, and I know that she'll bring that joy into ______ life as well.

    As children, _____ and I were pretty much inseparable, and we always managed to keep each other laughing. When I think back on our adventures in childhood, I have nothing but fond memories. The fondest memories include the times we spent at the river having picnic lunches.

    Add a personal memory here, or two etc. To this day, ____ is the only person I know that can make me laugh so hard it hurts. I have a lot more funny and embarrassing stories about her, but because this is her special day, I will leave her alone now.

    I thought about the words of advice that we'd like to give to the newlyweds and came up with this:

    The two secrets of a long lasting and happy marriage are a good sense of humor and a short memory!

    Always remember to say those three important little words..."You're right dear."
    If you're clever, you'll always have the last word. However, if you are very clever, you won't use it.

    Whenever you are wrong, admit it. Whenever you are right, be quiet.
    And, _____, always remember...a happy wife, makes for a happy life!

    Separately, you are two special, remarkable people, but together you are complete. As you sit side by side through this roller coaster of life, remember to scream from the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loop the loops, and enjoy every twist and turn.

    For the ride is much better when you share it together. Coming together is the beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

    My wishes for ______and _______ are that they have a continued loving friendship and partnership; that they enjoy success and laughter; that they are blessed with children; and that they always see and talk with their heart.?

    My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years, your love for each other will deepen and grow. Years from now, may you look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least. I wish you the very best. My love to the both of you.

    Please raise your glasses while I toast my sister and her husband:

    Take each day and cherish your time together. Love one another and stand together. Take time to talk to one another. Put your love and your family first; your job and your hobbies second. May your love be like the wind, strong enough to move the clouds, soft enough to never hurt, but always never ending? So here's to love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!

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