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  • 神之领域
    WII U感觉除了首发游戏外,没其他游戏了吧
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    新闻来源:http://mynintendonews.com/2013/0 ... of-games-for-wii-u/

    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has explained that the company is working on brand-new types of games for the company’s latest home console, Wii U. Iwata says that they will announce them nearer to completion to minimise the chances of other development studios copying their ideas. He concluded by saying that with Wii U Nintendo wants to satisfy existing video game fans first and provide new surprises later




    “When it comes to brand-new types of games, we have to announce them not too far in advance of the actual release dates in order to have a strong impact in the market and minimize the chance of others introducing similar or competing products. We are working on new types of games, but we would like to announce them much closer to their actual release timings for this reason.

    “When it comes to Wii, as ‘Wii Sports’ spread throughout the world at a sensational speed, some misunderstood that all Wii could do is enable them to play games by moving the Wii Remote. With Wii U, therefore, we planned to satisfy existing video game fans first and provide new surprises later.”

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