【PS2】全方位战士:十锤 GS评分,优缺点翻译

  • a
    7.1 good

    Gameplay 7
    Graphics 7
    Sound 8
    Value 7
    Tilt 7

    Ten Hammers maintains a good presentation and adds some minor control tweaks, but overall you're left with a strategy experience that feels very familiar if you played the first game.
    Ten Hammers 在保持了良好的游戏表述的同时还加入了一些操控方面的细微调整,但除此之外只剩下一种战略方面的体验,如果你玩过系列前作的话。

    The Good: Lengthier campaign; good graphics, sound, and presentation; improved control mechanics for movement and shooting; adversarial multiplayer mode.

    The Bad: Feels a lot like the first game; control still feels limiting ; uneven artificial intelligence; graphics noticeably less detailed than other versions, some frame rate issues.