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    “2016年10月19日,特朗普在拉斯维加斯参加最后一次总统竞选辩论时说道,芝加哥可能有美国最严厉的枪支管理法,但是到目前为止,他们的枪支暴力可能也比任何其他的城市要多。 ”

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  • 大家好我是小叮当
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  • B

    本帖最后由 BD 于 2017-12-17 03:27 通过手机版编辑
  • J
    You are more than welcome to claim an internet debate victory by calling me blind or retarded or whatever.

    These problems are persistent in a multiracial/multicultural society. As for the first several over-regulation leading to failure examples, I am not commenting since I haven't dug in details. But for subprime crisis, blaming Democrat's pushing to lend more to minority as the core cause? that sounds like some serious BS T_Dotard and 4chan narrative. All those low quality mortgages were essentially caused by this? LOL. Subprime crisis was caused by so many things and it is still an ongoing study among the academia.

    You have to understand that my view partially aligns with you. I am not an SFW type leftist, more like a moderate left. But in today's polarizing political climate, what can you do. Here I say again, the socio-economic problems are often triggered by many factors, and some of them are correlated, yet many of them are spontaneous. Classifying a single factor as logically sufficient or necessary, or core cause is a typical dichotomous mistake.
  • h

    本帖最后由 himura 于 2017-12-17 07:39 通过手机版编辑
  • 坚定的左派
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  • 大家好我是小叮当
  • J
    "anyone who was still left at 30 had no brain" vs "we believe 'diversity' of ideas but with same value", listen to yourself.
  • 大家好我是小叮当
  • B
    What? I don't have right to think someone is stupid? I believe everyone has right to express themselves doesn't means I have to agree with them.

    Did I call you Nazi so I can punch you simply because I don't agree with you? Who invents term like "Micro-aggression"? Who is trying to shutdown free speech and call everything they don't agree "hate speech"? Who is the snowflake in college campus yelling to the professors just because that professor think everybody has right to wear any kind of Halloween costume?

    You still don't get it, do you?
  • 大家好我是小叮当
    Diversity is hard to be accepted to his kind. They value people base only on their system and interest. Conflict is a forbidden word to their world.

    本帖最后由 大家好我是小叮当 于 2017-12-17 09:49 通过手机版编辑
  • B
    Yes, I value people based on his value system and the quality of his character, not based on the color of their skin or their sexual orientation.
  • m
  • 大家好我是小叮当
    See, you have admitted you refuse to accept ‘conflict’. And how do you measure someone else’s ‘quality of his character ‘ ? By your value as always?
  • B
    OMG, for the first time in my life time, I know there is someone want to accept "conflict" instead of avoiding and resolving conflict. Do you even know what "conflict" means?

    Everybody knows the measurement of both quality of the character and value system is "morality". You are lacking basic idea about the fundamental of the world view.
  • B
  • 大家好我是小叮当
    And you didn’t put religion in your list. DARE YOU?
  • B
    What the hell are you even talking about? In which sentence did I ever mentioned about religion.

    By the way, what's wrong about religion, do you have problem with it? If yes, I dare you share your thought during your visa interview. Tips, read US constitution, it is in the 1st Amendment.
  • 大家好我是小叮当
    Funny, you seem live in a fairy tale world. Every issue can be resolved or avoided their.
    I am really lacking the ideas about the fundamentals of your world view.
  • B
    What is your logic? Who said every issue can be resolved. All I'm saying is that conflict is something everybody is trying to avoid and resolve, nobody in the world is accepting conflict, because once there is conflict, it's there, it doesn't give a shit about whether you accepting it or not. Tell me how the fuck are you going to accepting the conflict between good and evil?

    [本帖最后由 BD 于 2017-12-17 10:42 编辑]
  • 大家好我是小叮当
    Fine, you admitted conflict is an existing being.
    And you asked how I’m going to accept the conflict between liberty and totalitarianism. It’s ridiculous because I am living in this conflict.
  • 大家好我是小叮当

    Let me know why you edit your reply from ‘liberty and totalitarianism’ to ‘good and evil’
  • h
  • B
    This is exactly my point, depends on the conflict, you can either try to avoid it, for example, not invite someone want to rob you in your house.
    Or try to resolve it, like between liberty and totalitarianism, or simpler version between good and evil. Even under the fact some conflicts may never be resolved, you have to pick a side. If you are not siding with good, you are siding with evil. If you are not sidling with liberty, you are siding with totalitarianism. That's the value system I was talking about, or at least a example of it.

    There is no such thing like you said, "I accept the diversity of good and evil, end of the story". This just means you don't have basic moral concept about being right and wrong.
  • B
    Dude, I was just trying to make it simple for you. At this point, I can't have any expectation about either your English or IQ.
  • 大家好我是小叮当
    Conflict is a status of being. It’s not always between good or evil, liberty or totalitarianism.

    The problem here is many of you have the issue of how to define good and evil. Like you again defined someone else’s moral concept.
  • B
    I’m wasting my time here. I already laid enough facts to make my point crystal clear, and it’s not me who defines morality, there are countless thinkers and philosophers doing this through entire human history. Read some books, it may or may not help you.
  • 大家好我是小叮当
    yes you have already laid enough BS to make your point clear.

    本帖最后由 大家好我是小叮当 于 2017-12-17 11:19 通过手机版编辑
  • G
    Hundreds of wise men cannot make the world a heaven, but one idiot is enough to turn it into a hell.
  • h
    interesting though
  • J
    Let's talk about "the diversity of ideas, with the same value; everyone has the right to express but I have the right to think your idea being stupid as well".

    Devaluing a man's opinion, by attacking his blunt English phrasing, or classifying his IQ came from you. Yes, you have the right, but it doesn't make you not an A-hole.

    Ignoring the hollow good/evil morality talk, think of a policy maker who tried to achieve something what he thinks helps society progress. Somehow, the policy coming from him failed because of either it didn't encompass the chain reaction it caused on the free market, or it got exploited (like the case of subprime). So should he stop trying and let the free market govern for him?

    If so, public education shouldn't even be existing.

    I found it amusing you at one hand devaluing the idea behind my argument, on the other hand citing the SJW behavior. Accusing me being brainwashed which IMHO is a state being not able to independently forming an idea, says a man who promotes "the diversity of ideas, with the same value".

    I got you, I totally got you. T_Dotard, 4chan, and red pill have been pushing this narrative for many years. I understand that SJWs in Cal damaged the reputation of UC or many left leaning people. These type of violent behavior is somehow the society's response to a stressor which rooted from the society itself. Blaming this to a single source? pfft. Sounds like arguing someone constantly taking red pills at T_Dotard.

    Let's again talk about values of ideas or ideals. Value is so subjective that "different ideas same value" sounds like a hypocrite would say. "Jew should be eradicated" and "every man born with the ability to reason should be treated fairly" hold the same value?
  • J

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