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    Bethesda has been the steward of the Fallout franchise for nearly a decade at this point, and Fallout 4 will reportedly be the most detailed game the company has ever made. That’s thanks to an updated version of the Creation game engine, but before Creation, there was Gamebryo. This is the game engine that powered Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and it had an interesting set of quirks. After poking around in the game files, someone on 4chan noticed a fantastic detail — there’s a hat that is literally an entire train.


    Gamebryo was not really designed with vehicles in mind. When you think about it, Skyrim is all horses and walking, but all the cars are wrecked in Fallout, so vehicles don’t come up much. There are a number of workarounds to make vehicles work the few times they appear. For example, the Fallout Vertibirds are just pre-rendered animations that don’t operate inside the physics of the game.


    Far more interesting is the Presidential Metro Train in Fallout 3’sBroken Steel DLC. It turns out it was easier to make the train car a piece of head armor and slap it onto an NPC than it was to make a working vehicle. The NPC (with train hat) can be spawned wherever it needs to be. All you see is the train car on the tracks, but under the surface is a person with a train on her head.

    更有意思的是,在F3断钢DLC中的总统列车,那位宅男发现,整俩火车被做成了一个护具(帽子),套在了一个隐藏的NPC头上,来使火车前后运动。。。。(巨汗)。这个NPC(头上套着火车的那个)能够用控制台召唤出来。你在游戏中看到的是一个火车在铁轨上,但是在铁轨下面,则有个NPC头上套着这个火车。。。。 = =

    There’s another trick when you actually board the train, and it’salmost as weird. Again, there aren’t physics for making a train car move in the Gamebryo engine, so you’re not actually on the train. Instead, the player is equipped with a piece of head armor that covers the field of view and looks like the inside of a train. Then a camera animation is played that makes it look like you’re on a moving train, but you really just have a helmet on.


    The new Creation engine in Fallout 4 will be much more sophisticated than Gamebryo from Fallout 3, but they share much of the same DNA. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some clever workarounds in Fallout 4 too, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a good solution if it doesn’t introduce any new bugs and can fool the player.