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    Michael Jackson – the reincarnation of Mozart?
    Published 29 Jun 2009 Case Studies , Reincarnation 68 Comments
    Tags: Eston Hemings, Facial similarity, Famous figures, Michael Jackson, Mozart, Reincarnation, Soul

    In a book of channelled teachings written in the 1970s, it was stated matter-of-factly that the young pop star Michael Jackson was the reincarnation of the musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. And it now seems that MJ himself may have believed this to be the case. Could it be true? If so, then it appears that this soul has for some reason relived a very similar life pattern.

    At first glance, they are very different people. Mozart was Austrian, born January 27, 1756 in Salzburg. Jackson was an African American, born August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana. Nevertheless, the similarities in their life histories are quite striking:
    Both were born the seventh child in a very musical family.
    Both were musically talented from a very early age. Mozart had mastered his first keyboard piece just before his fifth birthday; he was the toast of Viennese society by age 7 and soon became a child star all over Europe. By age 8 Jackson had already taken over singing lead vocals in the Jackson 5. He was deemed a prodigy with “overwhelming musical gifts”.
    Both missed out on a normal childhood, spending the entire time immersed in a punishing regime of practicing, touring and performing, all imposed by a strict father. Mozart’s father believed that it was his God-given duty to exhibit his talented children throughout Europe, giving at least one performance a day, though this almost cost the boy his life on several occasions. Michael Jackson was physically, verbally and emotionally abused by his father from a young age, enduring beatings and even whippings. However, he also credited his father’s strict discipline as playing a large part in his success.
    Both later fell out with their father and went their own way. Mozart’s ambivalent attitude towards his father continued to dominate his private and professional life as an adult.
    Despite periods of great financial success, both were prone to extravagant over-spending and later struggled with debt.
    Both maintained a child-like personality in adulthood.
    Both enjoyed dressing flamboyantly and keeping a variety of pets.
    Spot The Similarity

    I initially thought there would be little or no physical similarity between Mozart and Jackson. However, I read that Mozart was described as small, thin and pale with large, intense eyes and a soft speaking voice which could be very powerful when required. All the same could easily be said of Michael Jackson. Bear in mind also Michael Jackson’s penchant for flamboyant 18th century European-style costumes…

    I also then learned that Michael Jackson used a very intriguing alias when he contributed a song (Happy Birthday, Lisa) to an episode of The Simpsons. The writing credit for the song is given to one W. A. Mozart!

    So, all this inspired me to gather some pictures of the two and make some direct comparisons. Obviously, there are racial differences: Mozart was Caucasian, Jackson was African American. Moreover, Jackson’s face was altered substantally over the years by his plastic surgery. Nevertheless, I believe there is a very similar quality or “feel”—like it really is the same soul looking out of both pairs of eyes. See what you think.
    Mozart and Michael Jackson in childhood.

    In the picture below, Michael’s nose appears to have been airbrushed — possibly by the record company at the time to make him look less “black”. A sign of things to come, weirdly.

    This alleged death mask of Mozart (below) was found in 1947. Mozart died at the age of 35, possibly from complications stemming from strep throat.

    Here is a comparison between the death mask and a weirdly similar 3D scan of MJ’s face. Apparently, this 3D facial scan was made at Michael’s behest in 1996, when he was 37 years old. (The actual scan data was recently put up for auction on eBay for $1.5m!) Mozart was a lot chubbier than MJ, but the underlying structure and general “tone” look very similar. [click for enlargement]

    Below, the death mask is compared with pictures of MJ around the same age. Note how the features are in very close alignment — the corners of the mouth, for example. Notice also the way the chin is asymmetrical in both cases. (MJ’s later augmentation of his chin removed this asymmetry.) Aside from Michael’s reshaped nose and eyebrows, the basic facial geometry looks identical.

    I promise you this doesn’t work so neatly with, say, Bach or Beethoven! (Or, for that matter, with the face of, let’s say, John Lennon.)

    So, if this apparent reincarnation from Mozart to Michael Jackson is valid, then this one soul has managed to become both the greatest musical composer the world has ever known and the most popular musical entertainer on the planet.

    Other lives in-between?

    What about between the lives of Mozart and Michael Jackson?

    According to various channels, in terms of the soul/personality classificatory system used in the Michael teachings, Mozart was a “3rd level Mature soul” and MJ was a “5th level Mature soul”. Incidentally, their soul type was originally said to be Sage [in Messages From Michael], but the consensus now is that this is an Artisan soul. Michael Jackson has recently been channelled (via both Holly Coleman and Troy Tolley) to be a Mature Artisan soul with, during this life, a goal of Acceptance, a Spiritualist attitude and a mode of Passion, and with the chief feature of Self-deprecation and possibly Self-destruction. He also had “a very etheric, frail Solar/Neptune body type with high female energy.”

    Anyway, the terms 3rd level Mature and 5th level Mature refer to stages in a soul’s evolutionary development. In each soul’s path of reincarnation it passes through five major evolutionary stages, much as human beings grow into adulthood: (1) Infant soul, (2) Baby soul, (3) Young soul, (4) Mature soul and (5) Old soul. So “Mature” describes a soul in the 4th stage.

    Now each stage consists of seven distinct growth steps (making 35 steps in all — see table below). Each level of growth involves a unique learning experience, and that learning experience requires a whole lifetime to set up, undergo and assimilate. In fact, it often takes two, three or four lifetimes to complete a single step.

    So, if this is the same soul, then it went through the third level of the Mature soul stage as Mozart (step 24) and later it went through the fifth level of that stage as Michael Jackson (step 26; incidentally, I’m at exactly the same step). In which case, there must have been at least one life in-between when the soul underwent the fourth level. So it seems likely that in the 167 years between Mozart’s death in 1791 and Michael Jackson’s birth in 1958, the same soul would have incarnated at least once.
    Eston Hemings Jefferson

    I have recently come across the work of past-life researcher Walter Semkiw who consults a spirit guide through well-known medium Kevin Ryerson. Semkiw has enquired into the past lives of Michael Jackson. Although the Mozart connection was not confirmed, Semkiw has also been told (through Ryerson) that Michael Jackson had a nineteenth-century incarnation in the USA. On this occasion, the soul had been “a highly talented and well-known mulatto musician” who was “a son of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings.”

    Sally Hemings was in fact an African-American slave owned by Thomas Jefferson, the U.S. President. It was widely claimed at the time that President Jefferson fathered several children with her after his wife’s death. (Sally Heming’s descendants can still be found today.) Eston Hemings (1808-1856) was the youngest of these, and most historians now believe that Jefferson was indeed his father.

    Eston Hemings, born a slave, was granted freedom at the age of twenty-one by Jefferson’s will. He initially pursued a trade in wood-working with his older brother Madison, another likely son of Jefferson’s. In 1832 Eston married a “free woman of color”, Julia Ann. Approaching thirty, Eston moved with his family to Chillicothe, Ohio, starting a new life as a professional musician. He played violin and lead a successful dance band who were much in demand all across southern Ohio. In 1852, amid rising racial tensions in their locale, Eston and family moved to Madison, Wisconsin, where they changed their surname to Jefferson and were registered as white.

    Unfortunately there appear to be no portraits of Eston. However, a newspaper correspondent wrote of him in 1902:

    Eston Hemings was of a light bronze color, a little over six feet tall, well proportioned, very erect and dignified; his nearly straight hair showed a tint of auburn, and his face, indistinct suggestion of freckles. Quiet, unobtrusive, polite and decidedly intelligent, he was soon very well and favorably known to all classes of our citizens, for his personal appearance and gentlemanly manners attracted everybody’s attention to him.


    It was once remarked that the bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson in Washington looked just like the mulatto-coloured Eston in the flesh.

    Obviously, skin colour and racial identity were issues during this life. Could this be related in some way to Michael Jackson’s skin disorder, vitiligo?

    It also looks like this life, if we assume it was a past life of MJ, could have developed this soul’s great love of dancing.
    An earlier incarnation?

    In addition to receiving the information about Eston Hemings Jefferson, Walter Semkiv was told that Michael Jackson had a previous incarnation in seventeenth-century Europe as the French musician Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy (1605-1677), shown right. D’Assoucy was a talented and generally successful musician, entertainer and poet, but he was often in trouble, quite possibly over a certain fondness for young boys. (No comment!) He was also part of a circle of artisitic free-thinkers which included Molière and Cyranno de Bergerac; they liked to shock audiences with what was at that time regarded as a flamboyant, unrestrained style.

    So, it’s entirely possible that the soul who was Mozart and Michael Jackson had an earlier incarnaton as Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy. If d’Assoucy and Hemings are valid, then we could have a sequence of lives as follows, perhaps with some missing:
    Charles Coypeau d’Assoucy (1605-1677)
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
    Eston Hemings Jefferson (1808-1856)
    Michael Jackson (1958-2009)
    See also:
    John Lennon – the Reincarnation of Branwell Brontë?
    Reincarnated US fighter pilot
    10 things everyone should know about reincarnation

    Also of interest:
    Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’: MJ in the Scholarly Literature: A Selected Bibliographic Guide

    8 Votes

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    [本帖最后由 zcomic 于 2010-7-31 01:31 编辑]
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