
  • E


    E: 外向指数 6
    I: 内向指数 15
    S : 现实指数 10
    N : 直觉指数 13
    F : 感性指数 1
    T : 理性指数 15
    J : 决断指数 19
    P : 接受指数 14


    [本帖最后由 EVAMRX 于 2007-9-1 01:50 编辑]
  • E
  • 高城紫门
    E: 外向指数 5
    I: 内向指数 16
    S : 现实指数 12
    N : 直觉指数 11
    F : 感性指数 2
    T : 理性指数 14
    J : 决断指数 26
    P : 接受指数 7

  • j
  • t
    Portrait of an ISFP - Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
    (Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Sensing)


    The Artist

    As an ISFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your value system. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in via your five sense in a literal, concrete fashion.

    ISFPs live in the world of sensation possibilities. They are keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. They have a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, and are likely to be artists in some form, because they are unusually gifted at creating and composing things which will strongly affect the senses. They have a strong set of values, which they strive to consistently meet in their lives. They need to feel as if they're living their lives in accordance with what they feel is right, and will rebel against anything which conflicts with that goal. They're likely to choose jobs and careers which allow them the freedom of working towards the realization of their value-oriented personal goals.

    ISFPs tend to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. They hold back their ideas and opinions except from those who they are closest to. They are likely to be kind, gentle and sensitive in their dealings with others. They are interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness, and will put a great deal of effort and energy into tasks which they believe in.

    ISFPs have a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty. They're likely to be animal lovers, and to have a true appreciation for the beauties of nature. They're original and independent, and need to have personal space. They value people who take the time to understand the ISFP, and who support the ISFP in pursuing their goals in their own, unique way. People who don't know them well may see their unique way of life as a sign of carefree light-heartedness, but the ISFP actually takes life very seriously, constantly gathering specific information and shifting it through their value systems, in search for clarification and underlying meaning.

    ISFPs are action-oriented individuals. They are "doers", and are usually uncomfortable with theorizing concepts and ideas, unless they see a practical application. They learn best in a "hands-on" environment, and consequently may become easily bored with the traditional teaching methods, which emphasize abstract thinking. They do not like impersonal analysis, and are uncomfortable with the idea of making decisions based strictly on logic. Their strong value systems demand that decisions are evaluated against their subjective beliefs, rather than against some objective rules or laws.

    ISFPs are extremely perceptive and aware of others. They constantly gather specific information about people, and seek to discover what it means. They are usually penetratingly accurate in their perceptions of others.

    ISFPs are warm and sympathetic. They genuinely care about people, and are strongly service-oriented in their desire to please. They have an unusually deep well of caring for those who are close to them, and are likely to show their love through actions, rather than words.

    ISFPs have no desire to lead or control others, just as they have no desire to be led or controlled by others. They need space and time alone to evaluate the circumstances of their life against their value system, and are likely to respect other people's needs for the same.

    The ISFP is likely to not give themself enough credit for the things which they do extremely well. Their strong value systems can lead them to be intensely perfectionist, and cause them to judge themselves with unneccesary harshness.

    The ISFP has many special gifts for the world, especially in the areas of creating artistic sensation, and selflessly serving others. Life is not likely to be extremely easy for the ISFP, because they take life so seriously, but they have the tools to make their lives and the lives of those close to them richly rewarding experiences.

    Jungian functional preference ordering:

    Dominant: Introverted Feeling
    Auxilliary: Extraverted Sensing
    Tertiary: Introverted Intuition
    Inferior: Extraverted Thinking
  • j





    [本帖最后由 jump 于 2007-9-1 04:52 编辑]
  • 没头脑
  • s
    E: 外向指数
    9 I: 内向指数
    S : 现实指数
    12 N : 直觉指数
    F : 感性指数
    10 T : 理性指数
    J : 决断指数
    18 P : 接受指数

    The Nurturer

    As an ISFJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you takes things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your personal value system.

    ISFJs live in a world that is concrete and kind. They are truly warm and kind-hearted, and want to believe the best of people. They value harmony and cooperation, and are likely to be very sensitive to other people's feelings. People value the ISFJ for their consideration and awareness, and their ability to bring out the best in others by their firm desire to believe the best.

    ISFJs have a rich inner world that is not usually obvious to observers. They constantly take in information about people and situations that is personally important to them, and store it away. This tremendous store of information is usually startlingly accurate, because the ISFJ has an exceptional memory about things that are important to their value systems. It would not be uncommon for the ISFJ to remember a particular facial expression or conversation in precise detail years after the event occured, if the situation made an impression on the ISFJ.

    ISFJs have a very clear idea of the way things should be, which they strive to attain. They value security and kindness, and respect traditions and laws. They tend to believe that existing systems are there because they work. Therefore, they're not likely to buy into doing things in a new way, unless they're shown in a concrete way why its better than the established method.

    ISFJs learn best by doing, rather than by reading about something in a book, or applying theory. For this reason, they are not likely to be found in fields which require a lot of conceptual analysis or theory. They value practical application. Traditional methods of higher education, which require a lot of theorizing and abstraction, are likely to be a chore for the ISFJ. The ISFJ learns a task best by being shown its practical application. Once the task is learned, and its practical importance is understood, the ISFJ will faithfully and tirelessly carry through the task to completion. The ISFJ is extremely dependable.

    The ISFJ has an extremely well-developed sense of space, function, and aesthetic appeal. For that reason, they're likely to have beautifully furnished, functional homes. They make extremely good interior decorators. This special ability, combined with their sensitivity to other's feelings and desires, makes them very likely to be great gift-givers - finding the right gift which will be truly appreciated by the recipient.

    More so than other types, ISFJs are extremely aware of their own internal feelings, as well as other people's feelings. They do not usually express their own feelings, keeping things inside. If they are negative feelings, they may build up inside the ISFJ until they turn into firm judgments against individuals which are difficult to unseed, once set. Many ISFJs learn to express themselves, and find outlets for their powerful emotions.

    Just as the ISFJ is not likely to express their feelings, they are also not likely to let on that they know how others are feeling. However, they will speak up when they feel another individual really needs help, and in such cases they can truly help others become aware of their feelings.

    The ISFJ feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. They take their responsibilities very seriously, and can be counted on to follow through. For this reason, people naturally tend to rely on them. The ISFJ has a difficult time saying "no" when asked to do something, and may become over-burdened. In such cases, the ISFJ does not usually express their difficulties to others, because they intensely dislike conflict, and because they tend to place other people's needs over their own. The ISFJ needs to learn to identify, value, and express their own needs, if they wish to avoid becoming over-worked and taken for granted.

    ISFJs need positive feedback from others. In the absence of positive feedback, or in the face of criticism, the ISFJ gets discouraged, and may even become depressed. When down on themselves or under great stress, the ISFJ begins to imagine all of the things that might go critically wrong in their life. They have strong feelings of inadequacy, and become convinced that "everything is all wrong", or "I can't do anything right".

    The ISFJ is warm, generous, and dependable. They have many special gifts to offer, in their sensitivity to others, and their strong ability to keep things running smoothly. They need to remember to not be overly critical of themselves, and to give themselves some of the warmth and love which they freely dispense to others.

    Jungian functional preference ordering:

    Dominant: Introverted Sensing
    Auxilliary: Extraverted Feeling
    Tertiary: Introverted Thinking

  • 朱爷吉祥
  • c

    Their natural drive to turn theories into concrete understanding may turn into a feeling of personal responsibility to solve theoretical problems, and help society move towards a higher understanding.
  • m
    很准, 还有俄罗斯人发展出来的SOICONIC 理论。 关于关系矩阵。
    ARTIST调查出了基本都是情感F型, 企业管理一般都是思考型T
  • h
    E: 外向指数 6 I: 内向指数 15
    S : 现实指数 13 N : 直觉指数 10
    F : 感性指数 13 T : 理性指数 3

    J : 决断指数 10 P : 接受指数 23
  • s


    在实现自己的想法和达成自己的目标时有创新的想法和非凡的动力。能很快洞察到外界事物间的规律并形成长期的远景计划。一旦决定做一件事就会开始规划并直到完成为止。多疑、独立,对于自己和他人能力和表现的要 求都非常高。

    INTJ型的人是完美主义者。他们强烈地要求个人自由和能力,同时在他们独创的思想中,不可动摇的信仰促使他们达到目标。 INTJ型的人思维严谨、有逻辑性、足智多谋,他们能够看到新计划实行后的结果。他们对自己和 别人都很苛求,往往几乎同样强硬地逼迫别人和自己。他们并不十分受冷漠与批评的干扰,作为所有性格类型中最独立的,INTJ型的人更喜欢以自己的方式行事。面对相反意见,他们通常持怀疑态度,十分坚定和坚决。权 威本身不能强制地们,只有他们认为这些规则对自己的更重要的目标有用时,才会去遵守。INTJ型的人是天生的谋略家,具有独特的思想、伟大的远见和梦想。他们天生精于理论,对于复杂而综合的概念运转灵活。他们是 优秀的战略思想家,通常能清楚地看到任何局势的利处和缺陷。对于感兴趣的问题,他们是出色的、具有远见和见解的组织者。如果是他们自己形成的看法和计划,他们会投入不可思议的注意力、能量和积极性。领先到达 或超过自己的高标准的决心和坚忍不拔,使他们获得许多成就。



    · 首席财政执行官
    · 知识产权律师
    · 设计工程师
    · 精神分析师
    · 心脏病专家
    · 媒体策划
    · 网络管理员
    · 建筑师
    · 管理顾问
    · 经济学者
    · 国际银行业务职员
    · 金融规划师
    · 综合网络专业人员
    · 各类科学家
    · 研究所研究人员
    · 系统分析员
    · 计算机程序师
    · 研究开发部经理
    · 各类技术顾问
    · 技术专家
    · 投资专家
    · 法律顾问
    · 医学专家
    · 经济学家
    · 投资银行研究员
    · 证券投资和金融分析员
    · 投资银行家
    · 财务计划人
    · 企业并购专家
    · 各类发明家
    · 建筑师
    · 社论作家
    · 艺术家
  • l
    E: 外向指数
    0 I: 内向指数
    S : 现实指数
    10 N : 直觉指数
    F : 感性指数
    7 T : 理性指数
    J : 决断指数
    12 P : 接受指数
  • j

  • s
    E: 外向指数
    10Bar I: 内向指数
    S : 现实指数
    15Bar N : 直觉指数
    F : 感性指数
    12Bar T : 理性指数
    J : 决断指数
    14Bar P : 接受指数

    The Artist

    As an ISFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your value system. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in via your five sense in a literal, concrete fashion.

    ISFPs live in the world of sensation possibilities. They are keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. They have a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, and are likely to be artists in some form, because they are unusually gifted at creating and composing things which will strongly affect the senses. They have a strong set of values, which they strive to consistently meet in their lives. They need to feel as if they're living their lives in accordance with what they feel is right, and will rebel against anything which conflicts with that goal. They're likely to choose jobs and careers which allow them the freedom of working towards the realization of their value-oriented personal goals.

    ISFPs tend to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. They hold back their ideas and opinions except from those who they are closest to. They are likely to be kind, gentle and sensitive in their dealings with others. They are interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness, and will put a great deal of effort and energy into tasks which they believe in.

    ISFPs have a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty. They're likely to be animal lovers, and to have a true appreciation for the beauties of nature. They're original and independent, and need to have personal space. They value people who take the time to understand the ISFP, and who support the ISFP in pursuing their goals in their own, unique way. People who don't know them well may see their unique way of life as a sign of carefree light-heartedness, but the ISFP actually takes life very seriously, constantly gathering specific information and shifting it through their value systems, in search for clarification and underlying meaning.

    ISFPs are action-oriented individuals. They are "doers", and are usually uncomfortable with theorizing concepts and ideas, unless they see a practical application. They learn best in a "hands-on" environment, and consequently may become easily bored with the traditional teaching methods, which emphasize abstract thinking. They do not like impersonal analysis, and are uncomfortable with the idea of making decisions based strictly on logic. Their strong value systems demand that decisions are evaluated against their subjective beliefs, rather than against some objective rules or laws.

    ISFPs are extremely perceptive and aware of others. They constantly gather specific information about people, and seek to discover what it means. They are usually penetratingly accurate in their perceptions of others.

    ISFPs are warm and sympathetic. They genuinely care about people, and are strongly service-oriented in their desire to please. They have an unusually deep well of caring for those who are close to them, and are likely to show their love through actions, rather than words.

    ISFPs have no desire to lead or control others, just as they have no desire to be led or controlled by others. They need space and time alone to evaluate the circumstances of their life against their value system, and are likely to respect other people's needs for the same.

    The ISFP is likely to not give themself enough credit for the things which they do extremely well. Their strong value systems can lead them to be intensely perfectionist, and cause them to judge themselves with unneccesary harshness.

    The ISFP has many special gifts for the world, especially in the areas of creating artistic sensation, and selflessly serving others. Life is not likely to be extremely easy for the ISFP, because they take life so seriously, but they have the tools to make their lives and the lives of those close to them richly rewarding experiences.

    Jungian functional preference ordering:

    Dominant: Introverted Feeling
    Auxilliary: Extraverted Sensing
    Tertiary: Introverted Intuition
    Inferior: Extraverted Thinking
  • n
  • E

  • E
  • r
    E: 外向指数
    5 I: 内向指数
    S : 现实指数
    16 N : 直觉指数
    F : 感性指数
    4 T : 理性指数
    J : 决断指数
    20 P : 接受指数
  • 伊肯