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    PS 头像不是鬼妹 是鬼啊~~~~

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  • 爱骑车的胖子


    这个东西 我一个星期就要有5封 以上 是继尼日利亚骗子以后的第二大垃圾邮件 …………

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  • 整个马甲
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    [本帖最后由 ny 于 2007-7-30 17:36 编辑]
  • s
    你把电话留给我。。。。我跟她好好聊聊就知道是真是假了 然后我再告诉你
  • 狂涂
  • J
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    -_- 交个朋友朋友而已 我本来就对俄罗斯妹子感情很深.....

    认识她的话 说不定还方便寻找失散N久的俄罗斯朋友....

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  • a
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  • o
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    接下来我扮演你算了。。。让她来我家。。。反正还有一套房子空着 给她找个活儿干也容易:D

  • 西
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  • 阿旺
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    楼主,我支持你。 I'll urge u to accept her!!
  • k
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  • h
    HOSTEL 3
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  • 卡修
  • 九七年後不動心
  • 枪骑
  • 半熟英雄
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  • 放浪的无责任男
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    to sweden:下次一定给你

    to 其他朋友: 我只公开了她最后一封信而已,她在第一封信里就说得很清楚,要离开俄罗斯,但要先在外面找到可以信任可以照顾的人,把他的所在地当成目的地,没感觉的话并非一定要发展感情。如果我公开所有的,我相信说是骗子的看法应该至少会有点改变。没错,防人之心不可无,但也要有个度,现在是她既知道我仅比她大1岁不到,没钱没车还说要来。。。

    [本帖最后由 ny 于 2007-7-31 15:19 编辑]
  • 共产党员
  • 马也
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  • 真忘私绵
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    Irina Popowa (Angarsk, RUSSIA)

    I am a single father of 4, white American, 57 years of age, engineer by profession.

    The original website I was contacted with was True.com while I was still processing my profile I received an email from “Irina” asking me to write her atkrasivaya111@yahoo.comand she would send me her picture and information. Her profile was really just a name and were she lived…New Orleans LA. I wrote her asking for the information and received the following 9 emails covering a couple of weeks. During the first week her profile was removed from the dating site.

    Needless to say when I received the last email, I sent her a response telling her that under no circumstances I would send her any money. That is the last time I hear from her.
  • z

    1st Letter

    Return-Path: <krasivaya111@yahoo.com>

    Bob! I'm so happy to receive your answer! It was good to meet you on dating site! You made my day! I feel something special about you so I hope you will like my email and photos!

    There was not much in my profile because I didn't know what should I write there, I've never posted my profile before and I was not sure how it works.

    I've never tried to find someone in Internet but soon I will come to your country to work there, so I will have a work visa and a permission to work. My friend worked in the USA somewhere near Fort Lauderdale two years ago. She worked in amusement park from 11 am till 6 pm and from 7 pm till 3 am she worked in a bar. Of course she was always tired but she made very good money! I think I can do it too! Now she is in Europe, working for 3 months. She wrote me she liked to work in the USA better!

    I want to find a man who can tell me about the life over there and maybe of course something more then just a friend!!! I don't have a boyfriend so I'm free for new adventures!!!

    I'm in Russia now, but soon I will leave Russia to make my trip so you can forget about our distance.

    I think I will come over there after the first of the year. I think it will be something like January 6... January 7... or something like that...

    I've never been abroad, only in the South of Russia, the Black Sea, Sochi. I like warm climate )) According to my visa I can work in your country for 3 months, I can prolong it to 6 months if I want. After 6 months staying over there I can go home or try to get a green card.

    I think my level of English is quite good, but although it's very simple. I can't read philosophy books in English or business books))) Anyway I want to improve my English while staying over there. I write and speak English by myself. My spoken English is good too. We have Discovery channel here in English (my friend has cable TV, so I come to watch it!). I like this channel so much! Very interesting!

    I'm sending four pics for you. One is me with my dog Lima. I like animals!! Another one is me last summer in Sochi (South of Russia) near the black sea. The view is very beautiful!!!! Another one is me near the window and home. And the last one is me with my sister. Vica.

    I live in small town here in Russia, and I decided to find someone by Internet not to be alone when I make my trip. The life is different in every country and I think it's hard to live there when you don't know anybody.

    I can do some simple job as a waitress, or to work in some shop. And later when I improve my English I want to find a better job!

    I will start my trip from Moscow, I will go there to pass English tests and have an interview. I think everything will be OK!

    Working program helps me to get the visa, permission for work and all travel documents and they will help me to get job. It's a special program for young people who is not lazy and make some money.

    Also they can settle me with another girls from Russia and Brazil who came to work there too, it's very cheap.

    Here I can earn only about 100-150$ a month to work from mornig till evening (my city is really small).

    I think I can change my life and see many wonderful things and just different life. I am full of plans and different dreams.

    I am sure you will be not disappointed to meet me in the real life!!!

    I don't have a special plan or something like that for a new relationship, I'm open to everything! I don't want to be an abuse for you, if you will not want me as your woman, we can be just friends!

    But I hope you like me and my photos!

    I had a boyfriend, but it was nothing serious and we broke up one year ago because he moved to Vladivostok.

    OK, I will finish this email... I don't know what else I could write you in my first email. Your questions are welcomed! Please answer me even if you don't like me, because you are the only man I am responding to. If you don't like me I will continue my search. I hope so much to receive your answer!!!

    I hope we can have a nice communication by emails so I will know somebody is waiting for me over there! Not so long time to wait for me, really?

    I hope you are my soulmate and we match each other!

    Next time I can answer your questions if you have some and tell you about my family, send you many pics of my family, also more of my photos!!!

    Tell me about yourself and the place where you live! And send me photos!

    Please write me at this mailbox, "krasivaya" - the name of my mailbox means "beautiful" in Russian.

  • z

    2nd Letter

    just want to send you two more pics. One of them was taken recently on the wedding of my good friend. I hope I will find a good man and marry marry too someday. Another one was taken last summer at the balcony of my friend. I don't have free time now, I will write you a longer email about everything later today.

    We have to buy presents for New Year with my mother. I know you have Christmas soon but Russian people celebrate Christmas in January.

  • z

    3rd Letter

    Bob, hello! Thank's for your reply so much!!! I hope soon I will be able to come to your area by my birthday and we will meet each other! I'm not sure why I picked you but I feel something special about you!

    I hope you are having very happy Christmas!!!!! Russian people celebrate New Year more then Christmas. Tell me how do you celebrate Christmas!!!!

    Thank you for pics!

    This time I will write you more about myself. I think you should know more about my life and my hobbies so you will know if we have any common interests.

    So you already know my full name. I'm 26 years old, not that young I think? My birthday is January 11. I'm 168 cm tall (5.6.) and 51 kg weight (about 120 pounds, I'm not sure how much it is in pound but I'm not fat!). I don't know exactly my bust-waist-hips measurements, I don't have a reason to measure it because I think it's OK and my body is proportionate )) I take care of my body, I do aerobics three times a week and two times a week I go to the swimming pool twice a week.

    I have a younger sister, you can see her with me on photos. She is 16 years old now.

    We live with our parents in 2 room apartment.

    The name of my city is Angarsk, it's near Irkutsk city. Angarsk is quite small city and Irkutsk is a large city, the main city in our district.

    Have you ever heard about the lake Baykal? It's near Irkutsk! It's the deepest and cleanest lake in the whole world. It's very beautiful!

    I graduated from Irkutsk Humanitarian University two years ago, contemporary dance faculty. Yes we have such faculty in Humanitarian University! So I'm a professional dancer. I don't want to have a dancer's career because I will have not much time for my private life and for relationship with a man. I work as a dance teacher, I teach children from 12 to 17 years how to dance! Also I have a certificate of fitness instructor, this is my another hobby. So it would be perfect if later I will find a work as instructor or teacher of dances!!! I think it's a very good job for a woman, I'm always in a good shape and I keep myself not that busy!

    Do you know how to dance? If not I can teach you!

    I can dance many different styles.

    When I come to your city I will work as a waitress in a restaurant. I would like to work as a dance teacher but I think you understand it's not possible to arrange such work by Internet because they want to see how well I dance.

    Anyway I will try to find such work when I come over there. Or maybe not a dancer but aerobics instructor, I think it's also very good job.

    I'm sending few photos for you today! I hope you are not tired to look at my photos?

    The first one is me in summer.

    The second one is me with my mom. We are in the theatre.

    The third one is me playing pool.

    One the last two pics you can see my portrait. On the pic with my sister the image is not clear so I'm sending one more pic of my portrait. Do you like this picture? My father drew my portrait and presented it to me. He is a retired engineer now but he loves to paint and do it very well. He doesn't have any special education for it but I like his paintings!

    My sister Vica will finish school and enter the university. I'm happy my parents will be not alone when I leave the for another country. Of course I will miss everybody but I want to have my own happiness!

    In winter I like skiing, although we have cold winters... our summers are warm usually.

    I color my hair to blond. The natural color of my hair is fair. I hope that's not a problem for you or you like natural color of hair?

    My father is 59 years old now, my mom is 44. You see my mom is much younger then my father and they are very happy together. My mother is a teacher of music in the school. I can play piano also, she teached me how to play piano. I finished music school and I still play piano about once a week.

    I like classic music, jazz, rock, lounge. I like music at all!

    I want to try how to ride a motorcycle someday! I've never tried it!

    Do you have an International Airport in your city? Please write me it's name an code. Or write me the name of the nearest Airport to you.

    I write you my emails from Internet cafe, I don't have my own computer.

    If you want I can call you when I'm in Moscow, it would be nice to talk to you. I will be really happy to call you from Moscow. Now I'm not at home often and of you call me my father will pick up the phone and he can't speak any English and he will be shocked to hear the English speech. I still didn't tell him about you but I'm going to tell him this week, I will write you about his thoughts on this topic!

    I suppose in few days I will leave for Moscow and start my trip!

    There is no any messenger in this Cafe so we can only keep emailing each other. I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails?

    My address here is Russia, Angarsk, Gogolya 24 street, flat 6.

    So now you have a representation of who I am....

    I just can tell you that I enjoy life and I try to live to the fullest, I like to try new things. I'm not that smart.. I was not that good in mathematics, physics, biology and so on! But I'm very tender, caring, artistic, faithful, decent person.

    Sometimes I can be not well organized, I think everybody had it's own minuses and pluses.

    I don't look any special qualities in a man. I just hope he will be faithful to me and ready to create a happy family with me and I will do everything to make him happy. I'm looking for a soulmate!

    OK... it's time to finish my email. I'm sending a kiss by the wind to you and if I sent it to the right destination you should receive it by evening )))) I hope you will catch my kiss somehow )))
