
  • 雷鹰
    Gender Change (Flesh Shintai ●●●)
    Particularly in the Golden Courts, it is important for vampires who want to becomelangsuirto be able to assume the female gender quickly. While alangsuircan survive as a transvestite, such vampires are often seen as second-class members of the Passion Bloodflower sect. In addition, such transvestites cannot reproduce.
    Using this power, a vampire can change its gender with minimal alteration and remain recognizable to acquaintances. Male vampires grow breasts and lose any facial hair, while female vampires lose their breasts. The vampire's frame also changes slightly, and vampires who shift to a female form gain wider hips and narrowed shoulders (and vice versa). The vampire now has a functional set of the appropriate sort of genitalia, and can engage in all the appropriate sex acts. If the vampire is permanently Yang imbalanced and male, he is able to impregnate females; if female, she is able to become pregnant.
    System:The player spends 3 points of Yang Chi and 1 point of Willpower, and the vampire must concentrate for three turns while the changes take place. Disrupting the vampire's concentration can leave it a bloody and terrifying mess, a grotesque monster trapped between sexes, until it has a chance to use the power again. This power governs only the ability to change between the two regular genders. Vampires who wish to experiment with alternate "equipment" or with combining genders will have to master the Ten Thousand Forms technique.

    Flesh Shintai and Reproduction
    Since Flesh Shintai tends to “make do" with the flesh the Dragon already possesses, twisting it into a new shape rather than creating new flesh, it is natural to wonder if Kuei-jin who use it to become female (and are permanently Yang imbalanced) can actually reproduce successfully. After all, their internal organs and flesh have only deformed into an approximation of a reproductive tract. The answer is yes. Such vampires can reproduce. The mechanical aspects of such a pregnancy would give a normal gynecologist nightmares - the reproductive tract is typically made out of borrowed large intestine and reconfigured muscles - but it can carry a baby comfortably to term just as easily as a normal mortal woman can.
    It should be noted that alleging that apenangallanis a male masquerading as a female is an unpardonable offense in the Golden Courts. Visitors would be wise to assume that everyone and everything they meet is indeed the gender he or she appears to be in public, regardless of what the “truth” may be. The public image and the attitude are far more important than the truth - important enough to kill or die for.
  • 雷鹰
  • a
  • 雷鹰
    这个是真的阴阳人。我很好奇双性共存能否自jiao... 关注点太奇怪了