
  • r
    Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:39 pm Post subject: Doom 3 console commands list

    Here is the list with all 268 commands:

    aasStats shows AAS stats
    addarrow adds a debug arrow
    addChatLine internal use - core to game chat lines
    addline adds a debug line
    aviCmdDemo writes AVIs for a command demo
    aviDemo writes AVIs for a demo
    aviGame writes AVIs for the current game
    benchmark benchmark
    bind binds a command to a key
    bindRagdoll binds ragdoll at the current drag position
    bindunbindtwo binds a key but unbinds it first if there are more than two binds
    blinkline blinks a debug line
    centerview centers the view
    checkNewVersion check if a new version of the game is available
    clear clears the console
    clearLights clears all lights
    clientDropWeapon drop current weapon
    clientMessageMode ingame gui message mode
    clientVoiceChat voice chats: clientVoiceChat <sound shader>
    clientVoiceChatTeam team voice chats: clientVoiceChat <sound shader>
    closeViewNotes close the view showing any notes for this map
    collisionModelInfo shows collision model info
    combineCubeImages combines six images for roq compression
    compressDemo compresses a demo file
    conDump dumps the console text to a file
    connect connects to a server
    crash causes a crash
    cvar_restart restart the cvar system
    damage apply damage to an entity
    debugger launches the Script Debugger
    deleteSelected deletes selected entity
    demoShot writes a screenshot for a demo
    devmap loads a map in developer mode
    dir lists a folder
    dirtree lists a folder with subfolders
    disasmScript disassembles script
    disconnect disconnects from a game
    dmap compiles a map
    echo prints text
    editAFs launches the in-game Articulated Figure Editor
    editDecls launches the in-game Declaration Editor
    editGUIs launches the GUI Editor
    editLights launches the in-game Light Editor
    editor launches the level editor Radiant
    editParticles launches the in-game Particle Editor
    editPDAs launches the in-game PDA Editor
    editScripts launches the in-game Script Editor
    editSounds launches the in-game Sound Editor
    envshot takes an environment shot
    error causes an error
    exec executes a config file
    execMachineSpec execs the appropriate config files and sets cvars based on com_machineSpec
    exit exits the game
    exitCmdDemo exits a command demo
    exportmodels exports models
    finishBuild finishes the build process
    freeze freezes the game for a number of seconds
    game_memory displays game class info
    gameError causes a game error
    gameKick same as kick, but recognizes player names
    getviewpos prints the current view position
    gfxInfo show graphics info
    give gives one or more items
    god enables god mode
    heartbeat send a heartbeat to the the master servers
    help shows help
    hitch hitches the game
    in_restart restarts the input system
    keepTestModel keeps the last test model in the game
    kick kick a client by connection number
    kill kills the player
    killMonsters removes all monsters
    killMoveables removes all moveables
    killRagdolls removes all ragdolls
    LANScan scans LAN for servers
    listActiveEntities lists active game entities
    listAF lists articulated figures
    listAnims lists all animations
    listAudios lists Audios
    listBinds lists key bindings
    listClasses lists game classes
    listCmds lists commands
    listCollisionModels lists collision models
    listCvars lists cvars
    listDecls lists all decls
    listDictKeys lists all keys used by dictionaries
    listDictValues lists all values used by dictionaries
    listEmails lists Emails
    listEntities lists game entities
    listEntityDefs lists entity defs
    listFX lists FX systems
    listGameCmds lists game commands
    listGuis lists guis
    listHuffmanFrequencies lists decl text character frequencies
    listImages lists images
    listLines lists all debug lines
    listMaterials lists materials
    listModelDefs lists model defs
    listModels lists all models
    listModes lists all video modes
    listMonsters lists monsters
    listParticles lists particle systems
    listPDAs lists PDAs
    listRenderEntityDefs lists the entity defs
    listRendererCmds lists renderer commands
    listRenderLightDefs lists the light defs
    listServers lists scanned servers
    listSkins lists skins
    listSoundCmds lists sound commands
    listSoundDecoders list active sound decoders
    listSounds lists all sounds
    listSoundShaders lists sound shaders
    listSpawnArgs list the spawn args of an entity
    listSystemCmds lists system commands
    listTables lists tables
    listThreads lists script threads
    listToolCmds lists tool commands
    listTypeInfo list type info
    listVertexCache lists vertex cache
    listVideos lists Videos
    loadGame loads a game
    localizeGuis localize guis
    localizeMaps localize maps
    makeAmbientMap makes an ambient map
    MakeMegaTexture processes giant images
    map loads a map
    memoryDump creates a memory dump
    memoryDumpCompressed creates a compressed memory dump
    modulateLights modifies shader parms on all lights
    nextAnim shows next animation on test model
    nextFrame shows next animation frame on test model
    nextGUI teleport the player to the next func_static with a gui
    nextMap loads the next map on the server
    noclip disables collision detection for the player
    notarget disables the player as a target
    parse prints tokenized string
    path lists search paths
    playCmdDemo plays back a command demo
    playDemo plays back a demo
    playerModel sets the given model on the player
    popLight removes the last created light
    prevAnim shows previous animation on test model
    prevFrame shows previous animation frame on test model
    printAF prints an articulated figure
    printAudio prints an Video
    printEmail prints an Email
    printEntityDef prints an entity def
    printFX prints an FX system
    printMaterial prints a material
    printModel prints model info
    printModelDefs prints a model def
    printParticle prints a particle system
    printPDA prints an PDA
    printSkin prints a skin
    printSoundShader prints a sound shader
    printTable prints a table
    printVideo prints a Audio
    promptKey prompt and sets the CD Key
    quit quits the game
    rcon sends remote console command to server
    reconnect reconnect to the last server we tried to connect to
    recordDemo records a demo
    recordViewNotes record the current view position with notes
    reexportmodels reexports models
    regenerateWorld regenerates all interactions
    reloadanims reloads animations
    reloadARBprograms reloads ARB programs
    reloadCgPrograms reloads CG programs
    reloadDecls reloads decls
    reloadEngine reloads the engine down to including the file system
    reloadGuis reloads guis
    reloadImages reloads images
    reloadLanguage reload language dict
    reloadModels reloads models
    reloadScript reloads scripts
    reloadSounds reloads all sounds
    reloadSurface reloads the decl and images for selected surface
    remove removes an entity
    removeline removes a debug line
    renderbump renders a bump map
    renderbumpFlat renders a flat bump map
    reportImageDuplication checks all referenced images for duplications
    reportSurfaceAreas lists all used materials sorted by surface area
    rescanSI internal - rescan serverinfo cvars and tell game
    reset resets a cvar
    roq encodes a roq file
    runAAS compiles an AAS file for a map
    runAASDir compiles AAS files for all maps in a folder
    runReach calculates reachability for an AAS file
    s_restart restarts the sound system
    saveGame saves a game
    saveLights saves all lights to the .map file
    saveMoveables save all moveables to the .map file
    saveParticles saves all lights to the .map file
    saveRagdolls save all ragdoll poses to the .map file
    saveSelected saves the selected entity to the .map file
    say text chat
    sayTeam team text chat
    screenshot takes a screenshot
    script executes a line of script
    serverForceReady force all players ready
    serverInfo shows server info
    serverMapRestart restart the current game
    serverNextMap change to the next map
    set sets a cvar
    seta sets a cvar and flags it as archive
    setMachineSpec detects system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate value
    sets sets a cvar and flags it as server info
    sett sets a cvar and flags it as tool
    setu sets a cvar and flags it as user info
    setviewpos sets the current view position
    showDictMemory shows memory used by dictionaries
    showInteractionMemory shows memory used by interactions
    showStringMemory shows memory used by strings
    showTriSurfMemory shows memory used by triangle surfaces
    showViewNotes show any view notes for the current map, successive calls will cycle to the next note
    sizeDown makes the rendered view smaller
    sizeUp makes the rendered view larger
    spawn spawns a game entity
    spawnServer spawns a server
    startBuild prepares to make a build
    stopRecording stops demo recording
    takeViewNotes take notes about the current map from the current view
    takeViewNotes2 extended take view notes
    teleport teleports the player to an entity location
    testAnim tests an animation
    testBlend tests animation blending
    testBoneFx tests an FX system bound to a joint
    testDamage tests a damage def
    testDeath tests death
    testFx tests an FX system
    testGUI tests a gui
    testImage displays the given image centered on screen
    testLight tests a light
    testmap tests a map
    testModel tests a model
    testParticleStopTime tests particle stop time on a test model
    testPointLight tests a point light
    testSave writes out a test savegame
    testSaveGame test a save game for a level
    testShaderParm sets a shaderParm on an existing testModel
    testSIMD test SIMD code
    testSkin tests a skin on an existing testModel
    testSound tests a sound
    testVideo displays the given cinematic
    timeCmdDemo times a command demo
    timeDemo times a demo
    timeDemoQuit times a demo and quits
    toggle toggles a cvar
    touch touches a decl
    touchFile touches a file
    touchFileList touches a list of files
    touchGui touches a gui
    touchModel touches a model
    trigger triggers an entity
    unbind unbinds any command from a key
    unbindall unbinds any commands from all keys
    unbindRagdoll unbinds the selected ragdoll
    updateUI internal - cause a sync down of game-modified userinfo
    vid_restart restarts renderSystem
    vstr inserts the current value of a cvar as command text
    wait delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames
    weaponSplat projects a blood splat on the player weapon
    where prints the current view position
    writeCmdDemo writes a command demo
    writeConfig writes a config file
    writeGameState write game state
    writePrecache writes precache commands
  • r

    2,能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越 淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。












    14,你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭!一切都是轮回!!!! 我们都在轮回中!!!!


    16,于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了 。








    24,后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪.后悔是比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误.所以不要后悔 。

  • r
    1. Your Sweet Six Six Six

    [Composed and written by Valo]

    There are things you should know
    The distance between us seems to grow
    But you're holding on strong
    Oh how hard it's to let go, oh so hard to let go

    I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
    six six six in my heart
    I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
    six six six in my heart

    I'm losing my faith in you
    You don't want it to be true
    But there's nothing you can do
    There's nothing you can do - Yes, I've lost my faith in

    I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
    six six six in my heart
    I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
    six six six in my heart

    How long we have to wait
    For love is fading so slowly
    I know it's too late
    Oh my god you're so lonely

    I'm waiting for your call and I'm ready to take your
    six six six in my heart
    I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
    six six six in my heart
    I'm ready for your call and I'm ready to take your six
    six six in my heart
    I'm longing for your touch and I welcome your sweet
    six six six in my heart
    In my heart
    In my heart
    In my heart

    2. Wicked Game

    [Composed and lyrics by Chris Isaak]
    [Arranged by HIM]

    The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
    I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
    And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you

    No I don't wanna fall in love
    (this world is only gonna break your heart)
    No I don't wanna fall in love
    (this world is only gonna break your heart)
    With you

    What a wicked game to play
    To make me feel this way
    What a wicked thing to do
    To let me dream of you
    What a wicked thing to say
    You never felt this way
    What a wicked thing you do
    To make me dream of you

    No I don't wanna fall in love
    (this world is only gonna break your heart)
    No I don't wanna fall in love
    (this world is only gonna break your heart)
    With you

    The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
    No and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
    I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no

    Now I wanna fall in love
    (this world is only gonna brake your heart)
    Now I wanna fall in lust
    (this world is only gonna brake your heart)
    With you

    And nobody loves no one

    3. The Heartless

    [Composed and lyrics by Valo]

    Your pain ain't love

    Can't you see he's the heartless
    Your pain is not love
    He's taking it too far
    Don't you know it is wrong
    You're the one for me lady
    You're the one
    If you'd only see in my heart
    You'd know know all is not lost

    Your time is running out
    And you still haven't made up your mind
    Can't you see he's the heartless
    And you're one of a kind

    He's the heartless

    You can't you see he's the heartless
    Your pain won't ever be love
    It doesn't matter how hard you try
    To you all is lost

    He's the heartless

    4. Our Diabolikal Rapture

    In our diabolikal rapture we live on and on
    And death keeps knocking at our door
    So we open the door and we die a bit more
    We're in love with with death and we die on and on

    Won't you close our eyes
    We'll be by your side

    In your heavenly rapture we die on and on
    And you keep waiting at our door
    Yes - we open the door
    Let us die a bit more
    Because we're in love with you and we die on and on

    Won't you close our eyes, eyes
    We'll be by your side

    Your love is the only thing I live for in this world Oh how I wait for the day your heart burns In these heavenly flames I've already scorched in I just want you to know I'll always be waiting

    Your love is the only thing I live for in this world
    Oh how I wait for the day your heart burns
    In these heavenly flames I've already scorched in
    I just want you to know I'll always be waiting

    5. It's All Tears

    [Composed and lyrics by Valo]

    I'm waiting for you to drown in
    my love
    So open your arms
    I'm waiting for you to open your arms
    And drown in this love
    I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
    So open your arms
    I'm waiting for you to open your arms
    And drown in this love

    Open your arms and let me show you what love can be like
    It's all tears and it will be 'til the end of your time
    Come closer my love
    Will you let me tear your hearth apart?
    Now all holp is gone so drown in this love

    I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
    So open your arms
    I'm waiting for you to open your arms
    And drown in this love
    I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
    So open your arms
    I'm waiting for you to open your arms
    And drown in this love

    So my love your laughter is finally turning into tears
    And you're begging for more though the end is getting near
    come closer my love
    I'll violate you in the most sensual way... until you drown in this

    I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
    So open your arms
    I'm waiting for you to open your arms
    And drown in this love
    I'm waiting for you to drown in my love
    So open your arms
    I'm waiting for you to open your arms
    And drown in this love

    6. When Love And Death Embrace

    [Composed by Valo]
    [Lyrics by Valo]

    I'm in love with you
    And it's crushing my heart
    All I want is you
    To take me into your arms

    When love and death embrace

    I love you
    And you're crushing my heart
    I need you
    Please take me into your arms

    When love and death embrace
    When love and death embrace
    When love and death embrace
    When love and death embrace

    7. The Beginning Of The End

    [Composed and lyrics by Valo]

    Your world is coming to it's end
    But you don't have to be afraid - I'm here for you
    Save your happiness for tomorrow
    And today we'll drown in your tears
    A drop of your blood tastes like wine today

    Come closer my dear
    It is just the beginning of the end
    Yes, I'm here for you
    Save your happiness for tomorrow
    And today we'll drown in your tears
    A drop of your blood tastes like wine today

    And because I love you so
    And I'm here for you
    Save your happiness for tomorrow
    And today we'll drown in your tears
    A drop of your blood tastes like wine today
    Save your happiness for tomorrow
    And today we'll drown in your tears
    Your blood tastes like life today

    Will you let it rain
    Let it rain
    So won't you let it rain
    Oh, let it rain
    Won't you let it rain

    8. (Don' t Fear) The Reaper

    [Lyrics by Donald Roeser]
    [Arranged by HIM]

    All our times have come
    Here but now they're gone
    Seasons don't fear the reaper
    Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
    We can be like they are

    Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
    Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
    We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
    Baby I'm your man...

    Valentine is done
    Here but now they're gone
    Romeo and Juliet
    Are together in eternity...
    Romeo and Juliet

    40,000 men and women everyday... Like Romeo and
    40,000 men and women everyday... Redefine
    Another 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like
    they are

    Come on baby... Don't fear the Reaper
    Baby take my hand... Don't fear the Reaper
    We'll be able to fly... Don't fear the Reaper
    Baby I'm your man...

    Love of two is one
    Here but now they're gone
    Came the last night of sadness
    And it was clear she couldn't go on
    Then the door was open and the wind appeared
    The candles blew then disappeared
    The curtains flew then he appeared
    Saying don't be afraid

    Come on baby... And she had no fear
    And she ran to him... Then they started to fly
    They looked backward and said goodbye
    She had become like they are
    She had taken his hand
    She had become like they are

    Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

    9. For You

    [Composed and lyrics by Valo, Lindstr&aelig;m]

    In the grace of your love I writhe, writhe in pain
    In 666 ways I love you and I hope you feel the same

    I'm for you
    I'm for you

    I'm killing myself for your love and again all is lost
    In 777 ways I love you 'til my death do us apart

    I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love
    I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are
    I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love
    I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are

    In 666 ways I love you and my heaven is wherever
    you are

    I'm here for you - I am here for you
    I'm here for you - I am here for you
    I'm here for you - I am here for you
    I'm here for you - I am here for you
  • r
    1. Vampire Heart

    You can't escape the wrath of my heart
    Beating to your funeral song
    All faith is lust for hell regained
    And love dust in the hands of shame

    Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed
    And lead you along this path in the dark
    Where I belong until I feel your warmth

    Hold me like you held on to life
    When all fears came alive and entombed me
    Love me like you loved the sun
    Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

    I am the thorns in every rose, you've been sent by hope
    I am the nightmare waking you up from the dream of a dream of love

    Let me weep you this poem as heaven's gates close
    And paint you my soul scarred and alone
    Waiting for your kiss to take me back home

    Hold me like you held on to life
    When all fears came alive and entombed me
    Love me like you loved the sun
    Scorching the blood in my vampire heart

    2. Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly

    Heaven ablaze in your eyes
    We're standing still in time
    The blood on our hands is the wine
    We offer as sacrifice

    Come on and show them your love
    Rip out the wings of a butterfly
    For your soul, my love
    Rip out the wings of a butterfly
    For your soul

    This endless mercy mile
    We're crawling side by side
    With hell freezing over in our eyes
    Gods kneel before our crime

    Come on and show them your love
    Rip out the wings of a butterfly
    For your soul, my love
    Rip out the wings of a butterfly
    For your soul

    3. Under The Rose

    I dream of the winter in my heart turning to spring
    While the ice gives way under my feet
    And so I drown with the sun

    I've been burning in water and drowning in flame
    To prove you wrong and scare you away
    I admit my defeat and want back home
    In your heart under the rose

    I open my eyes with a sigh of relief
    As the warmth of summer's sunlight dances around me
    And I see you with dead leaves in your hands

    I've been burning in water and drowning in flame
    To prove you wrong and scare you away
    I admit my defeat and want back home
    In your heart under the rose

    4. Killing Loneliness

    Memories sharp as daggers
    Pierce into the flesh of today
    The suicide of love took away all that matters
    And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart

    With the venomous kiss you gave me
    I'm killing loneliness
    With the warmth of your arms you saved me
    I'm killing loneliness with you
    The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
    I'm killing loneliness

    Nailed to a cross together
    As solitude begs us to stay
    We disappear in the lie, forever
    And denounce the power of death over our souls as secret words are said to start a war

    With the venomous kiss you gave me
    I'm killing loneliness
    With the warmth of your arms you saved me
    I'm killing loneliness with you
    The killing loneliness that turned my heart into a tomb
    I'm killing loneliness

    5. Dark Light

    Shivers run through the spine
    Of hope as she cries
    The poisoned tears of a life denied
    In the raven-black night
    Holding hands with -

    Dark light
    Come shine in her lost heart tonight
    And blind
    All fears that haunt her with your smile
    Dark light

    In oblivion's garden
    Her body's on fire
    Writhing towards the angel defiled
    To learn how to die
    In peace with her God

    Dark light
    Come shine in her lost heart tonight
    And blind
    All fears that haunt her with your smile
    Dark light

    6. Behind The Crimson Door

    Covered the carcass of time with flowers
    To send the scent of blame to the grave
    Set the darkest thoughts on fire
    And watched the ashes climb to heaven's gates

    We hide behind the crimson door
    While the summer is killed by the fall
    Alive behind the crimson door
    While the winter sings:
    "Your love will be the death of me"

    Death served wine for lovers
    Brought from the world where devils reign
    And intoxicated angels with sorrow
    They witnessed in the eyes of their slaves

    We hide behind the crimson door
    While the summer is killed by the fall
    Alive behind the crimson door
    While the winter sings:
    "Your love will be the death of me"

    7. The Face Of God

    I'm drained but aching for more
    And the devil inside is reading
    The words of the saddest poem
    To be engraved on the stone on my grave

    I'd kill to share your pain (and carry the shame)
    And sell my soul for you just to say:

    "I dream what you're dreaming
    And feel what you're feeling
    Love's the shadow on our wall
    With the face of God"

    Nothing will be enough
    For the ones who keep on stumbling
    In the garden of withering trust
    Without the courage to leave

    I'd take my life for your kiss (grant me this)
    And lose it all to take you across the abyss

    I dream what you're dreaming
    And feel what you're feeling
    Love's the shadow on our wall
    With the face of God

    You dream what I'm dreaming
    And see what I'm seeing
    Love's our shadow on the wall
    With the face of God

    Labyrinth in the shape of a heart
    Loves' secret architecture
    I find myself to be lost in the
    Arms of your fate

    I'd kill to share your pain (please let me stay)
    And sell my soul for you just to say
    Loves name in vain
    Again and again...

    I dream what you're dreaming
    And feel what you're feeling
    Love's our shadow on the wall
    With the face of God

    You dream what I'm dreaming
    And see what I'm seeing
    Love's our shadow on the wall
    With the face of God

    8. Drunk On Shadows

    Hiding underneath
    The veil of broken dreams we find her weeping
    On her once white wings
    She will be carrying the weight of our deeds

    And she bleeds for love forever gone

    Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie
    Killing ourselves, a kiss at a time
    Devils dance while angels smile
    Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie

    Finding souls to feed
    The nightside of Eden
    We see her struggling
    For her love's last breath And walk off

    Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie
    Killing ourselves, a kiss at a time
    Devils dance while angels smile
    Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie

    She's blinded by the fear
    Of life and death and everything in between
    We smile when she cries a river of tears
    A mirror where we see nothing but a reflection of heaven too far away

    Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie
    Killing ourselves, a kiss at a time
    Devils dance while angels smile
    Drunk on shadows and lost in a lie

    9. Play Dead

    A moth into a butterfly and a lie into the sweetest truth
    I'm so afraid of life
    I try to call your name but I'm silenced by the fear of dying in your heart once again

    I see the seasons changing
    And in the heart of this autumn I fall
    With the leaves from the trees

    I play dead
    To hide my heart
    Until the world gone dark fades away

    I cry like God cries the rain and I'm just one step away from the end of today

    I see the reasons changing
    And in the warmth of the past I crawl
    Scorched by the shame

    I play dead
    To hide my heart
    Until the world gone dark fades away

    I stay dead
    Until you veil my scars and say goodbye to fate
    Before it's too late

    10. In The Nightside Of Eden

    Divided we stand in the light of a frozen sun
    Cursing the Gods we have become
    We steal the fire from a sacred heart
    And bleed the wine unholy
    We fall in love with the serpent's song
    And fear nothing

    In the nightside of Eden
    We're born again -

    "Forever we are
    Forever we've been
    Forever will be crucified to a dream"

    Deranged we're tearing away the petals of desire
    Learning the mathematics of evil by heart
    We deceive ourselves to start a war
    Within the realm of senses
    And descend to the circle number four
    Where we are nothing

    In the nightside of Eden
    We're born again -

    "Forever we are
    Forever we've been
    Forever will be crucified to a dream"

    11. Venus (In Our Blood)

    Her heaven's a lie to those who threw away the key
    Her god is alive and well when the higher believes
    And you can't bend the river of her dreams
    Or understand the divine words she speaks

    Venus denies your severing tides above dark waters
    You can't quench her thirst with the fear hiding away from the day
    Venus denies you in your dark waters
    The moon kissed the sun and now we hold her in our blood

    Her savior was never on a cross pierced with nails
    Thirty pieces of silver never retraced her mistake
    She'll always be free from the arms of your sins
    That made you weak as your world started crumbling

    Venus denies your severing tides above dark waters
    You can't quench her thirst with the fear hiding away from the day
    Venus denies you in your dark waters
    The moon kissed the sun and now we hold her in our blood

    (She's in our blood)
    Venus denies your severing tides above dark waters
    You can't quench her thirst with the fear hiding away from the day
    The Venus denies you in your dark waters
    The moon kissed the sun and now we hold her in our blood
    In our blood
    In our blood
    In our blood
    (She's in our blood)

    12. The Cage

    For years I've seen you fighting
    Against your heart
    Living like you're dying
    So far from the sun

    Waiting for a guardian angel
    To lead you through the dangers
    That lie ahead on your way
    Towards tomorrows arms

    Tears have turned from sweet to sour
    And hours to days
    You're hiding yourself away
    From our cruel world's embrace
    And as your days turn to weeks
    You'll cry yourself to sleep
    In the cage

    We all have our fears but yours are
    The scariest of them all
    Lift your head and let us taste
    The horror you adore

    And it all starts to makes sense
    All the blood wisely shed
    Just wait until the truth comes
    Knocking on your door

    Tears have turned from sweet to sour
    And hours to days
    You're hiding yourself away
    From our cruel world's embrace
    And as your days turn to weeks
    You'll cry yourself to sleep
    In the cage you're locked in

    Tears have turned from sweet to sour
    And hours to days
    You're hiding yourself away
    From our cruel world's embrace
    And as your days turn to weeks
    You'll cry yourself to sleep
    In the cage
    And as your days turn to weeks
    You'll cry yourself to sleep
    In the cage you've locked yourself in
  • f
    “北约三层”是北约国家为统一反坦克武器威力考核标准而设置的一种新式结构靶,据说是用于模拟重型坦克装甲。它由10mm , 25mm ,8Omm三层装甲靶组成,靶间垂直距离30mm ,靶的法线与水平夹角65°,从第一层入口到第三层出口的水平距离为830mm。

    原来在一本《弹药概论》中看到的,图就不画出来了。书中列出的数据,豹II的主炮加穿甲弹能在3000m 外击穿,德国一直都是用的W合金。以目前这种非高的火炮初速,贫U弹的穿甲能力确实优于W合金弹啊。真不知道中国现役坦克中,包括最红人——99式在内的主战坦克,其主炮加穿甲弹,对“北约三层板”的穿透距离能达到多少呢?

  • r
    1. Buried Alive By Love

    Again the burden of losing rest
    Upon my shoulders
    And its weight seems unbearable
    Your tomb is where your heart is,
    I should've told her
    But within me hid a secret so terrible

    To cry is to know that you're alive
    But my river of tears has run dry
    I never wanted to fool you, no
    But a cold heart is a dead heart

    And it feels like I've been buried alive by love
    If I should die before I wake
    Pray no one my soul to take
    And if I wake before I die,
    Rescue me with your smile

    The kiss of vanity blessed me with a spiritual murder
    And fed the gods of war insatiable
    Your tomb is where the dark is, I should've told her
    And embraced the fire indestructible

    To die is to know that you're alive
    And my river of blood won't run dry
    I never wanted to lose you, no
    But a cold heart is a dead heart

    And it feels like I've been buried alive by love
    If I should die before I wake
    Pray no one my soul to take
    And if I wake before I die,
    Rescue me with your smile

    Oh, they say to cry is to know that you're alive
    But my river of tears has run dry
    I never wanted to fool you, no
    But a cold heart is a dead heart
    And a deserted soul is gone
    A cold heart is a dead heart

    And it feels like I've been buried alive by love
    If I should die before I wake
    Pray no one my soul to take
    And if I wake before I die,
    Rescue me with your smile

    2. The Funeral Of Hearts

    Love's the funeral of hearts
    And an ode for cruelty
    When angels cry blood
    On flowers of evil in bloom

    The funeral of hearts
    And a plea for mercy
    When love is a gun
    Separating me from you

    She was the sun shining upon
    The tomb of your hopes and dreams so frail
    He was the moon painting you
    With its glow so vulnerable and pale

    Love's the funeral of hearts
    And an ode for cruelty
    When angels cry blood
    On flowers of evil in bloom

    The funeral of hearts
    And a plea for mercy
    When love is a gun
    Separating me from you

    She was the wind, carrying in
    All the troubles and fears you've for years tried to forget
    He was the fire, restless and wild
    And you were like a moth to that flame

    The heretic seal beyond divine
    A prayer to a god who's deaf and blind
    The last rites for souls on fire
    Three little words and a question: why?

    Love's the funeral of hearts
    And an ode for cruelty
    When angels cry blood
    On flowers of evil in bloom

    The funeral of hearts
    And a plea for mercy
    When love is a gun
    Separating me from you

    3. Beyond Redemption

    Oh I see your scars I know where they're from
    So sensually carved and bleeding until you're dead and gone
    I've seen it all before beauty and splendour torn
    It's when heaven turns to black and hell to white
    Right so wrong and wrong so right


    Feel it turning your heart into stone
    Feel it piercing your courageous soul
    You're beyond redemption
    And no one's gonna catch you when you fall

    Oh I see you crawl you can barely walk
    And arms wide open you keep on begging for more
    I've been there before knocking on the same door
    It's when hate turns to love and love to hate
    Faith to doubt and doubt to faith


    Feel it turning your heart into stone
    Feel it piercing your courageous soul
    You're beyond redemption
    And no one's gonna catch you when you fall

    4. Sweet Pandemonium

    Today tomorrow seems so far away
    An the wait in vain, yeah
    So safe, in the blinding light of love unchained
    In yesterday's grave, yeah

    The truth that could set souls free
    Is buried within sweet pandemonium
    Concealed by disbelief
    The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

    Afraid that everything remains unchanged
    In this fragile dream, yeah
    Ashamed of the shattered remains
    Of promises made, yeah

    The truth that could set souls free
    Is buried within sweet pandemonium
    Concealed by disbelief
    The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

    Drained by the anger and grief
    Faized by the envy and greed
    The secret cries for a release
    The lucidity hidden deep in sweet pandemonium

    The truth that could set souls free
    Is buried within sweet pandemonium
    Concealed by disbelief
    The riddle stays veiled in sweet pandemonium

    5. Soul On Fire

    There's a flame
    That leads all souls astray
    No one's safe
    From its tender touch of pain
    And everyday
    It's looking for new slaves
    To celebrate
    The beauty of the grave

    We are like the living dead
    Sacrificing all we have
    For a frozen heart and a soul on fire
    We are like the living dead
    Craving for deliverance
    With a frozen heart and a soul on fire

    And Again
    We're falling for disgrace
    And hate
    Will shelter us from the rain
    We are enslaved
    By the sacred heart of shame
    And gently raped
    By the light of day

    We are like the living dead
    Sacrificing all we have
    For a frozen heart and a soul on fire
    We are like the living dead
    Craving for deliverance
    With a frozen heart and a soul on fire

    Addicted to our divine despair
    The venom of the cross we bear
    The guilt will follow us to death

    We are like the living dead
    Sacrificing all we have
    For a frozen heart and a soul on fire
    We are like the living dead
    Craving for deliverance
    With a frozen heart and a soul on fire

    With a soul on
    Soul on
    Soul on

    Soul on fire
    Soul on fire

    6. The Sacrament

    I hear you breathe so far from here
    I feel your touch so close and real
    And I know
    My church is not of silver and gold,
    Its glory lies beyond judgement of souls
    The commandments are of consolation and warmth

    You know our sacred dream won't fail
    The sanctury tender and so frail
    The sacrament of love
    The sacrament of warmth is true
    The sacrament is you

    I hear you weep so far from here
    I taste your tears like you're next to me
    And I know
    My weak prayers are not enough to heal
    The ancient wounds so deep and so dear
    The revelation is of hatred and fear

    You know our sacred dream won't fail
    The sanctury tender and so frail
    The sacrament of love
    The sacrament of warmth is true
    The sacrament is you
    The sacrament is you
    The sacrament is you
    The sacrament is you
    The sacrament is you

    You know our sacred dream won't fail
    The sanctury tender and so frail
    The sacrament of love
    The sacrament of warmth is true
    The sacrament is you

    You know our sacred dream won't fail
    The sanctury tender and so frail
    The sacrament of love
    The sacrament of warmth is true
    The sacrament is you

    7. This Fortress Of Tears

    No one can hurt you now
    In this haven safe and sound
    No one can save you now
    From this grace you are drowning in
    Just hold your breath on your way down

    This fortress of tears
    I've built from my fears - for you
    This fortress won't fall
    I've built it strong - for you

    No one can free you now
    From the chains around your heart
    Don't be afraid now
    Just dive in this emptiness
    And hold your breath on your way down

    This fortress of tears
    I've built from my fears - for you
    This fortress won't fall
    I've built it strong - for you

    No one can hurt you now
    In this haven safe and sound
    Just hold your breath on your way down

    This fortress of tears
    I've built from my fears - for you
    This fortress won't fall
    I've built it strong - for you

    This fortress of tears
    I've built from my fears - for you
    This fortress won't fall
    I've built it strong - for you

    8. Circle Of Fear

    Heartache's knocking on her door
    Shadows dance outside her window
    Tears keep falling on the floor
    As the world around her crambles

    If you wanna save her
    Then first you'll have to save yourself
    If you wanna free her from the hurt
    Don't do it with your pain
    If you wanna see her smile again
    Don't show her you're afraid
    'Cause your circle of fear is the same

    Love can be as cold as grave
    A one way ticket to endless sorrow
    An empire of gentle hate
    Today without tomorrow

    If you wanna save her
    Then first you'll have to save yourself
    If you wanna free her from the hurt
    Don't do it with your pain
    If you wanna see her smile again
    Don't show her you're afraid
    'Cause your circle of fear is the same

    It's the circle of regret
    The circle of hate
    The circle of death
    Your circle of fear is the same
    Your circle of fear is the same

    If you wanna save her
    Then first you'll have to save yourself
    If you wanna free her from the hurt
    Don't do it with your pain
    If you wanna see her smile again
    Don't show her you're afraid
    'Cause your circle of fear is the same

    Your circle of fear is the same

    9. Endless Dark

    Softly the light shines in through
    The gates of grace on me and you
    Deceiving our restless hearts
    A flickering flame so serene
    Devours the night so we could see
    The fear we hold on to so strong

    But I know where I belong
    Away from your gods
    That heal our wounds
    And light this endless dark

    Lonely the light shines on you
    Through the gates of fire entombed
    Feeding on your love
    Weak is the blaze that kept me away
    From cruelty and tenderness embraced
    Saving my soul no more

    And I know where I belong
    Away from your gods
    That heal all wounds
    And light this endless dark

    And I know where I belong
    Away from your gods
    That heal all wounds
    And light this endless dark
    That shine on you and tame your burning heart
    That bury my truth right into your arms
    That worship the tomb of our forlorn love

    10. The Path

    There is no turning back
    From this unending path of mine
    Serpentine and black
    It stands before my eyes
    To hell and back
    It will lead me once more
    It's all I have as I stumble in and out of grace

    I walk through the gardens
    Of dying light
    And cross all the rivers
    Deep and dark as the night
    Searching for a reason
    Why time would've passed us by

    With every step I take
    The less I know myself
    And every vow I break
    On my way towards your heart
    Countless times I've prayed
    For forgiveness
    But gods just laugh at my face
    And this path remains
    Leading me into solitude's arms

    I see through the darkness
    My way back home
    The journey seems endless
    But I'll carry on
    The shadows will rise
    And they will fall
    And our night drowns in dawn

    Amidst all the tears there's a smile
    All angels greet with an envious song
    One look into stranger's eyes
    And I know where I belong

    I walk through the gardens
    Of dying light
    And cross all the rivers
    Deep and dark as the night
    Searching for a reason
    Why time would've passed us by

    I see through the darkness
    My way back home
    The journey seems endless
    But I'll carry on
    The shadows will rise
    And they will fall
    And our night drowns in dawn

    The Shadows
    They rise and and they fall
    And our night drowns in dawn

    11. Love's Requiem

    Confusion writhes around our hearts impatiently
    It drains the faith that lights the dark and sets us free
    From the chains of our war
    And the pain we once called love

    The poison of doubt enslaves our minds and we bleed
    We abandon the trust that kept us blind and disappear
    Under the crimson wings of hate
    Where the lost are safe until they love again

    The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there
    And that hope will be our love's requiem

    We pray to the serpent of delight desperately
    The questions are answered and we try not to weep
    Until we are sure
    We're suffering for love

    In the dungeon of our dreams we're so weak
    The promise made to be broken still haunts our sleep
    And we won't open our eyes
    Afraid we would die for love again

    The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there
    And that hope will be our love's requiem

    The salvation we seek will be waiting us there
    In the heart of darkness lonely and scared
    With a promise of death for our love

    And now that we're free
    From the chains of our dear love
    I'm lost
    So lost

    The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there
    And that hope will be our love's requiem

    Take me into your arms
    And sing me your beautiful song
    Hold me until we're one
    And sing me you're beautiful song

    12. Buried Alive By Love (Video)
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    1. Salt In Our Wounds

    Here we are
    In the maelstrom of love
    Waiting for the calm
    To soothe our hearts

    Here we are
    And don't know how to stop
    Waiting for the war
    To end it all

    Love is insane and Baby
    We are too
    It's our hearts little grave
    And the salt in our wounds

    Love is insane and Baby
    We are too
    It's our hearts little grave
    And the salt in our wounds

    Here we are
    Right back where we began
    Waiting for sweet love
    With open arms

    Here we are
    Just like before
    Waiting for the warmth
    Of that tender storm

    Love is insane and Baby
    We are too
    It's our hearts little grave
    And the salt in our wounds

    2. Heartache Every Moment

    From lashes to ashes
    And from lust to dust
    In your sweetest torment
    I'm lost
    And no heaven can help us
    Ready, willing and able
    To lose it all
    For a kiss so fatal
    And so worn

    Oh it's heartache every moment
    From the start 'til the end
    It's heartache every moment
    With you
    Deeper into our heavenly suffering
    Our fragile souls are falling
    It's heartache every moment
    Baby with you

    And we sense the danger
    But don't wanna give up
    'Cause there's no smile of an angel
    Without the wrath of god

    Oh it's heartache every moment
    From the start 'til the end
    It's heartache every moment
    With you
    Deeper into our heavenly suffering
    Our fragile souls are falling
    It's heartache every moment
    Baby with you
    My darling with you

    From lashes to ashes
    And from lust to dust
    In your sweetest torment
    I am lost
    And we sense the danger
    But don't wanna give up

    Oh it's heartache every moment
    From the start 'til the end
    It's heartache every moment
    With you
    Deeper into our heavenly suffering
    Our fragile souls are falling
    It's heartache every moment with you
    That's right

    3. Loose You Tonight

    Don't run away
    Cause I can't live without you
    Please stay
    And I learn to love you right

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time
    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm not going to
    Lose you tonight

    Don't run away
    I never wanted to hide you
    Please stay
    And I learn to treat you right

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time
    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm not going to
    Lose you tonight

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time
    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm not going to
    Lose you tonight

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life

    Oh, I can't live without you

    And I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time

    I never want adore you

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm not going to
    Lose you tonight

    I'm going to lose you tonight

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time
    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm going to
    Lose you tonight

    4. In Joy And Sorrow

    Oh girl we are the same
    we are young and lost and so afraid
    there?s no cure for the pain
    no shelter from the rain
    All our prayers seem to fail

    In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart
    in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart

    Oh girl we are the same
    we are strong and blessed and so brave
    with souls to be saved
    and faith regained
    all our tears wipe away

    In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart
    in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart

    In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart
    in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart

    and my home's in your arms
    and it is breaking my heart
    my home's in your arms
    and it is breaking my heart

    5. Pretending

    Love is a flame that can't be tamed
    And though we are its willing prey, my darling
    We are not the ones to blame

    Trust is a word all lovers know
    The glorious art of staining souls, my darling
    We are not the ones to blame
    The more we have the more we want
    And the more it hurts our hearts, my baby
    It always ends up in tears

    So keep on pretending
    Our heaven is worth the waiting
    Keep on pretending it's alright
    So keep on pretending
    It will be the end of our craving
    Keep on pretending
    It's alright

    When doubts arise the game begins
    The one we will never win, my baby
    It always ends up in tears...

    So keep on pretending
    Our heaven is worth the waiting
    Keep on pretending it's alright
    So keep on pretending
    It will be the end of our craving
    Keep on pretending
    It's alright

    So keep on pretending
    Our heaven is worth the waiting
    Keep on pretending it's alright
    So keep on pretending
    It will be the end of our craving
    Keep on pretending
    It's alright

    Love is a flame that can't be tamed
    And though we are its willing prey, my darling
    We are not the ones to blame

    6. Close To The Flame

    The kiss sweetest
    And touch so warm
    The smile kindest
    In this world so cold and strong

    So close to the flame
    Burning brightly
    It won't fade away
    And leave us lonely

    The arms safest
    And words all good
    The faith deepest
    In this world so cold and cruel

    So close to the flame
    Burning brightly
    It won't fade away
    And leave us lonely

    7. You Are The One

    No I won't surrender
    At any cost
    You're something so sweet and tender
    From my heart

    Yes I've done my evil
    I've done my good
    Just believe me honey
    I won't let go off you

    You are the one
    And there's no regrets at all
    You are the one
    And there's no regrets at all

    We've had our share of misfortune
    We've had our blues
    And God is not on our side
    Yes it's true
    We keep forgetting baby
    The others too
    There is no one who can take that away
    From me and you

    You are the one
    And there's no regrets at all

    You are the one
    And there's no regrets at all

    8. Please Don't Let It Go

    We're drifting apart
    But I want you to know
    Wherever you are I belong
    Love's singing our song
    But we fail to sing along
    Wherever you go I will follow

    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you don't let it I won't let it go

    You try to be strong
    But you're always so alone
    Whatever I do I do it wrong
    Death sings our song
    And we eagerly sing along
    Whatever you do I adore
    I adore

    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    Oh no

    Don't let go of life
    Let go of love
    Let go of all we have

    So don't let go of trust
    Let go of lust
    Let go of all we share
    All we share

    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you don't let it I won't let it go

    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    Hey my darling
    Please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    Oh no

    9. Beautiful

    Just one look into your eyes
    One look and I'm crying
    'Cause you're so beautiful

    Just one kiss and I'm alive
    One kiss and I'm ready to die
    'Cause you're so beautiful

    Just one touch and I'm on fire
    One touch and I'm crying
    'Cause you're so beautiful

    Just one smile and I'm wild
    One smile and I'm ready to die
    'Cause you're so beautiful

    Oh and you're so beautiful
    My darling
    Oh you're so beautiful
    You're so beautiful
    Oh my baby
    You're so beautiful
    And you're so beautiful
    Oh my darling
    Oh my baby
    And you're so beautiful

    10. In Love And Lonely

    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    I'm not with you my baby
    Just to see you cry
    I'm in love with you
    Not the tears in your eyes

    I can't remember
    The last time you smiled
    Oh I know how it feels
    I know what it's like

    To be
    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    Don't what to do my baby
    It's not alright
    This can't be the end
    The time to say good bye

    No I won't walk away that easy
    After all this time
    Oh you know how it feels
    You know what it's like

    To be
    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    Oh you know how it feels
    You know what it's like
    You know how it is
    But you just can't stop crying

    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    11. Don't Close Your Heart

    I know how it feels to be on your own
    In this cruel world where hearts are bound to turn to stone
    Where you are alone
    And tired of breathing
    It's all going wrong
    And you just can't stand the pain any more
    You're too numb to believe in
    In anything

    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Darling don't let me down

    I know how easy it is to let go
    Surrender to despair lurking at your door
    To lose your soul and all your feelings
    Strength all gone
    And so many things left unsaid
    And deeds undone
    You've stopped caring
    'Cause it's all in vain

    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Darling don't let me down

    You are so alone
    And tired of breathing
    It's all going wrong
    And you just can't stand the pain

    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Darling don't let me down
    Don't let me down
    Don't let me down
    Just don't let me down

    12. Love You Like I Do

    On my heart I'll bear the shame
    No prayer can ease the pain
    No one will love you
    No one will love you the way I do
    No one will love you
    Love you like I do

    And there's no escape
    Just countless mistakes
    No one will love you
    No one will love you the way I do
    No one will love you
    Love you like I do

    It will never be the same
    Witness trust fade away
    No one will love you
    No one will love you the way I do
    No one will love you
    Love you like I do

    No one will love you
    No one will love you the way I do
    No one will love you
    Love you like I do

    Love you like I do
    Love you like I do
    Love you like I do
    Love you like I do

    13. Again

    [Limited edition Christmas' version track]

    I see you turn your back on life again
    And I see your stumbling down worked smooth again

    And I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again

    You hear me crying behind your back again
    And you hear my heartbeat slowly down again

    And I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again
    I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again

    Oh baby yes
    I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again
    And I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again

    Despair holding our hearts again
    That's right
  • 孟德
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    The German King Tiger tank was the heaviest tank in active service during World War II and a fore runner of modern Main Battle Tanks. Weighing in at nearly 71 tonnes (69.7tons), it saw action on the Eastern Front in May 1944 and on the Western Front in August 1944. A handful of King Tigers remained at the end of the war to defend Berlin.
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  • f
    综合来讲,KINGTIGER没有TIGER I厉害,因为KINGTIGER的使用成本太高了,看阿登战役派普都把虎王放最后,用IV和豹来打头阵
  • r
    1. Salt In Our Wounds

    Here we are
    In the maelstrom of love
    Waiting for the calm
    To soothe our hearts

    Here we are
    And don't know how to stop
    Waiting for the war
    To end it all

    Love is insane and Baby
    We are too
    It's our hearts little grave
    And the salt in our wounds

    Love is insane and Baby
    We are too
    It's our hearts little grave
    And the salt in our wounds

    Here we are
    Right back where we began
    Waiting for sweet love
    With open arms

    Here we are
    Just like before
    Waiting for the warmth
    Of that tender storm

    Love is insane and Baby
    We are too
    It's our hearts little grave
    And the salt in our wounds

    2. Heartache Every Moment

    From lashes to ashes
    And from lust to dust
    In your sweetest torment
    I'm lost
    And no heaven can help us
    Ready, willing and able
    To lose it all
    For a kiss so fatal
    And so worn

    Oh it's heartache every moment
    From the start 'til the end
    It's heartache every moment
    With you
    Deeper into our heavenly suffering
    Our fragile souls are falling
    It's heartache every moment
    Baby with you

    And we sense the danger
    But don't wanna give up
    'Cause there's no smile of an angel
    Without the wrath of god

    Oh it's heartache every moment
    From the start 'til the end
    It's heartache every moment
    With you
    Deeper into our heavenly suffering
    Our fragile souls are falling
    It's heartache every moment
    Baby with you
    My darling with you

    From lashes to ashes
    And from lust to dust
    In your sweetest torment
    I am lost
    And we sense the danger
    But don't wanna give up

    Oh it's heartache every moment
    From the start 'til the end
    It's heartache every moment
    With you
    Deeper into our heavenly suffering
    Our fragile souls are falling
    It's heartache every moment with you
    That's right

    3. Loose You Tonight

    Don't run away
    Cause I can't live without you
    Please stay
    And I learn to love you right

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time
    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm not going to
    Lose you tonight

    Don't run away
    I never wanted to hide you
    Please stay
    And I learn to treat you right

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time
    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm not going to
    Lose you tonight

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time
    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm not going to
    Lose you tonight

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life

    Oh, I can't live without you

    And I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time

    I never want adore you

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm not going to
    Lose you tonight

    I'm going to lose you tonight

    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I've been crying for you
    Die for you all this time
    I was waiting for you
    Waiting for all my life
    And I'm going to
    Lose you tonight

    4. In Joy And Sorrow

    Oh girl we are the same
    we are young and lost and so afraid
    there?s no cure for the pain
    no shelter from the rain
    All our prayers seem to fail

    In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart
    in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart

    Oh girl we are the same
    we are strong and blessed and so brave
    with souls to be saved
    and faith regained
    all our tears wipe away

    In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart
    in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart

    In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart
    in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
    in world so hollow
    it is breaking my heart

    and my home's in your arms
    and it is breaking my heart
    my home's in your arms
    and it is breaking my heart

    5. Pretending

    Love is a flame that can't be tamed
    And though we are its willing prey, my darling
    We are not the ones to blame

    Trust is a word all lovers know
    The glorious art of staining souls, my darling
    We are not the ones to blame
    The more we have the more we want
    And the more it hurts our hearts, my baby
    It always ends up in tears

    So keep on pretending
    Our heaven is worth the waiting
    Keep on pretending it's alright
    So keep on pretending
    It will be the end of our craving
    Keep on pretending
    It's alright

    When doubts arise the game begins
    The one we will never win, my baby
    It always ends up in tears...

    So keep on pretending
    Our heaven is worth the waiting
    Keep on pretending it's alright
    So keep on pretending
    It will be the end of our craving
    Keep on pretending
    It's alright

    So keep on pretending
    Our heaven is worth the waiting
    Keep on pretending it's alright
    So keep on pretending
    It will be the end of our craving
    Keep on pretending
    It's alright

    Love is a flame that can't be tamed
    And though we are its willing prey, my darling
    We are not the ones to blame

    6. Close To The Flame

    The kiss sweetest
    And touch so warm
    The smile kindest
    In this world so cold and strong

    So close to the flame
    Burning brightly
    It won't fade away
    And leave us lonely

    The arms safest
    And words all good
    The faith deepest
    In this world so cold and cruel

    So close to the flame
    Burning brightly
    It won't fade away
    And leave us lonely

    7. You Are The One

    No I won't surrender
    At any cost
    You're something so sweet and tender
    From my heart

    Yes I've done my evil
    I've done my good
    Just believe me honey
    I won't let go off you

    You are the one
    And there's no regrets at all
    You are the one
    And there's no regrets at all

    We've had our share of misfortune
    We've had our blues
    And God is not on our side
    Yes it's true
    We keep forgetting baby
    The others too
    There is no one who can take that away
    From me and you

    You are the one
    And there's no regrets at all

    You are the one
    And there's no regrets at all

    8. Please Don't Let It Go

    We're drifting apart
    But I want you to know
    Wherever you are I belong
    Love's singing our song
    But we fail to sing along
    Wherever you go I will follow

    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you don't let it I won't let it go

    You try to be strong
    But you're always so alone
    Whatever I do I do it wrong
    Death sings our song
    And we eagerly sing along
    Whatever you do I adore
    I adore

    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    Oh no

    Don't let go of life
    Let go of love
    Let go of all we have

    So don't let go of trust
    Let go of lust
    Let go of all we share
    All we share

    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you don't let it I won't let it go

    So please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    Hey my darling
    Please don't let it
    Please don't let it go
    'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it go
    Oh no

    9. Beautiful

    Just one look into your eyes
    One look and I'm crying
    'Cause you're so beautiful

    Just one kiss and I'm alive
    One kiss and I'm ready to die
    'Cause you're so beautiful

    Just one touch and I'm on fire
    One touch and I'm crying
    'Cause you're so beautiful

    Just one smile and I'm wild
    One smile and I'm ready to die
    'Cause you're so beautiful

    Oh and you're so beautiful
    My darling
    Oh you're so beautiful
    You're so beautiful
    Oh my baby
    You're so beautiful
    And you're so beautiful
    Oh my darling
    Oh my baby
    And you're so beautiful

    10. In Love And Lonely

    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    I'm not with you my baby
    Just to see you cry
    I'm in love with you
    Not the tears in your eyes

    I can't remember
    The last time you smiled
    Oh I know how it feels
    I know what it's like

    To be
    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    Don't what to do my baby
    It's not alright
    This can't be the end
    The time to say good bye

    No I won't walk away that easy
    After all this time
    Oh you know how it feels
    You know what it's like

    To be
    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    Oh you know how it feels
    You know what it's like
    You know how it is
    But you just can't stop crying

    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    In love and lonely
    In love and lonely

    11. Don't Close Your Heart

    I know how it feels to be on your own
    In this cruel world where hearts are bound to turn to stone
    Where you are alone
    And tired of breathing
    It's all going wrong
    And you just can't stand the pain any more
    You're too numb to believe in
    In anything

    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Darling don't let me down

    I know how easy it is to let go
    Surrender to despair lurking at your door
    To lose your soul and all your feelings
    Strength all gone
    And so many things left unsaid
    And deeds undone
    You've stopped caring
    'Cause it's all in vain

    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Darling don't let me down

    You are so alone
    And tired of breathing
    It's all going wrong
    And you just can't stand the pain

    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Baby just don't close your heart
    Darling don't let me down
    Don't let me down
    Don't let me down
    Just don't let me down

    12. Love You Like I Do

    On my heart I'll bear the shame
    No prayer can ease the pain
    No one will love you
    No one will love you the way I do
    No one will love you
    Love you like I do

    And there's no escape
    Just countless mistakes
    No one will love you
    No one will love you the way I do
    No one will love you
    Love you like I do

    It will never be the same
    Witness trust fade away
    No one will love you
    No one will love you the way I do
    No one will love you
    Love you like I do

    No one will love you
    No one will love you the way I do
    No one will love you
    Love you like I do

    Love you like I do
    Love you like I do
    Love you like I do
    Love you like I do

    13. Again

    [Limited edition Christmas' version track]

    I see you turn your back on life again
    And I see your stumbling down worked smooth again

    And I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again

    You hear me crying behind your back again
    And you hear my heartbeat slowly down again

    And I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again
    I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again

    Oh baby yes
    I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again
    And I feel despair kissing our lips again
    And I feel despair holding our hearts again

    Despair holding our hearts again
    That's right
  • f
    炮长有1个双放大倍率的稳定式EMES 15型潜望式瞄准镜,其中包括激光测距仪和热成像装置。装在EMES 15型瞄准镜中的热像仪能使火炮在夜间或不良天气下或者对伪装的目标进行瞄准和射击。炮长还有1个辅助的FERO-Z18型望远式单目夜间瞄准镜,放大倍率为8×。在夜间,车长用与炮长EMES 15型瞄准镜相连的热成像瞄准镜观察战场。EMES 15瞄准镜的图像可以传给车长的PERI-R17型瞄准镜,使车长也能看到同炮长相同的图像。此外,车长还可以通过计算机控制的测试台控制检测系统RPP 1-8,自动地监视火控系统的工作情况。炮长的EMES 15型双目稳定式三合一主瞄准镜的反射镜头是双向稳定的,其昼间通道的放大倍率为12×,视场为5°。
    该坦克样车原采用蔡斯(Zeiss)公司的EMES 12型体视、激光测距仪,生产型车采用美国休斯(Hughes)公司专利的钇铝石榴石激光测距仪,并与EMES 15型炮长主瞄准镜组合为一体。激光测距仪最大测量距离为9990米,精度±10米,测得的距离、火力准备和所选弹种的数据都显示在炮长瞄准镜下部。火控计算机由通用电气德律风根(AEG-Telefunken)公司的FLER-H型混合式计算机发展为在第五批豹2坦克上安装的数字式电子计算机,该计算机可计算瞄准角和火炮横向提前角,涉及的参数有目标距离、车辆倾斜角、目标的运动方向、横风和弹道数据等。火控计算机计算了这些参数后将控制信息送入武器随动系统,后者将武器与炮长的EMES 15或车长的PERI-R17型瞄准镜的瞄准线对准。
  • y
  • 沙漏
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  • 恶咪猫
  • C
    无名在刷分 BS之!~
  • 孟德
    module Add_rca_16_0_delay(sum,c_out,a,b,c_in);
    output[15:0] sum;
    output c_out;
    input[15:0] a,b;
    input c_in;
    wire c_in4,c_in8,c_in12,c_out;

    Add_rca_4 M1 (sum[3:0], c_in4, a[3:0], c_in);
    Add_rca_4 M2 (sum[7:4], c_in8, a[7:4], c_in4);
    Add_rca_4 M3 (sum[11:8], c_in12, a[11:8], c_in8);
    Add_rca_4 M4 (sum[15:12],c_out, a[15:12], c_in12);

    module Add_rca_4(sum,c_out,a,b,c,in);
    output[3:0] sum;
    output c_out;
    input[3:0] a,b;
    input c_in;
    wire c_in2,c_in3,c_in4;

    Add_full M1 (sum[0], c_in2, a[0],b[0],c_in);
    Add_full M1 (sum[1], c_in3, a[1],b[1],c_in2);
    Add_full M1 (sum[2], c_in4, a[2],b[2],c_in3);
    Add_full M1 (sum[3], c_out, a[3],b[3],c_in4);

    module Add_full_0_delay(sum,c_out,a,b,c_in);
    output sum,c_out;
    input a,b,c_in;
    wire w1,w2,w3;
    Add_half_0_delay M1(w1,w2,a,b);
    Add_half_0_delay M2(sum,w3,c_in,w1);
    or M3(c_out,w2,w3);

    module Add_half_0_delay(sum,c_out,a,b);
    output sum,c_out;
    input a,b;
    xor M1(sum,a,b);
    and M2(c_out,a,b);
  • 孟德
    'time scale 1ns/1ps
    module Add_full_ASIC(sum,c_out,a,b,c_in);
    output sum,c_out;
    input a,b,c_in;
    wire w1,w2,w3;
    wire c_out_bar;

    Add_half_ASIC M1(w1,w2,a,b);
    Add_half_ASIC M2(sum,w3,w1,c_in);

    norf201 M3(c_out_bar,w2,w3);
    invf101 M4(c_out,c_out_bar);

    module Add_half_ASIC(sum,c_out_,a,b);
    output sum,c_out;
    input a,b;
    wire c_out_bar;
    xorf201 M1(sum,a,b);
    nanf201 M2(c_out_bar,a,b);
    invf101 M3(c_out,c_out_bar);
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