CAPCOM: E3 2008 Press Conference开了

  • 酒多是我爹
    CAPCOM: E3 2008 Press Conference开了
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  • 酒多是我爹
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    :awkward: :awkward: 好吧
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  • 酒多是我爹
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    MH3不会在E3公布吧 这系列在欧美效率很惨淡啊
  • 洋葱武士
    4:52 - We just got into the conference room, only 22 minutes late!

    4:53 - OMG Peer has an iPhone.

    4:57 - Someone\'s on stage!

    4:58 - Capcom appreciates us being here and has something important to say. And that is...

    Lost Planet movie!

    4:59 - Showing a refresher trailer of the videogame. Oh yeah... there was snow.

    5:00 - \"Lost Planet has what it takes to make a fantastic Hollywood production,\" says Capcom.

    5:01 - They\'ve brought up Avi Arad, and screenwriter David Hayter.

    5:02 - Arad is speaking. \"Games are more story driven. they have main characters and main villains. they have love stories and are about hope. Lost Planet is dealing in a very imaginative way that is very close to our heart. Energy. Energy is driving war and peace, love and hate and is completely necessary to survive.\"

    5:03 - Arad likes the many themes and elements to Lost Planet. the whodunit plot, the huge ice landscapes.

    5:05 - Warner Bros is the partner and distributor.

    5:06 - The screens are showing concept art for the game, levels, characters, all of which could be used directly for the film.

    5:07 - Hayter is a big fan of videogames. He was a writer for the X-Men films and is the voice of Solid Snake.

    5:08 - 2 and a half years. Hopefully released in 2011.

    5:09 - Hayter is speaking now. He\'s currently complimenting Arad.

    5:11 - Hayter: \"The story is really compelling.\" Compares Lost Planet visually to John Carpenter\'s The Thing.

    5:12 - Ari Arad introduces Keiji Inafune, the executive producer for Lost Planet.

    5:13 - Inafune: \"When we started Lost Planet we set out to make a game that would become a major Hollywood movie.\"

    5:15 - Inafune: \"We wanted to create exciting moments that would make a great movie.\" Huge ice vistas, love story, mystery and massive robots.

    5:16 - Capcom understood that they wanted to make a game that would become a movie. Others outside of Capcom didn\'t.

    5:17 - Inafune says Arad is the person that understands this game the most and how they want to put it on the big screen.

    5:19 - Inafune: \"I\'m looking forward to working hard to make this a successful transition from the gaming world.\"

    5:20 - Inafune is pleased that David Hayter is working on it.

    5:21 - Spider-Man is one of Inafune\'s favorite movies.

    5:22 - I predict the next guy to speak will be happy they\'re making the movie and will like the crew he\'s got.

    5:23 - Wait he\'s talking about how expensive movies are and how they like to get branded movies? This guy is a suit!

    5:25 - Testu Fujimura of Filosophia is up. We have the same eyeglasses.

    5:25 - \"Lost Planet is the biggest video game adaptation ever.\"

    5:26 - Haruhiro Tsujimoto is up next. \"We\'ve had success with our other movie adaptation Street Fighter and Resident Evil.\"

    5:27 - Did he even SEE those movies? That\'s success? Lost Planet may be screwed.

    5:28 -Tsujimoto commends Arad for making good comic book movies.

    5:29 - Tsujimoto: \"We hope to work with Arad to turn other Capcom properties into movies.\"

    5:30 And.... apparently that\'s it. That was short!
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    失落的棒子电影版,编剧:David Hayter:vampire:

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    David Hayter

    :awkward: 老蛇泪流满面
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  • 正版万岁
    :cruel: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • 酒多是我爹