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    I’ve been inspired by Isaac Asimov’sFoundationseries since I first read the sci-fi classic in middle school. Without giving too much of the story away, Hari Seldon is a pioneer in a new field that can predict the future. Through his work, he sees that the entire galaxy will enter a 10,000-year dark age. It’s impossible to stop the dark age from happening, but Hari thinks he can shorten it by consolidating the galaxy’s knowledge into a single repository—the Foundation—that can help rebuild society.
    The idea that an organization could collect and spread knowledge for the benefit of humanity was the inspiration for creating Khan Academy as a nonprofit to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
    As a learner on Khan Academy, you have been part of the effort to bring education to all of humanity. Hopefully, you’ve used Khan Academy to help you unlock your potential. As 2019 comes to a close, we still need your support to make sureKhan Academy is free and availableto everyone who wants to learn. Please give today!
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