
  • z

    4th Letter

    I just want to add few things... I think last time I wrote you not all

    my thoughts... My mind is always in a mess when I write you because

    it's hard to write everything to somebody who is so far away. I don't

    remember if I wrote last time I've never been married, don't have

    kids but I love them and they love me! I wrote you I teach children

    how to dance and I know how to understand their wishes and worries.

    I don't smoke, drink occasionally.

    And I want to tell you that I always wanted to find an older man.

    Why? I have two answers..

    Firstly, I think older men are much more serious and they can take

    care of me, they are more experienced in life and can teach me many

    things. "The older the violin, the sweeter the music" I believe in it...

    I think I'm not that young already but I

    don't have much experience in life and I want to have someone who has

    more experience in life then me.

    Secondly... maybe I'm not right about it... but I want to be honest

    I've always had such worry... if I marry a man nearly my age...

    and after some years I will become not that young and beautiful... I

    think it's more hard for a woman to be attractive then for a man...

    and he will find a younger mistress and I will become very miserable.

    I don't want my man to be unfaithful. I know I can be faithful to my

    man and I will never cheat on him.

    But this is just my worries. This is not my goal. Please tell me if

    you think you will love your woman at any age and not find a younger

    one? Can you be faithful?

    And sorry my profile was not accurate. Honestly I thought it will be

    just like a joke to post my profile, I just wanted to try if my

    English is well enough to talk to someone from another country and I

    wanted to know if I can communicate with foreign people. But now it's

    not just I want to try my skills... I became attracted to you and I

    really want to meet you. If you will not like me or something else we

    can be just friends.

    I hope I will get my work visa soon in Moscow and all documents and

    come to you! I don't have any area limits with this visa so I can work

    where I want.

    And one more thing.. i'm sending few pics of my city from different

    seasons so you can see where I live. You can see pics of the building

    where I live, the building where I work. Also I'm sending one pic from

    Sochi (as I wrote you it's the Black Sea) where we went with my


    I'm just trying to be honest with you and write you all my thoughts on

    different issues. Please be always honest with me also....

    I will write you later, I will look if I have more nice photos to send


    Have a good day!

    Again Merry Christmas!!!
  • z

    5th Letter

    Bob! It's good to write you again! I think I'm a lucky girl to meet such good mas as you in Internet! I hope I will be lucky enough to meet you in the real life!!!!!!!!

    I like the pics you sent me!

    Yesterday I told my parents about you. They said now they worry about me not that much as before because they know you are a kind man and can help me if I need your help. You can show me your city and tell me about the life over there!

    I'm sending five pics for you. The first one is me on my bed where I sleep, the next two pics is me with my friends. The next one is just a pic of myself.. and the last one is me near the Black Sea.

    I think I didn't write you I like to cook. I will cook Russian cuisine for you! Pelmeni, vareniki, blini, borsch, okroshka! You will like it! Besides Russian cuisine I like Italian and Mexican. I love spaghetti and pizzza!!!!! mmmmmmm ! I can't like without it! I like Mexican food because it's very spicy, although I don't cook Mexican dishes too often. I've been told my cooking is very tasty!

    I like to cook cakes. My favorite is cheese-cake with raspberry! You know... when I talk about food I'm getting hungry ))) I eat everything and I'm not on any diets but usually I don't eat after 7 pm. This helps me not to be fat!

    I can cook many tasty things for you when we meet! You know.. almost all Russian men are like bears! They are so rude, they can't be nice and polite, they don't want to have a family. I think you are not like them.

    I like to go to the cinema! I really like to watch a good movie with my friends. 50 of movies in our cinemas are Russian and about 50 American. Yesterday I've seen a great historical movie!!! It is called "Nomad". I really liked it so much! It was produced by Khazakhfilm (Khazakhstan is situated near Russia) and there you can see some good American actors! One of directors of this movie is a well known Russian director Sergey Bodrov. If you didn't see this movie find it and watch! I advice it to you!

    Actually my favorite actor is Johnny Depp and I like all movies with him. I've watched Pirates of the Carribean (part 2) 10 days ago! I think the second part is not as good as the first part. Have you seen it?

    Soon I want to go to the premier of new movie with Cameron Diaz - Holiday. I think it will be really nice comedy! I like this actress.

    Could you recommend me any American movie so I can watch it?

    What is your favorite movie and actor?

    Some time age I watched "Perfume" (by a novel of Patrick Zuskind).

    I've read this novel and I like it so much! Breathtaking! Anyway I think the book is better then the movie.

    Soooooooooooooooo......... what else could I say?

    I have a driver's licence but I don't have a car. My father has a Russian car and he gives me his car sometimes.

    I like not only the cinema! I like theatre and opera too, I like ballet.

    Unfortunately there is only one small theatre in my city and there is nothing interesting. If I want to go to ballet, for example, I should go to Irkutsk, there sometimes can come famous Russian actors and dancers but I can't go there often because it's quite expensive.

    And now I have some good news for you! After sending this email I will go home, pack my bags and tomorrow I will go to Irkutsk! >From there I will fly to Moscow! I was on a plane only two times in my life and I'm afraid to fly! I hope my plane will not fall down! I'm really afraid! So it is several hours from Irkutsk to Moscow and I will come to Moscow late night. I don't think I will live in hotel there, it's very expensive. You know, by statistics Moscow is the more expensive city in the world after Tokyo.

    I will rent a room in apartment, it will be cheap. Of course it will be very modest but it's OK for me!

    I decided to go to Moscow before the New Year for three reasons:

    1. There are good discounts for these days.

    2. I want to see how people in bigs city Moscow celebrate New Year.

    3. There is a saying in Russia - You will spend all new year like you celebrate it. I want to start my new life right in new year!

    When I come to Moscow and settle down I will write you an email. I hope tomorrow I will be able to write me. Please don't worry about me if you don't hear from me tomorrow, that will mean I was not able to find a place to stay and I will write you after tomorrow. Anyway, I hope I will write you tomorrow!!!

    In Moscow I will spend a week or maybe even more, I should make all final arrangements with my documents and after it I will come to you!

    I've never been to Moscow before and I'm so nervous now... I've never went somewhere alone and now I should go alone to such big city!

    You know... I had such great desire to start my trip already.. and now I feel myself like a newborn kitten who has even didn't open it's eyes... I just want to hug my mommy and don't want to go anywhere...

    but I know that's my dream to start a new life and I will try to turn in to reality! Soon you will hear some news from me from Moscow!!!!!!!!

    Love and kisses!
    I hope I'm the one for you!

    From both nervous and excited,
  • z

    6th Letter


    I'm so excited to write you again!!!!!!!!!! I'm in Moscow! You can't imagine how happy I am that I already started my trip to you!

    I still cannot believe I've done it! WoW! As I wrote you I was scared to fly on the plane but everything was OK and I'm still alive )))) Moscow is a really big city! I've been told the population of Moscow is about 10 million of people! From the Airport I went by bus... it was so long way... about 1 hour and 30 minutes. I've seen so many nice places in Moscow while going by bus!

    When I got off the plane in the Moscow Airport policeman asked me about passport and he looked at me like I am an enemy ))) I think all people here (and everywhere) are a little crazy because of terrorism.

    Everything here is very expensive, not like in my city... and everywhere are big crowds of people! Everywhere is so many people! I'm still uncomfortable about it but I feel soon it will be OK. I've been to few shops here today and I see goods are much more expensive here then in my native city.

    I found a place to stay, I rent a room from an old woman. She is about 70 years old. She said her husband died 2 years ago and she has two grown up children but they are already married and don't come to visit her very often so she is alone and she has not much money so she give in rent rooms in her apartment. She is very nice woman )) She said I have to be very careful. You know... she said many girls from small cities come to big cities... or even abroad... they are looking for a better future and fortune but because they are from small cities they didn't imagine their way to find the happiness can be not as easy as they thought... and some of them can end up as prostitutes or something like that. She said I should be careful when I meet you!! But I don't worry about you! I feel with all my heart you are really nice man! And I think I'm enough educated not to end up as a prostitute and I will find my happiness!

    Sorry I wrote you about my worries.. I have nobody to write about it.

    My parents and my sister are worried enough about me and I don't want to make them worry more. I think that's really good I've met you! I can write you about everything.

    I miss my parents... but I'm getting better with every hour )) Now I'm very hungry and I will go and eat something.

    Please confirm the name of airport and be sure you wrote it right.

    Please confirm me your full name and telephone number.

    Please don't be mad! I just want to be sure I have your contacts! This way I will feel more confident.

    I am afraid to make any mistake... I hope everything will be fine.

    I've been told I may have all further information about my trip today or tomorrow.

    As soon as I learn it I will write you an email!!! I don't have enough time now to write more things.
  • f
  • n
    to zhang777:我下午想了一下已经找到了,还有几个名字的~
  • n
    发现我真是好人,竟然叫她不要来,然后我看到的其他那些人,都是叫她来或者去找她,然后怎么 spend the time together
  • r