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    Dumasm 5 hours ago in reply to Mohammad Mehdi
    Look at all these clueless Americans moaning about China below. It's so pathetic they don't even know what they are moaning about. Did they ever ask themselves why their country is not refining it instead of depending on China? After all, they are sitting on load shit of them. Their mothers and fathers generation (also known as hippies, environmentalists, etc) are so annal about being green that they have shift everything to China to make. Now the Chinese own 1 trillions of their debt and virtually make everything their obese society consume. China can grab them by the balls and all they can do is cry to the WTO, but even the WTO can't help them now. Hey young Americans, your parent generation are raping you all out of your future and you don't even know it. They are living off their social security benefits in their old age while you're out looking for a job but can't find none. Wake up and do something about it.

    wethrowpie 5 hours ago in reply to Votemeup
    California is a prime example of how stupid liberalism works. Need power? Get it from elsewhere and act entitled to it as cost rises. You wouldn't want those 'unsightly' power plants messing up the view of lala land. As for school books - the liberals took over education in this country, and now things are worse than ever. We graduate people who can't read, routinely. Nice going nitwits.

    DasBishop 6 hours ago
    So the next LOGICAL step is for AMERICA to ignore the enviro fascist and start mining our own RARE EARTH MINERALS! If you think we do not have any wake up ignorant fools and do a little research.

    XConan 4 hours ago in reply to DasBishop
    For America to start mining they have to ignore their own environmental laws and create a town like Libby, Montana that is equivalent to thousands of places in China with no regards to environmental, safety or health.

    Rockchan 1 hour ago in reply to XConan
    Americans can stop buying new products if they really care about the environment. I wish Americans stop talking about global environmental issues when they involve in damaging other countries' environment.

    If Americans think buying new products are necessary, please use their own rare earth minerals to produce these products. They are the one who enjoy these new products so please bear all the costs.
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