事实证明,索匪都是纱布,无论哪个部门 MKII

  • P
    你被Steve Jablonsky's 的变形金刚配乐震撼到想无时无处不聆听它么?可惜,你这个愿望近期是不会实现了。
    当 SonyMusic Store 的客户服务被问到这个原声碟时,他们回答说“目前没有计划立即发行这个东西”——消息来源是SuperHero Hype的董事会成员。
    The Knight Shift 的Christopher Knight甚至已经开始催促发行变形金刚的原声碟了,甚至发起了一个请愿(目前已经征集到673个签名)。
    但是,就Christopher Knight和某个Jablonsky(音乐作者)的工作人员的谈话来看,(工作室内部)有两声音:一种是等一段时间再发行,一种是根本不发行。变形金刚的部分作曲者Lorne Balfe说“我们谈过发行它的可能性,但是至少也是两个月之后了。”

    Were you impressed with Steve Jablonsky's score work for "Transformers" that you want to be able to hear it anywhere? Well, apparently you will not be satisfied anytime soon.

    When SonyMusic Store customer service was contacted about the score, the reply was, "At this time, there are no immediate plans regarding the release of the Transformers soundtrack score," according to a board member over at SuperHero Hype.

    Christopher Knight over at The Knight Shift has been pushing for the release of the score for "Transformers," even starting a petition (which has 673 signatures as of this news post).

    However, Mr. Knight has been talking to some people who worked with Mr. Jablonsky on the score, and there were two groups: either the score will be released later, or not released at all. Lorne Balfe, who composed some additional music on "Transformers," said, "[t]here is talk of a score for transformers coming out but it will be at least another 2 months!"

    Does "at this time" equal never? Or just not in the near future? It is possible that if the sequel pans out, SonyMusic may release the score to capitalize on the hype of it all.
  • k
    :awkward: 为什么前些天下了个TF电影版的原声碟
  • m

  • 雅格特
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