
  • 阿西达卡
    本帖最后由 阿西达卡 于 2010-6-22 22:53 编辑

    http://www.gamexplain.com/articl ... ndogs-%2B-cats.html

    In the original Nintendogs, you could summon your dog to the touchscreen (either by calling his name or blowing a whistle) where you could then pet hm directly by rubbing the stylus over him. This is no longer the case, as your dog is always featured on the 3D top-screen for maximum immersion. Instead, a silhouette of your dog appears on the touchscreen, which is what you now interact with. As you do so, a hand icon will appear on the 3D top-screen, showing exactly where you’re petting him.We thought this might be a pretty big disconnect, considering you’re not really petting the mutt directly, but it worked surprisingly well and put our fears to rest.
  • c
