
  • a
    Stranger: We have received multiple complaints of inappropriate, lewd behavior traced to your IP address. This is a quick courtesy chat just to follow up those complaints as we need to hear both sides of the story before we take appropriate action.
    Stranger: Is that ok with you?
    You: no
    You: who are you?
    Stranger: Paul from the Omegle team
    You: oh cool
    Stranger: We have received numerous complaints from people about your innapropriate behaviour, and this will be your final warning on the issue
    Stranger: If you don't stop the abuse, we will be forced to ban your IP address from the site
    You: are you kidding me?
    You: i did nothing.
    Stranger: This is an issue we take very seriously
    Stranger: And please note, it will be your FINAL warning
    You: i have just came here.
    Stranger: Thank you for your time, and please respect other users on omegle. Good day to you.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • c
  • y
    Stranger: hi
    You: 麻痹,喷了
    Stranger: cao
    Stranger: 又是中国人
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • M
    Stranger: baiggi
    You: hi
    Stranger: lolld
    You: chinese?
    Stranger: are u from Sweden?
    Stranger: noo
    You: where r u from?
    You: tianya tudou or tgfc?
    Stranger: Sweden...(What a suprise.)
    Stranger: u?
    You: 喷了····
    You have disconnected.
  • 北京狗狗

    Stranger: Hii
    You: aloha! 春哥纯爷们儿!
    Stranger: alohaaa
    Stranger: are u from hawaii?
    You: i wish
    Stranger: loool i wish too
    You: you are those china man,right
    Stranger: so where are u from?
    Stranger: nooo
    Stranger: im a girl
    Stranger: hahha
    You: cum on,i can see you ip adress
    You: you guys are so funny
    Stranger: alright then, im a chinese dude
    You: gotcha
    You: so tell me something
    Stranger: want me to strip on the webcam? \o/
    Stranger: ok
    You: about chick in your country
    Stranger: ok, what u wanna know?
    You: is the pussy tight?
    Stranger: well, i think it is a average pussy
    You: my cell-mate told me that
    You: average ? you mean regular pussy?
    Stranger: yeah u know
    Stranger: how much a pussy can change?
    Stranger: they are just pussies
    You: i love asia chicks
    Stranger: really?
    Stranger: they dont have any ass
    You: yep
    Stranger: or tits
    Stranger: and bad teeth
    You: not tits.butt and pussy
    You: asia chicks are often flat chested
    Stranger: huum i see
    Stranger: yes they are
    You: i love big boobies
    Stranger: where u from ?
    You: LA
    Stranger: so how can u love asia chicks?
    You: I **ed a couple
    Stranger: if they dont have big boobies
    Stranger: ahh right
    You: asia hooker
    Stranger: l.a. huh?
    You: very expensive
    Stranger: u needed to pay for that?
    Stranger: oh right
    Stranger: of course
    Stranger: if she was a hooker
    Stranger: makes total sense
    You: 10G for one night
    Stranger: that cant be truth my friend
    Stranger: its too much
    You: so chinese chicks are very loose eh? someone said.
    Stranger: you are in LA, how many failed actresses u could ** for free?
    Stranger: chinese chicks are total sluts
    Stranger: because they are ugly as hell
    You: my buddy get laid a lot in china
    Stranger: well, u can get laid easily, but no quality
    You: no kidding!
    Stranger: im serious man, they are horrible
    Stranger: and i've seen many
    You: who's the most beautiful firl?i mean top-notch?
    Stranger: in china?
    You: yep
    Stranger: Zhang Ziyi... but she works there, in the us
    Stranger: she's cute
    You: yeah,i know that name
    You: cruching tiger or some shit
    Stranger: yes, that stupid movie
    You: that's a awesome movie ,dude
    Stranger: she's beautiful, but u dont really find girl like her here
    Stranger: really? i hate it
    You: why's that
    Stranger: that what? the movie or the girls?
    You: dude, if i come to China,maybe we can hang out sometime
    Stranger: yess , totally man
    Stranger: but the problem is
    Stranger: that im not a chinese dude
    Stranger: im a brazilian girl hahasldsf =D
    You: you are just jerk around,dude
    Stranger: nooo dude, i am a brazilian girl
    Stranger: i only know my pussy
    Stranger: and the chinese women that i know are from the markey
    Stranger: market*
    You: get outta here~~
    Stranger: im serious maaan
    You: show me some proof
    Stranger: but how can i proof?!
    You: photos,cams,you know ,stuff
  • 阿弄
  • 北京狗狗
  • R
    Stranger: hi ^^
    You: i met a girl here, said 90% on this site is chinese, true?
    Stranger: hm
    Stranger: nope!
    Stranger: depends on the time you get online
    Stranger: at this time i think there are a lot of chinese
    You: i dont think so either
    Stranger: in a few hours i think there are more brazilians, because chinese go to sleep xD
    You: reasonable
    You: GMT+8
    Stranger: what ethnicity are you? o_o
    You: just guess
    Stranger: hm
    Stranger: chinese?
    You: YES
    You: ^_^
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: ni hao?
    Stranger: i don't know if that works for all people in chinese
    You: yes, ni hao
    Stranger: haha
    You: and "wan shang hao"for good evening
    Stranger: oh, i didn't know that one
    Stranger: someone told me "wan an" is good night
    You: yes for all chinese people
    You: yes
    Stranger: cool stuff
    You: so omegle is good for learning chinese...haha
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: actually i learned a lot of things
    Stranger: like how to say hi in swedish too
    You: show me
    Stranger: it's just "hej"
    Stranger: but pronounced like "hey" in english haha
    You: interesting
    You: viking style...
    Stranger: uh huh ^^
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: i know some other languages too
    Stranger: so i fyou wanted to say something i can teach you too
    You: like "holla"
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: hola? xD
    You: i learned freach for 500 hrs
    You: so
    You: bon soir
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: french is good ^^
    You: yep
    Stranger: pouvez-vous parler assez bien?
    You: ...
    You: speak freach well? no
    Stranger: haha :x
    Stranger: i studied it for several years
    You: for read not for write and speak
    Stranger: but i think i am forgetting it now =/
    Stranger: ah, i see
    You: yeah, use it or forget it
    Stranger: yeah :x
    Stranger: do you know any other languages?
    Stranger: xD
    You: japanese, a little
    Stranger: your english seems to be good
    You: thank u~
    You: kong-bang-wa
    You: japanese for good evening
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: i know ^^
    Stranger: my mom is japanese lol
    You: |o|
    Stranger: 大学生ですか。
    You: so you almost a translate machine
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: not really
    Stranger: i just like to learn languages
    Stranger: whenever i have time i like to pick up random things
    You: that's a talent
    Stranger: haha ^^
    Stranger: not really
    Stranger: just it's interesting
    You: yes, esp in globlization years
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: that's true perhaps
    You: i'm a globlist
    Stranger: oh
    You: we are just earth worms...
    Stranger: are you planning to travel to another country?
    You: yes, travel around the world, who dont
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: i really want to travel :x
    Stranger: what kind of music do you listen to?
    Stranger: i really have kpop songs stuck in my head right now ><
    You: jazz, world music, new age, pop, R&B
    You: whatever good listen to
    Stranger: hm
    Stranger: sounds cool ^^
    You: kpops...
    Stranger: from korea
    You: i knew
    You: kpops everywhere here in asia
    You: but i'm not so into it
    You: jazz is my fav
    Stranger: jazz is good too :]
    You: all kinds of jazz
    You: electric jazz, acid, big band, vocal, avant grade
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: you seem knowledgeable about music
    You: ha, my friend called me "Mr. Knowledgeable for (almost) everything"
    You: hehe
    Stranger: haha xD
    Stranger: what else do you know about?
    You: everything, dear, i said everything
    You: all we can talk about
    You: try me
    Stranger: hmmm
    Stranger: biology?
    You: you mean sex?
    Stranger: nope
    Stranger: like biology!
    You: btw, i love video-gaming
    Stranger: and medicine
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: which games do you like?
    You: such as Bioshock
    Stranger: oh god :x
    Stranger: bioshock looks so freaking scary
    You: hehe, that's for biology...hehe
    You: bioshock do shock me
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: do you know about medicine and things?
    You: and guess what, they test it in 2K Games Shanghai, and I did playtest for it
    Stranger: i'm studying biomedical engineering right now so that's why i asked
    Stranger: haha must have been exciting
    You: so i played the true UNCUT copy
    Stranger: wow haha
    You: the screaming of little sisters were much more bloody than the released version
    Stranger: omg ):
    You: you can image
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: yes D:
    You: bio is the future...
    Stranger: hopefully not bioshock ):
    You: and have you ever played Biohazard 5?
    You: or
    Stranger: lol i can't play those games ):
    Stranger: they scare me a lot
    You: resident evil 5
    Stranger: but i saw all the movies
    You: but bio is your major, babe
    You: movies is just so so...but game really rocks
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: but the thigns i learn in class are different
    Stranger: like pharmaceutical drugs
    Stranger: biomedical implants
    You: oh, cure people
    Stranger: and artificial limbs
    Stranger: yeah ^^
    You: i see
    You: you're bio-healer, not bio-hazard
    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: yep ^^
    You: dont produce freaks, you biologists...
    Stranger: xDDD
    You: thanks for that
    Stranger: we don't produce freaks!!
  • M
    You: hi
    Stranger: I am a google robot, please speak.
    You: ...
    You: where r u from ..robot
    Stranger: gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle
    You: aha
    Stranger: u?
    You: i am a baidu robot.
    You: baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaidu
    Stranger: wo cao.
    You: 麻痹
    Stranger: chun ge shi chun ye men
    Stranger: 天王盖迪虎
    You: 麻痹 喷了
  • r
  • 北京狗狗

    Stranger: i have to confess
    Stranger: i'm madly in love with you john.
    You: i'm no John dude

    Stranger: spends his free time and meal time while on his knees
    You: and i am not gay , i'm not even bi

    Stranger: what the odds that a man taken at random
    You: random my ass ,how many guys have you been hitting on

    Stranger: haha
    Stranger: none
    Stranger: i'm not gay either
    Stranger: i like boys.
    Stranger: and i'm a girl.
    Stranger: so that's not gay.

    You: 洗洗睡吧,春哥纯爷们儿!
  • w

    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hello
    Stranger: from where?
    You: CHI
    Stranger: you all look same there
    You: ye
    Stranger: stupid looking eys
    Stranger: do you now what i mean?
    You: 干嘛呢 兄弟
    Stranger: all the people have same looking face.
    Stranger: discusting
    You: you too
    Stranger: no no
    Stranger: you dont even know where i am from
    You: where?
    Stranger: quess
    You: chi?uk?
    Stranger: nono
    You: holland?
    You: german?
    You: usa?
    Stranger: yes
    You: usa?
    Stranger: im the toughest person in the world
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: im from usa
    You: really? idont think so
    Stranger: why all your people have black/brown hair. there are no blondes
    Stranger: ??
    You: your people are so individualism
    Stranger: answer my question, dont blame me for nothing..
    You: because we are Chinese people
    You: we are chinese
    You: any body there?
    Stranger: thats not an answer. our military is attacking to asia in few days...
    You: ye and?
    Stranger: be aware
    You: ok
    You: and anything else?
    You: from where korea?
    Stranger: you dont even have a chance, when our strong and handsome boys are coming on to you!
    You: your people?haha they are the most Fearing death men in the world
    Stranger: and what do you think of that!!!
    You: dont you remember them in iraq?
    You: it`s the most stupid decision in you history
    Stranger: shut up! you dont know nothing, so be quiet. we have a new president mr. obama and i know that he´s hating your people
    Stranger: now
    You: true?
    You: what?
    You: what do you want to say
    Stranger: do you got any plane? you mast have some plane, or something bad may happen even to you.
  • 北京狗狗
  • R
    Stranger: so how much do you hate japanense people?
    You: not really. it's all past
    Stranger: well thats good...because i still hate them for pearl harbor
  • R
  • R
    You: hi
    Stranger: hey,what's ur time there?
    You: 23:58
    You: and u?
    Stranger: 你中国哪的
    Stranger: 我现在在澳洲
    You: =。=
    Stranger: 2点了
    You: GMT+8算的好准
    You: 本站80%都是国人占领,嗯
    Stranger: 哈
    You: 深圳
    Stranger: 你男的女的
    You: 重要吗
    Stranger: 扯淡呗
    You: 那就不男不女吧
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • R
    You: 春哥纯爷们!
    Stranger: hooooooooi
    Stranger: shut up
    Stranger: ni hao
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • 北京狗狗

    Stranger: FIRST!
    You: tell me a knock knock joke
    Stranger: knock knock
    You: who is there
    Stranger: Boo
    You: boo who
    Stranger: you **ing cry baby.
  • 北京狗狗

    Stranger: hi
    You: tell me a knock knock joke
    Stranger: knock knock
    You: who's there
    Stranger: doctor
    You: doctor who
    Stranger: hahahahahaha
    You: not funny,dude
    Stranger: u tell one?
    You: knock konck
    Stranger: whos there
    You: pete
    Stranger: pete who
    You: pete yourmouth
    Stranger: ?
    You: hahaha
    Stranger: thats awful
    You: that's funny
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  • R
    Stranger: i'm a homosex
    You: me too
    Stranger: nice
    Stranger: the male kind?
    You: gay
    You: yes
    Stranger: cool
    You: have sex with other guys?
    Stranger: i wish.
    You: so u're virgin
    Stranger: sort of.
    You: how come sort of virgin =0
    Stranger: well, yes.
    Stranger: are you
    You: nope. i've **ed lot of people...
    Stranger: impressive
    You: try have some fun, but always use a condom
    You: babe
    Stranger: i have a girlfriend though
    You: so you're bi?
    Stranger: ok
    You: dont break her heart
    You: if you only interested in men
    Stranger: i never would.
  • 北京狗狗
    You: ** chinese and you are horny again half a hour later
    Stranger: thats not funny, that a little racist

    Stranger: drunk china man comes home
    Stranger: climbs into bed next to his wife
    Stranger: she wakes up
    Stranger: he says "come on honey, I want a 69"
    Stranger: she says "I ain't making you beef chow mein at this time of night"
    Stranger: BOOM BOOM
    Stranger: a little racist, but its ok because its funny
    You: i didn't get it
    You: what's a 69
    Stranger: sex or a number on a chinese menu
    Stranger: are you old enough for those sort of jokes?
    You: yeah,i'm like 14
  • d
    Stranger: Hi, if you are a girl and have webcam, please strip for meI'm 15.
    You: well
    You: thats illegal in most part of the world...
  • d
    You: hello
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: from?
    You: china
    You: u too...
    Stranger: woshi obama
    You: woshi father of obama
    Stranger: haha
  • 我装错了XBOX360
  • 北京狗狗
    不玩了,洗洗睡。 等封大陆IP之后用VPN上去耍
  • m
  • r
    You: Are you working now?
    Stranger: i am working, but i am waiting till I can go to lunch.
    You: The company must be loose...
    Stranger: It is a slow day
  • g
    Stranger: Bonjour
    You: 草泥马
    Stranger: 草泥马
    Stranger: 豆瓣来的吧
    You: 不是 TG的
  • r
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: 垒猴!
    Stranger: hey
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  • 凶残的存在
  • 三派聚义

  • g