性格配合度测试神表。 MBTI适用

  • m
    MBTI固然有它模式简单, 比较极端的简单区分的问题,但是在测试了不少人和朋友后我对于这个方法对性格搭配关系的神奇的惊讶简直无法形容。
    真的存在性格不合么? 性格不合真的可以互补么? 根据我搜到的理论,性格绝对是可以互补的, 但是只局限于前几项。 比如 内外向,直觉和经验,思考和情感。但是感受和随意应该是一致才最互补。 比如ISTJ和ENFJ就是完美组合,而和ENFP却是最糟糕的对头。

    不了解 MBTI可以看这里。



    全性格关系矩阵。 16X16


    16 基本关系
    Relations of Duality
    完全配合关系 ---完美组合
    These relations are the most favourable and comfortable of all intertype relations providing complete psychological compatibility. Dual partners are like two halves of a whole unit. They usually understand...

    Identical Relations
    These are relations of complete understanding between partners but with an inability to help each other. Identical partners see the world with identical eyes, identically work out received information...

    Relations of Activity
    These relations are the easiest and quickest to start. Activity partners do not experience any visual difficulties when starting relations which can be surprising to them at the beginning. Partners stimulate...

    Mirror Relations
    镜像关系--影子的一半 , 也好拉
    These are relations of mutual correction. Mirror partners have similar interests and ideas, but a slightly different understanding of the same problems. Each partner can see only half of one problem...

    Relations of Semi-Duality
    半适配--- 很容易接近。。 但是半途会挂, 所谓飞蛾扑火
    These are relations of deficient Duality. Semi-Duality partners usually have no problems in understanding each other or each other's objectives, at least when these objectives are only on paper...

    Comparative Relations
    对比关系。 很难接近。彼此不容易信任
    These are relations of deceptive similarity. Comparative partners talk about similar things, have similar interests, obey the norms of politeness and hospitality towards each other but they never really...

    Conflicting Relations
    冲突关系--经常会冲突, 适配最差
    These are relations of constantly developing conflict. Conflicting relations have the worst compatibility between partners among all other relations. However, it does not seem to be so obvious, especially...

    Super-Ego Relations
    超级自我 ----彼此会尊重, 但是距离不会近
    These are relations of mutual respect between partners. Super-Ego partners may think of each other as a distant and slightly mysterious ideal. They often show interest in each other's manners, behaviour...

    Quasi-Identical Relations
    近乎雷同---- 误解的源泉,但是不会起冲突。。无缘
    These are relations of major misunderstanding. Quasi-Identical partners can interact with each other in a more or less peaceful manner if both partners are Thinking types. If they are both Feeling types...

    Contrary Relations
    These are relations of an unstable psychological distance. Both partners experience difficulties in establishing and keeping a stable psychological distance between them. The only chance Contrary partners...

    Illusionary Relations
    幻影关系---目的一致却无法理解相互动机。 完成欢喜开始又争论。
    These are relations of growing laziness. There are no other intertype relations that can deactivate partners so much as Illusionary relations. Illusionary partners find it comfortable being relaxed together...

    Look-a-like Relations
    看起来像 ---彼此很容易交往,没有冲突,也没有太多话题
    These are relations between equal partners which can be called acquaintances rather than friends. There are no visual obstacles in the development of these relations, partners can talk easily almost about...

    Relations of Benefit
    受惠关系-一方会不自觉地实惠于另一方。 后者往往在地位逆转后扬长而去
    These relations are asymmetrical. One partner, called the Benefactor, is always in a more favourable position in respect to the other partner who is known as Beneficiary. The Beneficiary thinks of the Benefactor...

    Relations of Supervision
    监护关系 --一方不自觉地成了守护天使和赞助人。。。 而另一方认为被控制。。。。
    These relations are also asymmetrical as are relations of Benefit. One partner, called the Supervisor, is always in a more favourable position in respect to the other partner who is known as Supervisee. Relations of...
  • a
    :D 我ISTJ型,晚上让LG测测
  • 小KULA

  • w
  • 小KULA

    Relations of Supervision between psychological ("personality") types

    These relations are also asymmetrical as are relations of Benefit. One partner, called the Supervisor, is always in a more favourable position in respect to the other partner who is known as Supervisee.

    Relations of Supervision can give the impression that Supervisor is constantly watching every step of the Supervisee. The latter usually feels this control even if the Supervisor does not say or do anything. The explanation for this is that the Supervisee weak point is defenceless against the Supervisor's strong point. This makes the Supervisee nervous and expect the worse.

    Although the Supervisor can seem self-satisfied, petty, faultfinding and narrative, the Supervisee pays attention to their actions and considers the Supervisor as consequential. The Supervisee normally wants to gain recognition and commendation from the Supervisor. However, it may seem like the Supervisor always undervalues the abilities of the Supervisee. This stimulates the Supervisee into proving their own worthiness with various actions, yet there is little chance that they will succeed.

    The Supervisor sees the Supervisee as quite interesting and capable, but incomplete and therefore in need of some help and advice. The Supervisee does not respond to this aid as expected and this will often increase the Supervisor's attempts to change the Supervisee. Because the Supervisee naturally does not understand what it is that the Supervisor wants from them, this may irritate the Supervisor, who thinks that the Supervisee simply does not want to understand.

    In relations of Supervision it may also appear as if the Supervisor patronises the Supervisee, which can be quite obtrusive for the latter. When there are more than two people present, the Supervisee often attempts to release themselves from the control of the Supervisor by starting arguments for the sake of it or by attempting to manoeuvre themselves into the commanding position. Unfortunately, these attempts lead nowhere. The Supervisor may think instead that the Supervisee simply requires more attention.

    Supervision partners often look like good friends. The reason for this is that in these relations both partners can sense their social value: the Supervisor as a "guardian angel", without whom the Supervisee will get into trouble, and the Supervisee as the object of attention.

    Left ring of Supervision:

    ...> ENTp > ISTj > ESFp > INFj > ENTp >...
    ...> ISFp > ENFj > INTp > ESTj > ISFp >...

    Right ring of Supervision:

    ...> ESFj > ISTp > ENTj > INFp > ESFj >...
    ...> INTj > ENFp > ISFj > ESTp > INTj >...
  • 格里菲斯
  • j
  • 火影五代目
  • m
    悲啊, 2个ISTJ了, 加上我MM, 恩个公务员性。 都被我监护了, 在下最爱丢东西的ENTP。。。。

    库拉,你们这个关系是最不平衡的关系之一, 他早晚对你会疲倦,而你会感到处处被控制, 因为你性格中的弱点正好是他的强处。 并不是他喜欢控制和占有欲强, 是因为你们性格的搭配。。。你男朋友一样有能监护他的对应性格,,这种关系会从甜蜜的长跑到疲惫的倒下。。。
  • a
    :D 刚让LG测了下,我们两果然是最配的啊。。。



    Look-a-like relations between psychological ("personality"types

    These are relations between equal partners which can be called acquaintances rather than friends. There are no visual obstacles in the development of these relations, partners can talk easily almost about anything. Look-a-like partners do not feel any danger from the other partner. The strong sides of the partners are different in the such a way that almost any conversations between them always fall into the area of the confidence of only one of the partners. Look-a-like partners also have similar problems which makes them feel rather sympathetic towards each other instead of being critical of each other's vulnerabilities.

    Understanding between partners is usually good. Collaboration between them may be very fruitful especially if partners feel a mutual attraction. When partners loose their feeling of sympathy for each other through anger or any other reason, they can apply pressure to their partner's vulnerabilities. This can sometimes be really unexpected and unpleasant for both partners.

    Arguments in Look-a-like relations are not common practice. The partners usually try to help each other, or at least feel when their partner requires some form of assistance. However, in many cases the help is not effective enough because partners have similar problems. Look-a-like relations have an average degree of comfort. Partners do not have anything against each other but also nothing for which to struggle. These relations can normally bring a feeling of satisfaction from interaction with an equal and not boring partner.
  • 小KULA


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