Dragon Age Awakening出了,转载一些老外发的情报(非剧透)

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    原帖:http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/g ... &topic=53922365

    1st Mage tree:

    Fade Shield
    The mage alters Arcane Shield to stpe partway into the fade, adding a significant chance of resisting hostile spells and evading physical attacks while this spell is active, and a lesser chance of both when inactive.

    Elemental Mastery
    The mage has learned to amplify the effect of each of the elements, increasing any elemental damage caused by other attacks while this spell is active.

    The mage has become more attuned to surrounding magical energies, gaining bonuses to magic, willpower, and mana regeneration.

    Time Spiral
    The mage, through great concentration, is able to alter perception of time, resetting the cooldowns on all spells.
    2nd Mage tree:

    Repulsion Field
    For as long as this spell is active, waves of repulsive energy emenate from the mage. With every wave, nearby enemies are knocked back unless they pass a physical resistance check. Mana is consumed each time an enemy is knocked back.

    Waves of invigorating energy bolster nearby allies, substantially reducing their fatigue, meaning that their spells or talents will cost less to activate while this spell is active. However, the casters mana drains rapidly.

    Arcane Field
    While this spell is active, the mage radiates arcane energy every few seconds, emmitting waves of projectiles that deal spirit damage to any enemies within the field. Each projectile drains a small amount of mana.

    Mystical Negation
    An aura of beneficial magic surrounds the mage while this spell is active. Every few seconds, this spell banishes any magical effects within the field that were created by a hostile creature. Each dispelled effect drains a small amount of mana.
    Second Wind
    Long years of training grant access to deep reserves of vigor, instantly restoring nearly all of the warrior's stamina.

    Peon's Plight
    The warrior lashes out with a powerful blow intended to eliminate the weakest opposition. A successful attack automatically kills a target of normal or lesser rank, a double critical against an elite, and a regular critical against a boss.

    Greivious Insult
    A vile epithet attracts the ire of all enemies nearby, drawing them away from their current targets towards the warrior.

    The warrior spins in an arc of death, automatically killing enemies of lower or lesser rank, scoring critical hits on any elite targets, and normal hits on a boss.
    The rogue strikes with great precision, attempting to fell weakened enemies in one last blow. If the attack is successful, a target of elite rank or lower is killed instantly if their health is low enough. If the attack does not kill, it inflicts a critical hit instead.

    The rogue melts into the shadows, completely evading physical attacks for a short time.

    Weak Points

    While this mode is active, the rogue seeks out enemies weak points, striking each target in a manner that increases all damage that foe suffers for a short time, no matter the source of that damage.

    The rogue's deadly speed is unmatched. Within a targeted area, dissapears in a blur, sprinting from target to target to backstab each of them.

    Weapon Talents
    New Sword and Board talents:


    A powerful physique allows the character to knock aside any enemies in their way while this mode is active and while the character is moving. Each knockback drains a small amount of stamina.

    No attack gets past this shield completely. For a moderate duration, all damage is reduced by an amount proportional to the character's constitution modifier. Bulwark of the Ages improves the protection, making the character completely immune to damage for the first half of this effect.

    Air of Insolence
    While this mode is active, the character adopts an intimidating posture that continually draws the attention of nearby enemies, draining stamina constantly.

    Bulwark of the Ages
    The warrior is one with the shield. This talent improves the effect of Carapce, and the character is now immune to damage for the first half of it's effect.
    Dual Weild Talents:

    Twin Strikes
    Two devastating strikes in rapid succession each inflict an automatic critical hit. "Find Vitals" adds additional damage to each hit. If the target is affected by Low Blow, then it cannot move for a short period.

    Find Vitals
    The character is a force of nature when wielding two weapons, gaining permanent bonuses to melee critical chance and critical damage. Twin Strikes now inflicts additional bleeding damage.

    Low Blow
    The character strikes at the legs of surrounding enemies, imposing penalties to movement speed and attack speed for a short time. If an opponent is already bleeding from Twin Strikes, it slips and falls to the ground as well.

    Unending Flurry
    The character singles out an enemy for death, stabbing it quickly and repeatedly, consuming a small amount of stamina for each hit. The assault continues until the target dies or flees, or until the character runs out of stamina or misses. If the target is bleeding from Twin Strikes, then each swing becomes a critical hit. If the target is slowed by Low Blow, then the character cannot miss.
    Two-Handed Talents:

    Sweeping Strike
    A massive swing plows through a cone of enemies, inflicting a critical hit against the primary target and normal hits against others in the cone. Affected enemies are knocked to the ground unless they pass a physical resistance check.

    Two-Handed Impact
    While in this mode, each blow from the character's heavy two-hander generates a small shockwave that damages other enemies near the target. This mode drains stamina constantly.

    The character advances several times, sweeping the weapon in huge arcs that hit multiple enemies.

    Reaving Storm
    While this mode is active, the character turns continuously to attack surrounding enemies, slashing in wild arcs, but spending stamina with each hit. This mode can only be activated during combat.
    Archery Talents:

    For as long as this mode is active, the archer's mind is clear of everything except the next shot's trajectory, gaining bonuses to attack, damage, ranged critical chance, and ranged critical damage, all dependent on the archer's dexterity attribute.

    [the unfortunately named]Arrow Time
    Intense focus slows the archer's perception of time, effectively reducing the movement speed of enemies who come near for as long as this mode is active, excepting those of elite rank or higher. This deep concentration drains stamina constantly.

    Burst Shot

    The archer looses a special shaft that scores an automatic tiple critical hit on the targeted enemy, then shatters, inflicting half the effetc on anyone unfortunate enough to be close by. Friendly fire possible.

    Rain of Arrows
    The archer's bow points to the sky, firing multiple projectiles which then rain down over time in the targeted area. Friendly fire possible.

    Mage Specializations
    - - Battlemage - -
    Draining Aura
    The battlemage thrives in the heat of combat, creating a field of energy that drains life from nearby enemies to heal the mage for as long as this spell is active. Each time an enemy is drained, the spell consumes a small amount of the caster's mana.

    Hand of Winter
    The battlemage releases a burst of intense cold, damaging nearby enemies as well as freezing them unless they pass a physical resistance check, and inflicting a penalty to movement speed otherwise.

    The battlemage has learned to harness pain and transform it into power, restoring mana whenever the character suffers damage.

    Elemental Chaos
    The battlemage creates a field of chaotic, swirling energy that continuously harms nearby enemies with damage from each of the elements in turn for as long as the spell is active. This spell consumes mana rapidly.
    - - Keeper - -
    One With Nature
    The Keeper's bond with the earth creates a defensive field that immobilizes the Keeper while this spell is active, but inflicts nature damage and incurs a penalty to movement speed to any enemies that enter the field.

    The Keeper calls forth roots from beneath the earth to inflict normal damage on enemies within the field created by One With Nature. The roots also knock enemies back unless they pass a physical resistance check.

    No living thing can escape the cycle of life; all who fall return to the earth. The Keeper now regains health whenever a Keeper spell inflicts damage. Whenever an enemy dies within the field of One With Nature, the body is consumed, and the mage gains a large bonus to health regeneration for a short time.

    Nature's Vengence
    The Keeper summons gigantic roots from within the ground to attack all enemies in the area, impaling the opponents for a short time unless they pass a physical resistance check.

    Rogue Specializations
    - - Legionnaire Scout - -
    Mark of the Legion
    Life in the Legion of the Dead is difficult, but those who manage to survive develop great fortitude, gaining large bonuses to constitution and strength.

    Strength of Stone
    Through will alone, a legionnaire can become as implacable as the stone of the Deep Roads. When activated, the legionnaire becomes immune to damage or knokdown effects for a moderate time.

    Endure Hardship

    What is pain to one who is already dead? For as long as this mode is active, the legionnaire's health is no longer affected by damage, which depletes stamina instead.

    Blessing of the Ancestors
    Long days among the veins of unrefined lyrium in the Deep Roads have given the legionnaire the ability to resist magic. While Strength of Stone is active, the character is also immune to spells, whether hostile or friendly.
    - - Shadow - -
    Shadow Form
    While this mode is active, the shadow slips in and out of concealment. Because enemies cannot concentrate on the character, each hit reduces their interest in the attacker. This Mode consumes stamina continuously.

    The shadow is a master of misdirection, creating a personal decoy that keeps enemies occupied for a short time while the actual character escapes in stealth.

    Shadow Striking
    The shadow has become experienced in ambush and deception gaining a large bonus to backstab damage while using Shadow Form as well as a permanent bonus to melee critical chance.

    The shadow releases an airborne toxin that confuses all enemies within range, causing them all to flee or attack a random target, whether it be friend or foe.

    Warrior Specializations
    - - Spirit Warrior - -
    ((( Very Minor Spoilers )))

    Beyond the Veil
    The warrior dons a cloak of mystical energies from the fade in order to dodge a substantial proportion of physical attacks, although the mode drains stamina constantly. If the warrior has Soulbrand, this mode also adds a moderate chance of resisting hostile spells, and the warrior's attacks all deal spirit damage, bypassing enemy armor. If the warrior has Blessing of the Fade, the chance of resisting hostile spells increases further and the warrior receives bonuses to attack speed and movement speed.

    The warrior has acheived a deeper connection to the spirit world. While Beyond the Veil is active, the warrior gains a moderate chance to resist hostile spells, and attacks now deal spirit damage, bypassing enemy armor.

    Fade Burst
    The warrior bursts with energies drawn from the other side of the Veil, dealing spirit damage to all enemies nearby, particularly harming creatures from the Fade. the amount of damage depends on the warrior's willpower attribute. Friendly fire possible.

    Blessing of the Fade
    The warrior is able to draw strength from the benevolent spirits of the fade. While beyond the Veil is active, the warrior's chance of resisting hostile spells increases further, and the warrior gains bonuses to movement speed and attack speed.
    - - Guardian - -
    Guardian's Shield
    The guardian, dedicated to protecting allies, builds a shield around a party member that absorbs an amount of damage based on the warrior's constitution attribute. Master Guardian increases the strength of the shield.

    Fortifying Presence
    The guardian sheaths the entire party in mystical protection, granting each member a temporary bonus to armor with strength and duration both dependant on the guardian's constitution attribute. Master Guardian increases the armor bonus.

    Master Guardian

    The guardian has commited to life as a true defender. Guardian's Shield now absorbs more damage and Fortifying Presence now provides a greater armor bonus.

    Aura of the Stalwart Defender
    While this mode is active, the guardian makes a personal sacrifice in order to preserve allies, creating a field that pulls enemies back towards the guardian if it tries to leave the field and fails a physical resistance check. This mode can only be activated during combat.


    下班回家第一时间开始 -__,-
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    别的还好说没有no helmet hack还是有点郁闷的 orz
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    本帖最后由 allen24 于 2010-3-21 16:49 编辑

    bug我倒是遇到得很少,出现过两次怪卡住动不了我也不能打, 但是可以偷东西,还有几次loot什么也没有

    还有个bug就是find vitals技能无效,这个已经有补丁了

    legion of the dead涂装和无限刷钱是良性bug

    = = 我玩了18个小时倒是还能听到不少没听过的队友间的对话,


    场景我倒是觉得比DAO原版更赞,Kal\'Hirol和Blackmarsh那种阴冷危机四伏的感觉太赞了 XD


    收集素材给wade做装备也很好玩,做出来的装备太赞了,无论性能还是外形 XD
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