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    人民网1月31日讯 一辆载有中国游客的大客车30日在亚利桑那州著名的胡佛水库附近的高速公路上翻车,造成至少7名中国游客死亡,另外还有至少15人受伤。 据当地警方介绍,共有6人当场遇难,还有一名游客在医院中不治身亡。有关方面透露,这些游客都是从中国上海出发乘机抵达旧金山的中国公民。

    Bus crashes in Arizona, killing 7 Chinese tourists

    AP – Officials investigate the scene of a tour bus crash U.S. Highway 93 near Dolan Springs, Ariz. Friday, …

    DOLAN SPRINGS, Ariz. – A tour bus overturned on a highway near the Hoover Dam on Friday, killing seven Chinese nationals and injuring at least 10 other people, authorities said.

    Six fatalities were confirmed at the scene, about 190 miles northwest of Phoenix; a seventh person died at a Las Vegas hospital, said Cmdr. Dean Nyhart of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

    Nyhart said investigators were struggling to identify the injured and were notcertain how many people were on the 24-passenger bus or how many hadbeen transported to hospitals in Kingman and Las Vegas.

    The bus was traveling north on U.S. 93 when it veered left and then rightacross the median, Nyhart said. It rolled at least once before stopping.

    He believes all but one of the victims killed at the scene had been ejected from the bus.

    Nyhart said five people had suffered life-threatening injuries. "We're hopefulthat those people can be stabilized and at least the death toll stopwhere it is," he said.

    The driver of the bus was among those in critical condition, he said.

    The tourists on the bus were Chinese nationals who had flown from Shanghai to San Francisco and had most recently been in Las Vegas, according to DPS.

    The group left Las Vegas early Friday for a trip to the Grand Canyon and was returning when the crash occurred around 4 p.m.

    Several people rushed to the scene from a nearby diner immediately afterward.

    SheilaLarsen, who works at Rosie's Den, said she went outside after hearing aloud crash and screams and found people lying on the roadway, withpaper and money strewn across the area.

    She said the best she could do to comfort the victims was bring themblankets, towels and water. "The woman I was trying to comfort didn'tspeak English. I was trying to comfort her and she died," Larsen said.

    Debbie Diamond, who also works at Rosie's Den, said she's seen many accidentson the highway, the main route between Phoenix and Las Vegas, but neverone like that.

    "I just keep praying, that's all you can do in a situation like this," she said.

    Thebus was still resting on its side late Friday, its front bumper torn inhalf and its rooftop emergency exit open. Several bodies covered intarps or blankets also remained on the road.

    Accordingto DPS, the bus belonged to D.W. Tours of San Gabriel, Calif. Arecorded message on the company's phone line said the mailbox was fulland that no messages could be left. The company didn't respond to ane-mail from The Associated Press seeking comment.

    Six people were taken to University Medical Center in Las Vegas, where one died. Spokesman Rick Plummer said two remained hospitalized in critical condition: the 61-year-old male bus driverand a woman whose age was unknown. The others were a 35-year-old woman,a 48-year-old man and an 8-year-old boy, all in serious condition.

    Ryan Kennedy, a spokesman for Kingman Regional Medical Center,said one victim, an adult male in critical condition, was transportedto Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas. The remaining four — three women andone man — were all listed in serious condition.

    [本帖最后由 starship 于 2009-1-31 14:37 编辑]
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