继续画面对比,PS3 vs XBOX360(共8个游戏)

  • 小钢琴正太版
    */-91 */-91 除了看出xo上画面更锐利我看不出多少区别,谁能点拨一下
  • 米兰的红与黑
  • l
    还以为从CHH穿越了异度空间来到了LEVELUP的业界讨论区*/-91 */-91 */-91 虽然鄙人是SF,但是还是要说,三红机的贴图确实要比神机强一点.....总的来说各有优势吧*/-20 */-20 */-20
  • 米兰的红与黑
  • A
    PS3的怎么看都稍微wash out一点。 有人说是default gamma值不同造成的。
  • M
    FULL RGB默认没有打开的问题。*/-91
  • a
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    NFL Tour
    The answer, unfortunately, is a resounding 'no'. It's basically another example of the firm developing with Xbox 360 first and foremost in its mind, with little respect at all given to the matter of the PS3 conversion.

    Dark Sector
    a sneak peek at the comparison gallery is in order to show just how close the two games look before the discussion really kicks off. Digital Extremes has done an excellent job in matching the lavish amounts of shader effects and real-time post-processing work that the Xbox 360 game manages to produce. More than that, there's evidence that certain effects, such as depth-of-field and motion blur look a touch better on the PS3 rendition too.

    Soldier of Fortune: Payback
    There's a hell of lot of detail in the stages here and while the Xbox 360 version manages to cope for the most part, the PlayStation 3 code features a hideously variable frame-rate that manifests right from the beginning of the very first level.

    SEGA Superstars Tennis
    Technically, SEGA Superstars Tennis is interesting in that it's the first time that Sumo has taken on both PS3 and Xbox 360 coding duties for a premiere SEGA product, the developer having 'only' handled the Microsoft port of SEGA Japan's AM3-derived Virtua Tennis 3. The good news is Sumo hasn't let us down whatsoever, handing in a cross-platform release that is equally as good regardless of the console it is playing on.

    MX vs. ATV Untamed
    So, as a MotorStorm competitor, PS3 MX vs. ATV Untamed falls flat on its face, and taking a look at the Xbox 360 version it's clear to see why - it's the very definition of an unsuccessful, lazy conversion brimming with blatant compromises that aren't present at all on the Microsoft platform.

    Turning Point
    Turning Point's status as the dictionary definition of 'unremarkable' extends to the quality of the cross-platform development. Looking at the bright side, it's an example of an Unreal Engine title that - anti-aliased edges aside - is pretty much like for like on both platforms, with just minor (almost negligible) differences in the screen refresh rate. But when you're dealing with a game that looks as unsophisticated as this one does, it's amazing that there should be any differences at all.

    Condemned 2: Bloodshot
    Bearing in mind the PC and Xbox 360 origins of Jupiter EX, the question is, just how well does the game translate to PlayStation 3? The answer is, surprisingly well. First off, any difference in the colour levels of the two machines (something very important in Condemned 2) is basically taken care off by getting the user to calibrate their monitor the first time the game is started. It's something of an essential exercise as default settings on 360 are impenetrably dark over HDMI with full-range RGB. Once into the game proper, performance is very similar indeed. As is increasingly becoming the norm with many cross-platform projects, there's a puzzling lack of anti-aliasing in the PlayStation 3 game, and the frame-rate is a touch less consistent, but for the most part, everything runs nice and smoothly regardless of which platform you're playing. Special effects are used very well and extremely judiciously, and it's one of the few games where motion blur isn't overdone, feeling far more natural and realistic compared to, say, the equivalent Unreal Engine 3 effect.

    Viking: Battle for Asgard
    On the face of it, initial impressions indicate that PlayStation 3 owners appear to have received an acceptable conversion of a project that clearly led on Xbox 360. There's a lack of vibrancy about the graphics, and the sense that the whole engine is not running quite as smoothly as the Xbox 360 code, but the basic gameplay - and that superb realisation of its Asgardian openworld - is basically identical... up to a point. However, the closer you look at the game, and the more deeply you play it, the more obvious it becomes that Creative Assembly had quite a lot of trouble converting to PlayStation 3, and eventually gave up the optimisation effort when the challenge became too great.
  • a
    自己看一下Dark Sector的分辨率

    至於Condemned 2

  • M
    我的看法恰恰相反,eurogamer对于你说的那两个,是相当满意的。连少许的技术差别都只是轻轻带过。如果按照你的那个意思来说的话,equivalent、equally well等等词语还会如此泛滥么?早就用了一堆but放在瑕疵上面了。