
  • 你们好奇怪

    http://steamcommunity.com/games/ ... 1658730021561594175

    Our pricing for this stage of early access was determined by our Kickstarter. The stages of our early access for ALL users, which was determined during our Kickstarter, is:

    June through August: $90 for early alpha access, during the time where we're still locking down features and making tweaks to the flow of the game. This access is permanent access - you will be able to play through alpha, beta and on through retail. (Galactic Edition Equivalent with all addons)

    September through November: $60 for beta access.
    The game will be much more complete at this time, but with a lot of balance work still to do and more optimizations to get it working on as many systems as possible. Same as above, this is beta and turns into a retail version on launch. (Warfare edition equivalent with all addons)

    Retail: December 2013 (Combat edition equivalent)

    This is the pricing determined over a year ago. Our Kickstarter set these levels, and while we understand people may not like it, it's the decision we had to make.

    But that is the schedule if you want to wait until the price drops to a level you're more comfortable with.
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