the wolf among us第三章出了,大赞!
- gaoxt1983玩到最后,Bigby被枪打的快死的时候,猛按Q那种紧张感,实在是太棒了!话说到现在坑更多了,看下一章应该是最终章,这坑能填上吗?
剧透: Crane竟然不是凶手…… - GA_FrankIOS还未更新,悲哀。
一共不是五章吗 - gaoxt1983啊?五章?问题是第四章标题叫The Wolf Among Us,所以我以为是最后一章……
- tonyunrealOver a season of content spanning across 5 episodes (Episode 1-3 Available Now, Episodes 4 and 5 will be released in Summer 2014):
Episode 1: Faith - Available Now
Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors - Available Now
Episode 3: A Crooked Mile - Available Now
Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing - Coming Soon
Episode 5: Cry Wolf - Coming Soon - 高田延彦
- 喵是好人完全没想过他会是凶手,最后那只不杀不爽啊,整天跳出来烦人。按Q有什么紧张感,所有动作场景都是按Q,也没要求按很快...