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    Will we need to make new SEGA accounts to keep using the official Company of Heroes forums?
    No, will are working to transition our old site and forums to SEGA's hands, so you will continue to be able to use your old username and account.

    Is the Company of Heroes 2 Closed Beta still going to happen?
    Yes, it is. We hope to release detailed information on the upcoming closed beta soon. We are still planning on a phased approach which will accommodate pre-order players.

    Will my beta access be affected in this transition?
    Your beta access will not be affected. Alpha Stress Testers, pre-order customers and THQ code holders alike will all gain access.

    When will the closed beta be going live?
    Now that we are up and running again we hope to be able to share details on the closed beta in the near future.

    Has Relic been impacted by the acquisition?
    Relic's development staff remains intact and have not been affected by this transition. They're all still hard at work on Company of Heroes 2!

    Has my pre-order been affected by this transition?
    Only ShopTHQ pre-orders for CoH2 thus far have been affected. If you pre-ordered on Steam, Origin, or anywhere else, you do not need to worry. Your pre-order is unaffected at this point. We will be reaching out to all retail and digital partners to ensure there is a convenient and smooth transition.

    I had a ShopTHQ pre-order for CoH2, and it has since been cancelled and refunded. What should I do?
    We recommend moving your ShopTHQ pre-order over to Steam. You can find CoH2 on steam at the following link:http://store.steampowered.com/app/55300/

    When is Company of Heroes 2 coming out?
    We are looking forward to sharing a firm release date with you in the near future. Thank you for your patience.

    How does the Sega acquisition impact Dawn of War / other Relic IP?
    We are only currently talking about Company of Heroes 2 but rest assured that all of Relic’s titles are at a good home with Sega.

    I will try to answer any other questions you have in this thread :)
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