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    全球第一大第三方游戏开发商、美国电子游戏巨鳄EA公司,今天正式宣布了与Elevation Partners投资公司联合收购VG Holding的协议,该公司也是另外两家第三方游戏开发商BioWare和Pandemic Studios(分别是《质量效应》和《雇佣兵2》的开发商)的母公司。

    EA公司首席执行官John Riccitiello对此次收购行动能成功获得BioWare和Pandemic Studios表示十分高兴,同时对这两家工作室的游戏开发水准予以了盛赞,“这两家工作室在业内的地位毋庸质疑,他们的加入对EA游戏产品的长期发展战略、在线游戏以及原创新作的开发都有着重要意义。”

    Riccitiello于2004年离开EA后组建了Elevation Partners公司,2005年成功并购了大型游戏发行商Eidos公司。2007年他再次回到EA担任CEO,并开始着手几项大规模收购计划,此次EA收购BioWare和Pandemic Studios的总公司VG Holding,与Riccitiello的一手策划密不可分。

    根据协议,EA将以现金的形式支付给VG Holding公司股东6亿2千万美元以购买他们手中所持有的股份,然后还要再额外拿出1亿5千5百万美元,按照工作时间或工作表现等标准,一次性支付给VG Holding公司一部分特定员工养老及退休保证金。此外EA官方还确认,VG Holding的老员工将享有优先认股权,并保证在收购结束之前,先借给VG Holding3500万美元。

    至于VG Holding旗下的两家第三方游戏开发商BioWare和Pandemic,将从现在起被并入到由Frank Gibeau领导的EA Games品牌下,转变为EA旗下的游戏工作室。两家工作室拥有员工总计800多名,分别在加拿大埃德蒙顿、美国洛杉矶、奥斯汀和澳大利亚布里斯班的4家工作室供职。

    BioWare目前的主要开发项目是预定于今年11月发售的X360游戏《质量效应(Mass Effect)》 ,目前本作已经进入大规模在线联机部分的开发,游戏最终依然将由微软公司发行。Pandemic接下来的开发任务是两款预定于2008年发售的游戏, 《雇佣兵2:战火纷飞(Mercenaries 2: World in Flames )》和《大破坏(Saboteur)》。
  • 无动于衷
    这是第几贴了 :sleep:
  • a
  • 洋葱武士
    BIZ: I have to ask about Mass Effect because there\'s already some speculation that it could be headed to other platforms. Since the IP is owned by you and EA has acquired BioWare, what does the future hold for the franchise?

    Zeschuk: Well, I can say it really is an absolutely amazing game – probably BioWare\'s best. Ray and I both finished it, played it a lot, and it\'s awesome. The thing we can tell you about the future of Mass Effect very simply is that there\'s going to be a trilogy; we\'ve been on record in the past as saying we want that whole trilogy to be on the 360. We still love the platform, we love working with Microsoft – they\'re a great partner – but we can\'t predict the future.


    BIZ: So you wouldn\'t rule out the possibility of it appearing on PS3?

    Muzyka: We have no plans currently to pursue that. Our focus is pure and simple; it\'s to deliver the best game possible for our fans with Mass Effect, and that\'s an Xbox 360 exclusive. Microsoft\'s a great partner... and they\'ve really helped build the value of the product and we\'re proud to work with them.


    [本帖最后由 洋葱武士 于 2007-10-13 00:06 编辑]